View Full Version : Another stray female... And a little something I wrote about Aces...*PICS*

03-13-2007, 11:32 PM
First I wanted to type what I wrote about Aces. Just personal thoughts...

It might have taken me a year to gain his trust, but the moment he put down his guard, and my hand touched his battle scarred head, you could see he thought it was a tiny taste of heaven on earth.
The gleam in his eyes when the hard food hits the food dish is undeniable. You know, when you are a street cat, food is not promised or guaranteed.
The tiny hiss that he lets out, right before that sweet low meow is all a front. He means me no harm.. He just wants to make it clear, he is a lonely heart, and has to make sure he wont get hurt, even by me.
The was his cheeks are way too big for his face, and his teeth are a mess, lets me know without a doubt he needs his forever home desperately. A real home of his own. He longs for human companionship. A warm home, and a loving owner to make him king of their castle. He wants to protect. He begs for that.
The apprieciation he shows for the little bit I do for him, is amazing. He has to hide from predators, fights for territory, and sleeps anywhere semi safe he can find. Wet or dry. I can not imagine not having a safe place to lay my head nightly.
His courage is inspiring. His loyalty unwavering. He is a stray street cat, unwanted by too many, people constantly trying to hurt him, yet he still pushes on, looking for love.
His life is worthless to others, so very important to me.. And esp. to God.
He is a living, loving kitty. A creature of the Lord. And an Angel in my eyes.
One single grey tabby cat, rattled with battle scars, drooling from the pleasure of rubbing against my legs, Grasping for someone, anyone to love him. In a world where so many animals get overindulged, why hasnt he had that pleasure? He certainly derserves it... THEY ALL DO!

NOW: why I posted this thread.

It was so sweet, I had been seeing this white/black little girl for a few days. But she was WAY too scared to come to me. I tried everything, but failed. Last night I went out to do one last check on the food dish before bed, next thing I know Aces runs up to me, (falling over all the way, his feet slip constantly), and then runs to my barn. Over and over this happened, until he comes out with said kitty in his mouth. He was actually trying to DRAG her over to me! It worked, because she followed him (after a swift pop to his snout for the attempt at carrying her). He lead her to me, literally! I cant take her in yet, I just have no room with Abigail in the only cage I have. But in the next day or two, I will bring her inside also. All day today Aces and Annabelle (her new name) Have been together. I think he is watching out for her. Here are the pictures: Excuse the date, my camera batteries went dead, and I was trying to hurry so they wouldnt leave, and just put in new ones without setting the date....










03-13-2007, 11:33 PM



Thanks for reading/looking! Katie and kits

Scooter's Mom
03-14-2007, 07:31 AM
What a sweet kitty Aces is. Annabelle is very pretty and very lucky to have Aces looking out for her.

I sure wish there was something I could do. :( I'm sending a lot of prayers though, hopefully they will help.

03-14-2007, 08:08 AM
Ha ha he he, Oh my. My laugh for the morning, jsut trying to picture an adult male trying to carry an almost adult(?) female cat to the safe house! Swat on the nose deserved, I think!

What a marvel these critters are! I am so glad that both these sweeties have you looking out for them!

03-14-2007, 09:22 AM
Wow, ANOTHER mustache kitty!! Well Katie, I think you should name your household The Mustache Kitty Ranch. :D
Way to go Aces for helping Annabelle. That's too cute!!!

03-14-2007, 09:34 AM
What a GREAT kitty! He thinks of others and tries to take care of the little cat by introducing you.

03-14-2007, 09:36 AM
Does Aces have something wrong that his feet slip and he falls, or is there ice or something that I'm missing. He sounds so sweet!! Annabell is adorable!!

smokey the elder
03-14-2007, 10:38 AM
It looks like Annabelle is kneading!

03-14-2007, 03:14 PM
Annabel is cute but I think Abbie is cuter.

03-14-2007, 03:19 PM
What a beautiful tribute to dear Ace!
AnnaBelle is gorgeous (I love her name) and how very sweet that Ace was trying to show her to the perfect place for her! ;)

03-14-2007, 09:35 PM
OMG Katie, your tribute to Aces had me in tears. Poor sweet dear boy. I am so happy to hear that he is finally starting to trust you. Scaredy cats like him just break my heart and I want to take them in my arms and let them know that they will never have to scared again. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for taking care of him. He is such a gorgeous tabby.
That is just too darn sweet the way he brought Annabelle to you. She seems like a real sweetheart headbumping your hand and allowing you to pet her.

Bless you for helping all this kitties. I've said this before and I'll say it again, but you are truely their Guardian Angel. :)

03-15-2007, 06:20 AM
Katie, that story about Aces moved me so much. What a wonderful little boy he really is, all he wants is to be able to trust somebody, and he's found you and knows deep down he has found an angel human who will never do him harm. I wish I could have him, he's just so sweet.
And annabelle is so gorgeous, just look at her tentatively craving attention but still a little nervous.
Please keep us updated about how all the cats your caring for are doing.