View Full Version : Trip to park cancelled due to bad dog sydrome!

03-13-2007, 12:06 PM
well today is absolutely beautiful out, it's supposed to be in the 70's which is def. new to us iowan's who just last week was below freezing. all the snow has been melting so it's a muddy mess and i really didnt want to take them to the park today since i wanted to be lazy on my day off and not have to give all 3 a bath for the 3 time in 4 days but on my way home from corona's vet appt i changed my mind....
i had all the windows in my car rolled down and pulled up to my house to run in and grab the other two and head to the park...after repeadedly telling corona to stay and ill be right back she must have suddenly forgot how to listen and jumped out the window...i was half way up my front steps when i noticed she was climbing into the window so i started saying hey hey hey...no dont you dare corona! but she did it anyway... so she got in trouble and put back in the car...(she finally stayed after she got in trouble)
i went into the house to get the other two who anytime see the front door open they automatically think it's time to go bye bye...which is was but i wanted to walk them out since ya just never know who will be walking on the sidewalk so they were pretty good staying just a little in front of me until we reached the porch when cainan just cant hold his excitement anymore and took off running towards my car...(the whole time im yelling out to him to stop and stay or to come back) but do you really think he'll listen...NOPE!
so i finally got him back up to the porch and i shut him in the doorway in the middle of the outside door and my front door as i put coco in the car.
SOOO were off to the park right...we pull up and i get out of the car and figure hey ill leave the windows down to air out the car and since it's nice out...why not right? well i shut my front door and tell the pups to stay so i can open the door without getting run over in the process...
aparently to coco that ment to jump out the window...too...thankfully i caught her in mid jump and pushed her back into the car...so i made all the pups sit in the back seat as i rolled all the windows in the car up(but left them each down about 2 inches for air) and let the other two out and let coco sit in the time out in the car...
i was getting ready to go get coco after a few minutes when cainan and corona decided to drink out of mud puddles(in the parking lot) which by the way always have oil stains on(just like any other parking lot) so i tell them to stop which of course cainan doesnt care...he wants to drink dirty nasty water that can make him sick instead.
so they both ran about 10 feet away from me to an even bigger puddle in the middle of the park..and drank and drank and drank! i was fed up...you just never know what kind of pesticides or whatever is in treated grass so after much yelling across the park to make them stop...corona does but cainan still doesnt care...i finally have to stomp threw (up to my ankles) mud and yuckie water and pull him to the car.
so were on the way home...and i pull up outside my house and leash corona's leash i still had in my car from her earlier vet appt. through all their collars so they know im not messing around and want to get straight into the house...
well coco is the only one not wanting to walk up the front steps so i put the leash out in front of them and pull while im standing behind coco and pushing with my legs...for some reason i look behind me and see a lady staring at me with her children...just staring(so im prolly gonna get the doggie cops called on me) so then i figure well now i have to explain myself to the whole world, so finally i give coco a good shove on her rear with my legs and i kinda say loud enough so the lady could hear me "come on guys...you are in alot of trouble...get inside" just to clear up anything the weird lady may think.
but now all the puppies are in their kennels...
grr... i was looking forward to going to the park but i just hate when they dont listen...
i feel better i just had to vent!

03-13-2007, 01:32 PM
Wow, I have a hard time with one dog at the park, much less 3. I'm sorry your trip was not enjoyable. Hey you 3 C's.....you'd better start listening to your mommy!! Or it will be no more trips for you!! ;) :p
I hope next time will be better for all involved. :D

03-13-2007, 01:34 PM
Wow, I have a hard time with one dog at the park, much less 3.
and to think...i want more!! haha

03-13-2007, 01:42 PM
Three can be a handful at times - when I had three at once, I decided 3 was too many for me.

I NEVER roll the car windows down far enough for them to get through, never ever. My last car had an automatic window button on the arm of the door... I looked over once and saw Rosie standing on it with her head out the window & and the window was going all the way down! I turned it off.

Also, I use a leash to get them to the car, even if it's a short way. Don't know about labs, but with huskies, you can never be too careful. They're gone in a flash, and they think it's a great game to stay one step out of your reach.

You may want to try these two things for your next trip, and see if it doesn't go a easier on you. :) The dogs won't be all nervous from getting yelled at either.

03-13-2007, 01:44 PM
normally i dont roll the back windows down quite so fair but corona being so much shorter then the other two i didnt think it was far for the other two to be able to stick their noses out the window and corona just look up at them and stare with her little heart breaking(i could just tell it was hehe) im such a push over!

03-14-2007, 08:38 AM
I always walk the dogs to the truck AND attach them to seat belts immediately. I know they would love to stick their heads out the window, but I don't need vet bills from the junk flying around. And if there was an accident, I wouldn't have to worry about them running off.

It only takes a second to hook them up.

03-14-2007, 04:06 PM
Sorry to hear the trip was cut short because of nawtee doggies, but I have to say I was laughing under my breath because I've had that same experience (well not exactly the same but close enough :o ) and it's not fun. Now I never take all 3 unless hubby or someone else is along. Three big dogs are quite a lot to handle.
Hope everyone isn't in too much trouble;)

03-15-2007, 05:03 AM
I find that Sadie is more excited when the weather first gets nice because walks and outings are less frequent in the winter.

Once trips to the park are more frequent she will not take off when off leash or pull when on leash, but for the first real park trip she looks insane walking in every direction with tongue hanging out as though this is the first and last time I will allow her out.

Not to say it's ok for the dogs to be bad, but it is understandable. It's been the same weather here - freezing for so long and now a day of 70 degrees - I am so ready for spring.