View Full Version : Taggart. My foster dog.

03-13-2007, 01:08 AM
This is Taggart. I've been taking care of him for a couple of days until he finds a new home... or at least that's what I keep telling myself :rolleyes: He fits in so well here that my heart keeps telling me that I am a complete idiot if I let him go... But yeah.. I don't know ...

I'm not fostering him through any organisation or shelter. The mother of a friend of mine picked him up (well actually kidnapped him..)and because her Samoyed is quite dog aggressive she couldn't keep him at her house and so she called me.
The owners live next door to my friends grandmother and she says he is constantly kept on a leash outside and never taken for walks or anything.. He has also clearly not been fed very much.
If he has ever been inside it has got have been a basement or something because I seriously doubt he has ever seen the inside of a proper house before.. He gets scared of the television, water faucet, telephone.. you name it.

But still, he is such a sweet dog and he learns extremely fast. He has only been here since Thursday and already knows sit, lay down and shake. He also knows to sit down and wait before the door is opened and before the food is served.

He loves to play with Tiki and is also starting to invite Leo to play (at first he was terrified of Leo)

He’s definitely a mixed breed.. You’re welcome to take a guess to what kind. I am saying Border Collie/something :) The vet said he was about a year old.

Anyway. On with the pictures. Sorry for the bad quality. I use my video camera to take pictures because I don't own a regular digital camera.

Head shot. Look at that cute tongue.

I'm not scared of the camera anymore.

Profile shot

Laying down

More of him laying down. Notice the spots on his leg?

Closeup of the spots . Almost like a English setter :)

03-13-2007, 01:10 AM

Taggart and Tiki

And another one

Taggart and Leo. Come on kitty! Please play with me!

And finally. A group photo.

hehe.. sorry for posting so many pictures :o I guess I'm just throughly in love with this dog..


03-13-2007, 01:15 AM
Aww Taggart is such a cutie! He does remind me of T.j, with his english setter spots! He also has the english setter feathering!

Lilith Cherry
03-13-2007, 01:16 AM
Oh please keep him! he is just so loving and smart and obviously thinks he has found his furever home. Good luck!

Ginger's Mom
03-13-2007, 06:46 AM
Ooh I love him. Thank you so much for helping to save this handsome guy, he deserves a loving home life. I really love the last picture, it looks like a real family. ;) Well, I am hoping that you decide to keep him. And give Tiki and Leo an extra hug from me for making the new guy feel so welcome.

03-13-2007, 07:06 AM
Oh how cute! I just love his fluffy tail and his freckels!
I love the one with him in a play bow with Leo!
Clearly it's LOVE all the way around!


critter crazy
03-13-2007, 07:19 AM
Taggert is just a cute guy! Love the freckles!!:D

03-13-2007, 08:02 AM
Oh what a lucky boy that TWO people cared enough about him to make him go "POOF!" I think that family portrait is a wonderful shot, frame it and keep him!

Taggart - after the TV program, right? I recognize the name!

Bless you for caring for him!

03-13-2007, 08:08 AM
He looks like he fits right in there!! Thanks for helping him either way!! What a true blessing that is for him.

03-13-2007, 12:29 PM
Taggart is adorable!!!

03-13-2007, 01:26 PM
Oh my goodness....that Taggart looks like a keeper to me. I am hoping to see a foster failure in the future!! :D ;)

03-13-2007, 01:32 PM
He's a cutie! I do like the ticking on his legs. Good luck finding hima forever home!

03-13-2007, 09:48 PM
Awwwe, he looks like such a sweetie. Thanks for taking him in :- )

I love the pic of Leo! It looks like a paw print on his back!

I say to keep Taggart if that's what your heart is telling you. On a promise i made before i started fostering a kitty i forced myself to get rid of her. It was a HUGE mistake. A regrettable one. We still grieve over the loss of her. She was a good addition to our household. That was six years ago. As someone who's been there I urge to to seriously consider how you'd feel with out Taggart in your life. Don't end up making the same mistake we did. If you do find another home for him make absolutely sure it is the right home for him. Make sure you'll get to see him again. Listen you your gut when you're placing him. If you get any bad feeling don't go through with it!

Good luck to him on facing his fears!!!

And as i said in the other thread, personally i think he looks a LOT like a Shelti mix.

This is Taggart. I've been taking care of him for a couple of days until he finds a new home... or at least that's what I keep telling myself :rolleyes: He fits in so well here that my heart keeps telling me that I am a complete idiot if I let him go... But yeah.. I don't know ...

I'm not fostering him through any organisation or shelter. The mother of a friend of mine picked him up (well actually kidnapped him..)and because her Samoyed is quite dog aggressive she couldn't keep him at her house and so she called me.
The owners live next door to my friends grandmother and she says he is constantly kept on a leash outside and never taken for walks or anything.. He has also clearly not been fed very much.
If he has ever been inside it has got have been a basement or something because I seriously doubt he has ever seen the inside of a proper house before.. He gets scared of the television, water faucet, telephone.. you name it.

But still, he is such a sweet dog and he learns extremely fast. He has only been here since Thursday and already knows sit, lay down and shake. He also knows to sit down and wait before the door is opened and before the food is served.

He loves to play with Tiki and is also starting to invite Leo to play (at first he was terrified of Leo)

He’s definitely a mixed breed.. You’re welcome to take a guess to what kind. I am saying Border Collie/something :) The vet said he was about a year old.

Anyway. On with the pictures. Sorry for the bad quality. I use my video camera to take pictures because I don't own a regular digital camera.

03-14-2007, 01:20 AM
Thanks for the replies.

So far only one lady has showed interest in adopting him. She said she should call me back and arrange a time to come see him but she never called back! It takes about a hour for her to drive here but apparently that seemed to be quite a challenge for her. I don't think only one hour of driving is a big deal if you're serious about getting a new dog.. If I am to give him to someone I want them to show more enthusiasm and commitment.. also it helps to have the common courtesy to call me back like you promised :rolleyes: .. So yeah.. This lady is already off the list.

My dad has been showing interest in keeping him but I don't think that's a good idea. My dad doesn't know a lot about training dogs.. and this guy will need some training since he doesn't really know how to act in a house.
My dad will also only be able to offer him regular walks on a leash and I think this guy will need more than that to stay happy.

But still, it's good news that my dad already likes him because he is my most trustworthy "babysitter" :D

Oh and yes the name Taggart is from the Scottish detective series.


03-14-2007, 08:16 AM
Taggert-AA= Absolutely Adorable :D

03-14-2007, 05:35 PM
What a gorgeous dog! Love the markings and colors! :D

03-14-2007, 06:42 PM
Taggart is beautiful. Good luck with finding a forever home, although I think he fits in with your crew nicely, their colors are matching! AND their names both start with a T. ;) You know you want to be a foster failure! :p

03-15-2007, 05:57 AM
I'm afraid I have to agree with what has already been noted. He seems to be a perfect fit to your little brood, not only personalitywise but color coordination. :p Color coordination sounds like a odd thing to take into consideration but I take it as a *sign* that this little fellow is meant to be a part of your family. It happened to me when I was looking to adopt another dog, but wanted a female. I almost didn't want to see the male dog a business associate was looking to place instead of taking back to the shelter, but what was the harm so she brought him over. His coloring just was so complimentary to my Hannah's that it struck me. That got him the reprieve to stay the weekend and I soon discovered what a wonderful fit he was to our family. That was 8 years ago and it was the best decision of my life. Tucker's middle name is Love and it speaks volumes.

Taggart is a doll and I think that under your loving care he will show you the same kind of appreciation for saving him that my Tucker has shown me. There is nothing more rewarding than giving a sweet little dog the life that he is entitled to and one who has known neglect and abuse will never ever take you or your kindess for granted. I don't know if you've had two dogs before, but it is very difficult to ever go back to being a one dog family once you've experienced living with two. Please keep us updated on Taggart.