View Full Version : Follow up on Obie

03-12-2007, 07:25 PM
hehe I'm lazy and didn't feel like tracking down my old thread...but to all of those who gave me advice for riding Obie, thanks alot. I rode him saturday, and it was amazing. I really thought about what everyone said, and I was the only person in the class, so my instructor was really able to help me out. We worked alot on cantering with him, and by the end I was feeling very confident on him. When we went over jumps, I really thought about what everyone had been saying, and even previous jumping advice. I felt very springy when we were in the air. Obie is a big horse, and we can go over alot of stuff. On Joey, he's very energetic but his legs are just kinda short...On Obie, we were going over everything except oxars...he always lands bucking on those(he just doesn't like them). I know he loves to jump, and with a little tap on the shoulder, he will go over anything Ipoint him at. I love Obie. He' so gentle. Things that make Joey spook only make Obie look at it. Now that I am on the road of becoming in afraid on Obie, I realize how much I love him. When I tack him up, he doesn't bloat himself or fightthe bit...he just allows me to do it. And he loves getting kisses on the nose =] So basically, thanks everyone. Thanks for giving me tips and reassuring me. It worked. I figured...well, if he refuses a jump(which he did) or takes off early(which he also did) I've just gotta hang on and listen to Jess. I just thought of everything you guys offered and hey! it worked! =]

03-13-2007, 08:03 PM
Yay! I am so glad to hear that you and Obie are doing swell:D I knew Obie would start getting better for you, cause he sounded like a very good horse. You know what this calls for ;) Some pictures of this beautiful horse!

Keep up the great riding:)

03-14-2007, 01:56 PM
haha you'll be shocked. I HAVE PICTURES!! One of me getting him ready..one of me riding(can't really see him) and a BUNCH of me and him together in the cross-ties! I'll put them on when im on the comp(im on laptop)

03-14-2007, 02:53 PM
haha you'll be shocked. I HAVE PICTURES!! One of me getting him ready..one of me riding(can't really see him) and a BUNCH of me and him together in the cross-ties! I'll put them on when im on the comp(im on laptop)

Yay! I can't wait!:D

03-14-2007, 03:27 PM
I've got the pictures! I'm 5' 4" so you can see what a big boy he is.
^^tightening the girth
^^sorry it's sideways..i never noticed it till now
^^the picking out of the hooves
^^hehe he was trying to give me a kis...actually, he likes to chew on my brushes :]
^^my dad called my name and I was trying to see him over Obie's back
^^ A beautiful shot of his nose...=P
^^I think I was changing the stirrup length?? I can't really tell...

So there they are. Does he look like he could havebeen my worst fear? haha I think not.

03-14-2007, 05:08 PM
Wow, Obie is gorgeous! :eek: Such a pretty horse, and he does look very very big...what breed is he again? Once again that horse is so awesome, no wonder you love him so so much:D

03-15-2007, 02:04 PM
umm...well he's quite the equine mutt...but we think he's at least 1/4 thoroughbred. Thats what my instructor said, and she knows more about the horses...so yea.

I love him soo much! I have always loved him on the ground, but I am just now starting to love him when I'm mounted on him. And with Junior on the mend and unridable, I think Obie is my favorite horse/pony. Joey's just too..skittish and mean(he bite.) I love him, he just doesn't seem to love me. :D

glad you liked him!

*edit!* I never knew this, but apparently Obie has a tattoo in his lip from being trained for racing. This would mean thats he's 100% TB, right? I don't know whether its true, seeing as an 8-year-old told me, but then again, I've never looked in his mouth. I'm definitely checking, though!!!