View Full Version : Bear met her first toddler yesterday... kinda long, but cute :D

03-12-2007, 08:19 AM
As some of you know we don't get along too well with our neighbour (we share a walkway). We were going to move to a different unit, but have gotten attached to our current place & have decided to stay. SOOO we have decided to "try" to make amends with our neighbour (as in starting fresh & forgetting the past 100%)...

I heard the son-in-law (he & his wife live in another unit & its her parents that live beside us) tell his little one (shes really tiny, so I'm guess a little over a year) look at the doggie, nice doggie, woof woof.. I heard Bear moaning & could see her butt wiggling, so I went to the door.

I said to the little girl (father speeking for her as shes too young to talk), would you like to pet the puppy? hehe I got a yes.

I brought Bear outside & got her to sit... The father & I were petting Bear, saying nice Doggie. The father just loved Bear & was so pleased to learn that Bear was great with little ones.

The father kept saying how mad he is because his neighbour has a MEAN Pittie that has bitten him 3 times & he fears for his childs life. He said he feels bad cause he knows its the owners fault the dog is mean, but hes going to report the dog because hes having 20 tots over for his daughtors birthday & he doesn't want any of them being bitten by this pitty. He kept saying "I trust this dog, she good dog, yes I trust her, good dog, very good dog" (hes polish so to me he talks funny lol).

Then our neighbours came outside to join in on the convo about Bear. It was great finally all talking positive & letting bygones be bygones.. + insuring them that Bear wasn't a crazy dog was great... cause we didn't want them to fear her. When Chad & I play with Bear inside she sounds like shes going to kill us because her bark & grawl is VERY deep & honestly scary sounding lol Also she has been snarling & barking aggressively out the front door the past couple of days, because she sees that pitty & really doesn't like that dog at all. When she sees other dogs, she'll bark, but its nothing like the hate she has for this pitty. I think she knows people fear it & that its agessive, & she thinks its her duity to protect the neighbourhood.

I mean no dissrespect for Pitties (everyone should know I LOVE pitties, & I disslike all human agressive dogs no matter the breed), but this dog really needs to be removed, as I can see him becoming an issue this summer & harming someone or something thing. Hes only chained up with 2 tiny screws !!! Its so sad when someone turns their dogs, esp a young one & with our laws BSL, the Pittie will be destroyed :(

Oh back to the toddler lol

She loves dogs but is scared of big dogs & since Bear is a huge Rottie, I think her head weighed more then this toddler lol She little girl wanted to pet Bear so she would pet the air about a foot away :D I then took Bears paw & made her wave. The toddler loved that & poked Bears Paw *so cute!*

I then got Bear to lay down & the toddler loved Bear even more. She was poking Bears nose *awww* Bear tried to lick the toddler & she ran away hehehe... Bear stopped trying to lick her as soon as she realized she was scaring the toddler. The toddler LOVED Bear's Sponge Bob bandana & so did the father hehehe :D (Chad LOVES Sponge Bob, so I bought her that Banada + it makes her look friendlier)...

It was time for Bear to go back inside as I had to get back to painting. The toddler kept trying to follow us into the house lol *too cute*

I'm so very proud of Bear, shes just so wonderful & amazes me more & more each day... I honestly couldn't have asked for a better rescued dog!!

03-12-2007, 08:42 AM
YAY Bear! You must be so proud!

03-12-2007, 06:01 PM
good dog bear! good dog