View Full Version : Help with New Dog

03-12-2007, 10:37 PM
Ok hubby and I have finally decided we are ready for a new dog. It has been a very hard almost 5 mos now since we lost Ginger. I need some help from all of you though, if you would not mind giving it.
We are not sure yet if we are going to get a puppy or a dog as old as 3yrs old. It has been 15yrs since I have had to train a dog or a puppy, so I need some advice, on potty training, chewing, staying out of the cat food, etc, any and all advice is very much wanted. I have never crate trained either, is this a good thing or bad thing???
Also, we have a 14yr old cat, any advice to make the transistion easier for her???? she is not going to be a happy girl I can tell you that right now. lol
Oh also I work 12hr shifts, my husband works typical 8 to 9 hrs but they are both night shifts, we get home same time in the morning, i have more days off during the week then he does, so if that changes any of the advice there you have it....
thank you in advance to all or whomever might reply.

03-13-2007, 12:17 AM
Woo Hoo!! I am so excited!! Please let me know how it goes at the local shelters. I know you guys will eventually find the perfect dog that is waiting for you to save him/her.

When we got Zoee we just held onto to Zoee so she wouldn't chase Taz. Then when we learned that all she wanted to do was play, we were able to let them get acquainted on their own terms. I will tell you though, we have had Zoee for almost two years and they have just recently come to terms with each other. Zoee has learned that Taz does NOT want to play, and Taz has learned that Zoee is not going to eat him. LOL

We were also lucky, I think, with Zoee and the chewing. Anytime she had something she should not be chewing on we would give her a toy that is okay for her to chew. She never destroyed anything by chewing.

Staying out of the cat food. We have Taz's food up on a TV tray in the corner and anytime Zoee went in that area we would redirect her away from it. She still sneaks into the cat box every once in a while. YICK!!

As far as crate training goes, that is your preference. We did not crate train Zoee. However, since you and Hubby will not be home during the night, it might be a good idea to crate train the new dog. Do a search on here about crate training, I know there are a few threads about it, with some very good advice.

Well, my advice is just that.....advice. I am only speaking from experience and I am sure there are others that have more and better ideas. :D
I know there are some very knowledgeable dog trainers on here as well. :)
Good Luck!! And I look forward to hearing from you.

03-13-2007, 08:07 AM
Hm, that's a long time for a dog to be alone. A puppy would need to use wee wee pads, and a small dog needs to go out every 4 hours. So maybe a medium sized dog that is already trained would be the best thing for you?

When I adopted Sugar last December, the adoption program suggested a baby gate so the cats had a place to get away from the dog (Sugar can't jump over it.) Well, after 2.5 hours it bacame clear that we didn't need the gate, she had no interest in bothering the cats. By the 3rd night two of them were sleeping with me on the bed, with the dog as well. But the foster home had cats, so we knew that ultimately she would be OK with cats, just a question of how long she needed to get to know THESE cats.

I have never crate trained, I can't comment on that.

03-13-2007, 08:34 AM
I would recommend an older dog from a shelter. There are many who are already housetrained and have some house manners. You will know how big it will be. The people at the shelter should know something about the dog, such as it's energy level and anything that needs to be worked on. The dog can wait to go out better than a puppy. With your work schedule, an older, settled dog would be your best choice. And a shelter dog is very grateful.

I don't think you would want a puppy. They are high energy and need a lot of training and time. Even a pure-bred puppy can develop health problems.

I have three mutts and a bunch of cats. I keep the cat food on the dryer and the litter box in a room with a gate.

03-13-2007, 08:54 PM
I don't want to speak on behalf of kallisto4529, but I happen to talk to her outside of PT and she is not buying a dog, she is definitely going to rescue. :D
I just thought I'd clear that up before anyone started giving her a hard time for it...oh wait, there isn't anyone on here that does that anymore. :) hee hee

03-14-2007, 07:46 AM
I just thought I'd clear that up before anyone started giving her a hard time for it...oh wait, there isn't anyone on here that does that anymore. :) hee hee


:D Good one!!

With your scheduled... IMO... a puppy would not work out. Unless you or your hubby could come home a few times a day. If you just left a puppy with pee pads in the house to let them go whenever, housebreaking is going to be hard.

I use crates, I've been lucky because when I adopted both of my dogs they took to the crates with no problem. They are not in crates all the time, but they are today because we are expecting thunder and Buddy freaks out and will tear my doors down and/or break windows out of my house. So it's for his own safety. Otherwise, they have free roam of the house.

I think it's easier to crate train a dog in the beginning instead of waiting to see if there will be behavioral problems, THEN trying to crate train. If the dog doesn't have any problems and can be left with free roam of the house, then great!! You don't need to use a crate all the time, but it's a good thing to have them be used to it when/if it ever were to become necessary.

03-17-2007, 12:49 PM
Hey, when we gonna see pics of the new puppy? :)

03-17-2007, 01:27 PM
lol i was just talking to cindy about that, i was actually kinda nervous about posting him, because some of the members were so great with advice and i really listened to everything, but i did not want anyone upset that we went ahead and got a puppy. we were really not sure which we were going to do and when we saw him, it was complete love at first sight, he is a handful i wont lie, but we love him so much, i just cant tell you the joy he brings into our life. So if it will not offend anyone that i went and ahead and got one against there better advice i would love to share him with all of you.
thank you, marti

03-17-2007, 01:37 PM
Ummmm, yes!!! Pictures PLEASE!!!! Who wouldn't want to see pictures of the adorable little guy?! Even though I have already had a sneak peek. LOL :p