View Full Version : Changes at Work - could be worse but I keep crying!

03-14-2007, 10:20 AM
The library is going through some changes and a bit of restructuring and I am caught up in it. Starting May 7th, I am being transferred to the Circulation Department on the 1st floor. I lose my office and my current phone extenstion/voice mail.

I will still do web work and some of my other current duties but they will be secondary to the Circulation duties.

I won't take a pay cut, however, those that make the most in Circulation get the less desirable shifts.

My new work hours will be 5 p.m. - 1 a.m.

This'll either be Monday-Friday or Sunday-Thursday... that much hasn't been decided.

I'm trying to cope with this decision. I really like all my coworkers and I will no longer see them as they all work during the day. At least two days a week I will be the only full time person in the building with a small staff of part time students helping out.

I have been promised and reassured that I did nothing wrong to instigate this change. I just can't help but feel I'm being punished though. :(

I know I can look for another job, but the market here is not that great and the benefits I get by working here are wonderful. But I might float my resume nevertheless.

Andy will continue to work his morning shift but will start looking for an evening shift full time. But until then, I'll only see him on the weekends. :(

Our marriage has hit a bit of a rough patch recently and we're seeing a counselor.

Could use some good thoughts through all of this.

03-14-2007, 11:35 AM
I would stick it out on your new job and see how it goes. Who knows, you may end up liking it.

I hope you & your hubby can work things out. Sounds like you're in the right direction by going to counseling. So many couples just give up.

Take care.

03-14-2007, 11:58 AM
With those hours you will hardly see your husband. Is that good or bad, you will have to decide?

03-14-2007, 12:06 PM
Thoughts and Prayers going your way!
I am so sorry that this is making you so sad, I hope that it will work out in a more positive manner :)

03-14-2007, 12:13 PM
I'm sorry to hear about having to change hours and locations. Work is stressful enough without having to deal with changes like that. I hope it turns out to be alright, maybe you will meet some new people and get along well with your new co-workers.

I know what it's like to only get to see your husband on the weekends, too, it's tough. Until recently when I quit one of my jobs, I only got to see Eric on the weekends because of our different shifts. It was difficult, but you guys will find a way to work it out.

03-14-2007, 12:18 PM
Thanks guys. I'm definitely going to give it a shot. I won't have many people in the way of coworkers. Just another full time person some days, and at least 3 part time people. Compared to the 15+ people I work with now.

With those hours you will hardly see your husband. Is that good or bad, you will have to decide?
Hubby, myself, and the conselor agree that us working different shifts is not a good thing. We need to see each other and communicate to work things out and by not seeing each other only delays the progress and avoids the problem.

Don't get me wrong, hubby and I love each other very much. We don't fight or abuse each other. If anything we are too complacent. We have one big personal problem and a lot of small ones stemming from that.

03-14-2007, 12:22 PM
Well that pretty much sucks. :( I'm sorry to hear things are so unsettled
right now Kimmy. Will you both still be able to do the counseling with the
new hours? I have worked graveyard shift before & must say I never did get
used to the hours. I was mostly a zombie the whole time.

There are others who adjust very well to off hours & say they love having
some time off during normal working daytime hours. have you ever tried it
before? It wouldn't hurt to update your resume anyway. I wish you both
the best of luck. (((Hugs)))

Daisy and Delilah
03-14-2007, 12:24 PM
I'm sorry if I missed a thread somewhere but working in a library myself, I have to ask. Why is your library opened so late? Again, I probably should know this but I can't remember. What is your job there if you don't mind me asking? I'm always interested in library info.

I have just recently transferred to Circulation. It's a very busy place. No time for even taking a deep breath :)

I wish you all the best. Both at the library and at home. :)

03-14-2007, 12:29 PM
Will you both still be able to do the counseling with the
new hours?
We won't be able to go together unless he found a job with similar hours. I think until then, I'll continue to see Janet, but it's up to Andy if he wants to go talk to her privately. We both like her.

have you ever tried it
before? It wouldn't hurt to update your resume anyway. I wish you both
the best of luck. (((Hugs)))
Thanks. :) Back in high school/college, I worked at a grocery store and would occasionaly work till Midnight, but the schedule would change weekly so it was never a set work time. I mainly worked days or afternoons.

Andy loves the evening shift. Since I've never worked it for a long period of time, I'm not sure how I'll like it, but I'm willing to try.

03-14-2007, 12:32 PM
I'm sorry if I missed a thread somewhere but working in a library myself, I have to ask. Why is your library opened so late?
It's a law school library. :)

What is your job there if you don't mind me asking? I'm always interested in library info.
I was hired in as an in house web technician. It's what my degree is in. I also helped with the online catalog, exams, and worked with faculty as well.

Daisy and Delilah
03-14-2007, 01:32 PM
Thanks, sounds very interesting :)

03-14-2007, 02:14 PM
Aww I"m sorry to hear things are tough right now. I will send good thoughts your way so that hopefully everything will work out for your best good in the end. I hope you are able to enjoy work, or find a new job you like better, and that you are able to work things out with Andy. Don't despair, it will all be okay even if it's sometimes hard. Wishing you the best.

03-14-2007, 02:56 PM
Oh sweetheart, I am so sorry to hear these things. Change is so very hard, but adding problems at home just compounds it! :( I agree that working on your relationship with Andy needs to take priority right now. Exactly "how" you are going to work that out, I wish I had an answer / solution for you! :confused: Please try to remember that the first year(s) of marriage are the very HARDEST! You learn so many things about eachother that seemed non-existant beforehand! :eek: You two WILL get through these rough patches and come out stronger and closer at the end of them! ;) If you want to talk / vent / share, I am only a PM away! ;)


03-14-2007, 03:05 PM
Aw I am so sorry about what's going on. I would never ever be able to put up with a 5pm to 1 am shift, so if you do, then I really admire you. That's a really long shift and a very inconvenient one too. I will definately keep you in my prayers that your work will get better and also that you and your husband will be able to patch things up together:)

03-14-2007, 03:21 PM
I am so sorry about that. I worked swing shift before kids and loved it but I hate to see you and Andy have any stress put on your lovely new marriage. You guys are so cute together and it has always seemed like your a perfect match.

03-14-2007, 03:59 PM
((((hugs)))) I am so sorry you are going through stress at work. Work itself is usually stressful enough without adding to it. I hope that you find a solution. I'm glad that you and Andy are seeing a counselor for your problems, I have seen one before and it really helped. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. More ((((hugs))))

03-14-2007, 04:17 PM
When Paul and I were first married, we often worked opposite shifts, but it was worth sticking it out. You will be in our prayers, okay?

03-14-2007, 07:43 PM
Thanks for all the good thoughts everyone. It's comforting. :)

03-14-2007, 07:48 PM
:eek: Gosh Kim, i'm so sorry! That sounds like a horrible shift, but you never know, maybe it won't be too bad. Trust that everything's in Divine Order. As for counseling...perhaps you can find a time that will still work for both of you. It's a good thing. ;) (((hugs))), you'll be in my prayers!

finn's mom
03-14-2007, 07:53 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you're having a rough time. :( I'm thinking of you and wishing you the best. Marriage is such hard work! I admire you for seeing someone, though, to help out.

03-14-2007, 07:57 PM
I don't know if this will help...but I heard a saying once: "The worst year of marriage is the one you're in." :)


03-14-2007, 08:14 PM
Lots of postive thoughts coming your way, Kimmy! Hope all works out for the best.

03-14-2007, 10:20 PM
It's a law school library. :)

I was hired in as an in house web technician. It's what my degree is in. I also helped with the online catalog, exams, and worked with faculty as well.

If you were hired as a web tech, why would they put you in circulation?! That is a bizarre change. Are they downsizing?

I'm lucky with my library job. I'm a public school librarian and a member of a union. Actually on the executive board of the union, so they really don't want to mess with me, lol. They can move us from school to school, but unless I have certification in another area, I won't be moved to a different teaching position. Normally, unless I want a transfer, or the principal of the school and I wouldn't mesh, I wouldn't change schools or levels. I was in elementary for 8years, but then I decided I wanted to move up to middle school for a less busy schedule, but more research oriented and web duties. I did have to interview for it, even though it was in the same district, but thankfully I did get it (the former librarian in that position retired after 38 years).

03-14-2007, 10:47 PM
Kimmy, I'm sorry to hear that things are so stressful in your life right now.:( I hope that everything will work out for you and Andy and at your job. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Please take care.

03-15-2007, 12:18 AM
Well, I work days, and I work nights, and I work weekends, so I see the range of possibilities...

The nice thing about working nights (though it sounds like you will be doing more like evenings, even better!) is that you will be able to get "stuff" done during the day that is usually hard to get done if you work days--bank, shopping when it's not crazy busy, etc. The down side is that you're off when everyone else is working, but you just have to consolidate your social time on your off days, and use the other days to get all your "errands" and such taken care of.

It is important to get into a regular sleep routine, preferably your usual amount all at once. Some people can come home and get to sleep pretty quickly and then stay on a more usual routine, others need more time to wind down, etc, but then you MUST sleep enough before you get up again.

Good Luck!

Jake's mom

03-15-2007, 06:14 AM
I would never ever be able to put up with a 5pm to 1 am shift, so if you do, then I really admire you. That's a really long shift and a very inconvenient one too.

That's my take on it too. I would have a very difficult time adjusting my biological clock to this kind of a shift and would suspect it would make it difficult to getting a good restful sleep. That said, some people might actually enjoy it. Nothing wrong with going with the flow and seeing how it works out for you. On you and Andy having different shifts, that could create a stressor on your relationship, but I do believe your love will help get you through whatever obstacles are encountered. In the end, working through a difficult situation can make your relationship even stronger. Stay focused on what is really important at both work and home. Hugs to you. I hope that this will be something that you can look back on and find that it directed you to an even better place in life.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-15-2007, 08:13 AM

Give it some time and I'm sure things will begin to look up soon. The first part of the change is always the hardest. You are a newlywed woman and now a new shift. It could be the beginning of something GREAT for you..

03-15-2007, 08:27 AM
If you were hired as a web tech, why would they put you in circulation?! That is a bizarre change. Are they downsizing?

Actually it's the opposite. The school is growing so much that they need more staff and there have been a lot of internal promotions. But instead of going to the President and asking to hire more staff, the Director looked a the staff he already had and tried to figure how he could better utilize them.

A lot of the web work has waned in the past years so I've been helping out with other projects. I feel very lucky that they are willing to train me to do Circulation. With that shift, there are also days where I will be the one in charge. A huge responsbility and I'm so honored that they trust me with that.

There are pros and cons, but we'll work it all out. :)

I'm sure my body will need time to adjust, but like many have said, I might enjoy having the days to run errands or take the dogs to the park. :)

And until Andy finds an evening shift, the dogs will always have someone at home. :) I'm sure they'll like that.

I'll miss my evening shows, but that's what VCR's are for. :D

03-15-2007, 08:42 AM
What software system do they use for their circ and cataloging?? We're using Winnebago/Sagebrush right now, but since Follett bought them out, we will be switching over to Destiny more than likely. We are also looking at TLC (the library company) software, although it is not widely used in PA, and only one school so far has it here, so that would be tough for support. Using Sagebrush's circulation program is fairly simple. I actually taught my students to do it in elementary school so that when substitute came in, at least someone would know how to handle the computer!! I also used it as a reward for good behavior. Behave and you get to sign out books for your classmates!! They love it! Even in middle school they love it. That and stamping the date due in the books. We don't have the automated SLIP machine to print out the information (heck, we probably won't even have a budget for our book order this year... they had to hire more administrators so they froze our district budget for everything else. Priorities here are messed up).

03-15-2007, 08:51 AM
We're using Innovative Interfaces.

Despite having a Circulation Desk, not many of our titles circulate. It's so different than a typical university library or public library. :)

Here's our catalog:

I've done a lot of work behind the scenes in the way of look and functionality, but the systems and programming part of it is over my head. *laughs* I've never used the catalog so that'll be a learning curve. :)

03-15-2007, 12:53 PM
Praying for you! ;)

03-15-2007, 06:28 PM
i've worked almost all shifts (hospital) and for me, the 4-12 was good. i got a lot of stuff done at home b/c the dog needed to go for a walk i was up by 9, i walked alex, got to exercise, cleaned house, made crockpot dinners, made appointments. the 2 things i'd mention as problems, 'k 3- too much late night tv sometimes, hard to get together with girlfriends, and packing lunch, eating after 8 pm was hard, i'd be hungry, but heavy food made me loggy, so i ate soup and salads alot. i got tired of soups, so i crockpotted a lot of stuff when i got home, then when i got up at 9, i'd pack lunch for that night. hope this helps

03-15-2007, 06:36 PM
I'm sorry you're going threw a hard time, Kimmy :( Wish I was there to give you a hug! I'm a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, and although we're not sure why things are hard for you now, there's a reason for it and it'll all work out in the end.

I hope you're ok and things start getting easier :( (((((Hugs)))))

03-15-2007, 08:21 PM
Thanks for the tips Joyce! :)

We had a good session tonight with the conselor. Things are looking up. :)

03-15-2007, 08:58 PM
glad to hear that. ((HUGS))