View Full Version : Pouncer's not eating

03-11-2007, 07:47 AM
I'm sitting here in tears. Pouncer's been sick again this past week. No surprise there, but I noticed this time seems a little more serious. He's been very lethargic and willing to be cuddled for as long as I want to cradle him (NOT typical for him) I've been putting out wet food full time since he needs water. I added another drinking fountain.

All to notice him slowly get sicker.

He's VERY senstive in the "pee-pee area" and it looked a little swollen last night. I keep pulsating his bladder... no pain there so I know he's at least not blocked. I painted my office yesterday, which is the room where I feed everyone. I noticed Pouncer didn't touch his food but I attributed it to the stress of all the moving around and painting I did in there. BUT he spent half the day with me while I was painting, going from litterbox to litterbox, then finally giving up on those and trying to pee on my drop cloth and just trying to pee on the carpet where the litterboxes had been (I moved them to paint and replaced them once I was done)

He like a rag doll right now. I pick him up, he hangs limply in my arms. I put him down and he remains in whatever position I place him in.... but his little tail is twitching a mile a minute. Even hubby commented on his behavior and how you can tell just by looking at him that he's not a healthy cat. He even tried to feed Pouncer alone in the room.... and Pouncer walked away and just ploped on the floor. He NEVER simply plops himself just anywhere. He's also been vomiting.... not sure if he has a hairball he just can't bring up or if its a sign of something more. He used to be dubbed Sir Pukalot thanks ot hairballs.

I'm going to call the vet first thing tomorrow morning and will drop him off. I gaurantee he'll stay the night like he's done every other time. My poor boy. Hubby commented that this might be the time where they start to consider the PU surgery.... we hope they have a payment plan. :(

PS: Pouncer's not picky about which flavor food I put down. Everyone's loving the extra wet food.... its even Fancy Feast right now. Pouncer's been LOVING the Fancy Feast all week until last night.

03-11-2007, 08:03 AM
Oh dear, poor Pouncer. :(

Prayers and {{{{HUGS}}}} (sorry, no advice but watch him closely and report anything to the vet)

03-11-2007, 08:15 AM
Oh Pouncer! I hope the white coats have some ideas to make you feel fine!

03-11-2007, 08:16 AM
Poor Pouncer.
My Pouncer Angel has rushed to his side to comfort her little namesake and try to convince him to eat something.
We are praying that Pouncer will be all right and that the white coats can help restore him to health.
Hes such a good Cat.

03-11-2007, 10:01 AM
Poor baby - can he pee at ALL? But you know him best...and hopefully tomorrow to the vet is ok!

He needs comfort and cuddling...poor baby...

Is there such a thing as a cat having a permanent larger urethra put in(artificial, like a stent for humans?). The other surgery helps many cats...and Pouncer and you and your hubby have gone through enough!


03-11-2007, 10:15 AM
Poor Pouncer! I'm so sorry to hear he's not feeling well. :( Some cats are very sensitive to noise and things going on around them. Try to keep him a quiet place and give him lots of cuddles. Perhaps you can encourage him to drink more if you put several glasses of water in different places for him. Hopefully, the vet can find out what's the matter and do something. Good luck, and gentle kisses to Pouncer.

Maya & Inka's mommy
03-11-2007, 10:29 AM
Poor Pouncer !!!!!

03-11-2007, 10:59 AM
If he gave up on the litterboxes and tried to pee on the drop cloth, chances are he has a urinary tract infection. That's what happens when Puddy gets one. Although last time she plopped herself down the way Pouncer did and it turned out that she had dried feces blocked in her colon and Dr. Lee had to clean her out. Don't put off taking her to the vet; it's very painful if that's what's wrong w/Pouncer. You might consider the emergency vet and not wait. I hope I'm wrong.


03-11-2007, 12:09 PM
Poor Pouncer and poor Mommy! :( I'm sorry he seems much worse this time, Kim. I hope the vet can find out exactly what is going on and get him all straightened out.


03-11-2007, 12:30 PM
Oh no, poor Pouncer. Sounds like he is one sick kitty.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way.

03-11-2007, 12:46 PM
If he gave up on the litterboxes and tried to pee on the drop cloth, chances are he has a urinary tract infection. That's what happens when Puddy gets one. Although last time she plopped herself down the way Pouncer did and it turned out that she had dried feces blocked in her colon and Dr. Lee had to clean her out. Don't put off taking her to the vet; it's very painful if that's what's wrong w/Pouncer. You might consider the emergency vet and not wait. I hope I'm wrong.


I tend to agree here. Many times when a cat is 'straining' to go, it's easy to mistake trying to poo for trying to pee. If it was my kitty I'd date him to the ER vet, if nothing else just to reassure myself.

If nothing else try just giving the ER vet a call and see what they say.

Good luck and I hope poor Pouncer feels better very soon.

03-11-2007, 02:19 PM
Poor Pouncer. If only they could tell us what's wrong and where it hurts. Prayers that the whitecoats will find some answers and the problem can be easily and painlessly resolved. We're on your side, sweet Pouncer! Please eat something for Meowmie? That might help you feel a bit better and stronger. Please let us know what your vet has to say?

03-11-2007, 02:50 PM
Sounds like a major case of UTI to me. In case he'd be blocked it would be life threatening. Together with some of the others I would recommend the ER- although I know it's expensive.

All the best for poor Pouncer.

03-11-2007, 03:50 PM
hope he feels better soon.

03-11-2007, 04:36 PM
I know you all have Pouncer's best wishes at heart -- thats why I posted here but I now its somethign that can wait til tomorrow. I have withheld the pain meds but I'll give him some tonight to help if he's having nay pain. My boy even turned his nose up at Greenies... now I know he's not feeling well.

I know its a UTI/cystitis flare-up because my litterboxes are dotted with little itty bitty pee biscuits. I'm afraid to force him to drink for fear of forcing so much water in him that he can't pee his tiny biscuits.... and then I'll become the cause of his death. I've been through this so much with him in the past year that I know that he's not totally blocked. Its the lack opf appetite thats really concerning me. We'll make it through the night and I'l take him in to the vet in the morning. I simply can NOT afford an emergency visit right now. Why do they wait til the weekend to get sick? Every time he's gotten sick has been a weekend. :(

I'm home from work now and can spend the day loving on my little boy. If the vet says surgery tomorrow, hubby and I already discussed it and decided thats what we'll do provided they offer payments of some type. Actuallyt, I'd prefer to do surgery ow isntead of continually going through this. He's only three years old (well he'll be 4 in a few months) and this is no quality of life for him. Lets get him fixed once and for all.

03-11-2007, 04:41 PM
You obviously know what's best for your boy. As for them getting sick on weekends, it's programmed into their DNA. You didn't know that??? :p


03-11-2007, 05:08 PM
I was under the impression that PU surgery was to help prevent blockages. Do they do this surgery for frequent UTI's?? The PU surgery shortens and widens the urethra, would that help in the case of infection? As a matter of fact, what I would love to know is if there is a way to protect a cat FROM getting UTI's so frequently?

If his bladder is infected it would most certainly affect his appetite. So just keep him comfy until tomorrow and give us a full report ASAP!

03-11-2007, 05:15 PM
Poor Pouncer, you will be in my thoughts tonight. I hope all goes well at the vet tomorrow. :)

03-11-2007, 06:35 PM
Pouncer's problem is that he can't relax his urethra enough to pee. It becomes inflamed and sore. Poor boy. I was under the impression that the surgery might help him because a larger opening would allow more pee out while peeing, thereful helping him in the long run (sorry if I misread what the vet was saying) It made sense when the vet explained it, but she stressed it was something we wouldn't do unless absoultely necessary.

What can I do to get this boy to drink more?! It stems from stress and not enough water. I've done everything. I even give him 90% wet food a day. I have tried to make it a slurry but he isn't interested in it with the additonal water and Flutter ends up eating it.

03-11-2007, 07:02 PM
Prayers to Pouncer, and that some surgical method can be found. It might be that versus a lifetime of Valium.

Though it has been suggested that Harry be the one on Valium so Pouncer wouldn't get so stressed. Have you tried that yet? :)

Good luck with dear Pouncer.

03-11-2007, 07:13 PM
Put tuna juice (not water) on top of his food.

03-11-2007, 07:46 PM
Pouncer will be in my thoughts.

Queen of Poop
03-11-2007, 08:18 PM
Prayers and good thoughts for Pouncer.

03-11-2007, 08:45 PM
Poor Pouncer.That boy has been through so much pain.I hope all goes well tomorrow.I hope for surgery so that it will be the end of Pouncers painful life.At least we HOPE that will be the end of pain.I'm saying a prayer for him tonight.I'm going to bed now and I'll be thinking of him.That poor poor boy :(
I'm just happy he has such a great mommy that takes such good care of him.

03-11-2007, 08:49 PM
Poor Pouncer! What will you do IF they don't offer a payment plan?? How much would the surgery cost?? I hope it's affordable and that they can work out something to help you out.

I've always wondered about the health insurance for pets, but it's so expensive, especially when you have many cats. do you think that maybe that imom.org would help for the payment??

03-11-2007, 09:00 PM
Poor Pouncer! What will you do IF they don't offer a payment plan?? How much would the surgery cost?? I hope it's affordable and that they can work out something to help you out.
My vet is AWESOME and knows me, so I'm pretty confident they'll offer some sort of plan. If not, the rescue will help out and I can repay them.... its my last resort since I don't want to take up their resources but they also have told me they'd help if ever I can't afford vet care.

Funny thing..... in 2 or 3 weeks I'll get a $1,000 check for work I'm currently doing on the side (yup, working 2 jobs just isn't enough to keep me busy, I also am continuing my own business --- am I nuts or what?!?!) I was planning on putting that towards other bills but if Pouncer needs it, its all his.

03-12-2007, 12:13 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry to hear that Pouncer is sick.:( What kind of food are you feeding him? He may need a special urinary tract diet to help prevent UTI's. My Storm had the PU surgery and one of the side affects of this surgery is that he may have UTI's because he now has a larger opening. Since the surgery he's had 2 UTI's. One was because he was very stressed out from Cirrus but he just had another one this Jan. and didn't even show any symptoms. He went in for his annual exam and had lost 2 lbs so he had a senior profile done and he had a UTI.

I sure hope that whatever Pouncer has that it can be easily treated and can be prevented from happening again in the future. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent his way.

03-12-2007, 12:35 AM
Smudge had exactly the same symptoms, but it wasn't an infection, it was struvite (magnesium) crystals. His food was switched to Hill's Feline C/D (comes in canned and dry). It was touch and go for a while, as that in turn made him constipated, and the petroleum-based treats I was giving him to ease the constipation cause a different kind of urinary blockage (mucus plugs). I hadn't put two and two together, and the vet was stumped. But Smudge just let me know he wasn't going to eat the petroleum stuff any more, so I tried psyllium instead (mixed into his canned food, and Cat Lube treats crumbled over his kibble) and we finally got a happy ending!

The most important thing is to get an accurate urinalysis diagnosis. Cats can have more than one kind of crystals, and a food that can make one kind go away can make the other kind worse! Precise diagnosis based on a fresh urine sample is of the utmost importance.

Love, Columbine

Scooter's Mom
03-12-2007, 12:43 AM
Saying prayers for Pouncer! Hope the vet goes well tomorrow.

03-12-2007, 04:22 AM
Poor lil guy. He (and you, too) sounds miserable. I'm praying that the vet will perform the miracle cure and that he will be his old self again.

03-12-2007, 08:29 AM
We have a 10:40 appointment this morning. Any guesses as to where the little guy has gotten to? He spent all night with us in bed til about an hour ago and now he's vanished. Where can a sick little boy be hiding? I have 45 minutes to locate him and coax him into a carrier.

I am one nervous meowmie. I didn't sleep for anything last night because he's so sick. He wasn't even recognising my touch when I was petting him during the night. You kow how they usually rub into your hand when giving chin scritches and rubbing ears? He didn't even notice. No purrs at all during the night. I kept hoping I'd feel his tummy vibrate from purrs..... :(

03-12-2007, 08:38 AM
Oh my, I am so sorry to hear that Pouncer isn't feeling well. Many prayers coming from Indiana that the white coats can make him better.... FAST!

Oh Puncer, come out, come out, wherever you are! We know you are scared, but Meowmie needs to help you feel better.

03-12-2007, 08:40 AM
Poor Pouncer - come on, baby, let meowmie find you - you'll get better!

03-12-2007, 08:41 AM
Good Luck!

03-12-2007, 08:53 AM
Poor guy, I hope he isn't hiding too well. They seem to know.

03-12-2007, 08:58 AM
I'm scared for him.I hope he's not hiding somewhere to give up hope :(
Hoping everything is OK with Pouncer.I know he's in the best of hands with you and your vet.

03-12-2007, 09:28 AM
I found him.... its wasn't hard to spot him - hiding in plain sight. I was was searching his hidey holes figuring he was curled up somewhere. He looks so sad. We're leaving now. Please wish us good luck. I have a bad feeling here..... something tells me that he's VERY sick and I'm going to have a bad vet visit.

03-12-2007, 09:46 AM

Please call me when you find out what the problem is. You guys are in my prayers.

03-12-2007, 10:24 AM
Oh gosh!I hope he comes home.Prayers on the way.

03-12-2007, 10:30 AM
I'm back from the vet already.... without Pouncer.

He's staying behind for surgery. She'll call me later with details, especially if they find something they hadn't anticipated on finding. I can't stop crying, my poor little boy. At least now he'll be fixed so that he won't block again. He might get UTI's but he'll never block again. I can handle that.

I felt so guilty for not taking him this weekend but the vet quickly told me that she knows I know what I'm doing with regard to his bladder and that I would have called if I noticed immenent danger. She also told me that the emergency vet wouldn't have done much because they don't take payment plans.... and it would have been twice the cost.

She said they no longer take payment plans because too many people have neglected to pay, but she said Pouncer's file is too thick to NOT do the surgery. All I have to do is write out a series of postdated checks for them to put in his file for the next million months.

Oh man, my stomach is doing flip-flops. My heart is in my throat, and my head hurts from crying.

03-12-2007, 10:36 AM
Well, at least you know that Pouncer is receiving the best care possible and that soon he won't be in any pain or discomfort. It really does affect our physical health whenever any of our furkids are sick. But now you can comfort yourself w/the knowledge that Pouncer is in good hands. Glad you found him safe. I'm sure that gave you a fright. He's on the mend now. Just keep telling yourself that. A candle burns for you both.


03-12-2007, 10:43 AM
That's great news Kim.I'm surprised they just don't bill you instead of post dated checks.
What ever is great as long as they help Pouncer to get his bladder fixed :)
Try to be be calm until the phone call after the surgery.Good Luck Dear Pouncer.And Dear Kim.

03-12-2007, 10:44 AM
So Pouncer WAS blocked?? And the surgery is the PU surgery??

Many prayers on the way. Having gone through this with Rutherford, I feel Pouncer will do quite well. Hang in their Meowmie, your boy will be home soon. {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

03-12-2007, 10:45 AM
I will keep Pouncer and you in my prayers.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-12-2007, 10:47 AM
Poor Pouncer - I hope he is back with you soon

03-12-2007, 11:16 AM
I know this is easier said than done but try not to worry. You know things will only get better once this is done. I bet Pouncer will soon return to his old self - naughty and all! Maybe he'll be up to some A&P Investigation work. ;)

Prayers and positive thoughts for Pouncer and (((HUGS))) for meowmie!

03-12-2007, 11:19 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry that I am so late checking in on this thread, but you and Pouncer are in my prayers. I will watch for updates from you. Please try to keep your chin up until you know what is going on.


03-12-2007, 11:25 AM
Poor widdle guy! I am glad that the vet is going to find out what is wrong! Please keep us posted!

Many prayers and good thoughts coming to you and Pouncer from Indiana!

03-12-2007, 11:31 AM
Well, I'm doing better now that the shock has set in. Funny thing is that I'm not even the slightest bit worried about the money. It could cost a whole lot more and I'd pay it. Pouncer's turning into my million dollar baby. Three broken paws on three separate occasions. Many emergency visits thanks to his cystitis and blocking. Ok Pouncer.... you've used up 8 of your 9 lives. Can we keep this 9th one for a long, long time?

Maybe once Pouncer's healed from surgery Harry will be nice to him again. I wonder if all Harry's bullying was because he sensed Pouncer was vulnerable.

Please keep the prayers coming for my little dude. He's got a big surgery ahead of him and a long healing process. I do have a room to isolate him in so I'm not worried about that. He'll be free to sleep in peace free from threats by Harry, and he'll be able to eat all the wet food his heart desirtes without worry that Flutter will push him aside.

03-12-2007, 11:39 AM
Will keep good thoughts for a successful surgery and recovery.

03-12-2007, 12:06 PM
Awe... poor guy! I'm glad that the surgery will help him a lot. Funny how other cats can sense when one is ill and then be even more miserable to them! Not very nice of them! Do you need anything extra?? I can pick you up some of the sheba canned food... Alex and Frankie adore it, and it looks better than some human food I've seen!

03-12-2007, 12:10 PM
I can get your mind off the surgery......Just figure out how you will keep the E-collar on him for 2 or more weeks!! And YES< he WILL have to wear it!! This is not like a more simple spay, he will not be aloowed to lick the areas until WAY after the stiches come out. :eek:

When will he be out of surgery so you can get an update?

03-12-2007, 12:13 PM
I can get your mind off the surgery......Just figure out how you will keep the E-collar on him for 2 or more weeks!! And YES< he WILL have to wear it!! This is not like a more simple spay, he will not be aloowed to lick the areas until WAY after the stiches come out. :eek:

When will he be out of surgery so you can get an update?

OH MY that will be a challenge :eek:

03-12-2007, 12:17 PM
OH MY that will be a challenge :eek:
Yes, after all, we ARE talking about Pouncer!! :rolleyes:

03-12-2007, 12:26 PM
Pouncer and an E-Collar....hmmm....will make for some interesting pics!

Give your boy lots of love for me. He is SOOO wonderful. PT prayers and smiles are at work! :)

03-12-2007, 12:45 PM
I hope Pouncer's surgery goes well!! Poor boy.

03-12-2007, 01:18 PM
Oh Kim, I'm so sorry to read that Pouncer is sick again and needs surgery!!! Poor little boy, he's been through so much!!! And poor meowmie, you not only have to worry about Pouncer, but about the money thing as well (but I know we gladly pay the bills because we love our furkids so very much).

I'll keep Pouncer in my thoughts! He must be so scared all alone at the vet's. Lily sends extra kisses and headbumpies.


03-12-2007, 05:24 PM
Oh Kim, I am so sorry to hear that your precious Pouncer is so sick. Poor guy has been through so much. I know it's no use to tell you not to worry, that he is in good hands now, because you are still going to worry anyway. What loving pet owner wouldn't.

Prayers on the way that Pouncer comes through his surgery well and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}} for the nervous meowmie.

03-12-2007, 05:31 PM
Pouncer Angel Has Arranged For A Commitee Of Pet Angels To Be With Her Little Protege To Comfort Him Through His Surgery And Encourage Him Through His Recovery.
We Are Praying That This Operation Will Help Pouncer Over His Medical Hurdles Once And For All.

03-12-2007, 05:54 PM
Maybe once Pouncer's healed from surgery Harry will be nice to him again. I wonder if all Harry's bullying was because he sensed Pouncer was vulnerable.

ANIMALS!!! Just ANIMALS I tell you...ANIMALS!!! LOL :D :D :D
I hope I got you to chuckle Kim :)

03-12-2007, 05:59 PM
Please see this, not so good update on our precious Pouncer.

Our prayers and positive thoughts are with you Kim and Pouncer.