View Full Version : Because I could not stand one more minute...pics

03-10-2007, 01:08 AM
I caved a week early and put Anvik back in harness. I could not stand the whining, howling and carrying on about it any longer! It's been six weeks! Today he did his death howl, I swear to God, for three straight hours! I don't think he ever took a breath! A working dog who isn't allowed to work is not a happy creature!
"Where's my harness? It's the purple one! HURRY UP HUMAN!!!
We didn't go very far, just 7km. Anvik ran up front with Pingo. He did very well. We passed the same three loose dogs twice without any trouble. Anvik's tug line was always tight; his gait was good and he looked like he was having fun.
After the run. I couldn't find any changes in his surgical site; no signs of pain or discomfort. Only difference is he hasn't made a peep since he wooed for his dinner! A tired Annie is a good dog!

03-10-2007, 01:11 AM
Oh, I bet he was so happy to be back out on the trail!! :D
That first pic is tooo funny!!! LOL

03-10-2007, 03:45 AM
tamara, how do you sort out which dogs do best with dog on a run? if i pick up a leash, i get 2 dancing dogs, you have 23/24 dancing howling dogs, how do you do this?

03-10-2007, 05:09 AM
Good to be back in the saddle, er, uh, harness isn't it Anvik? Great to see you doing so well. :D

03-10-2007, 06:47 AM
Now that is one HAPPY dog!:D

03-10-2007, 07:28 AM
Good to be back in the saddle, er, uh, harness isn't it Anvik? Great to see you doing so well. :D


Glad to see him back where he loves to be! Working!

03-10-2007, 07:44 AM
This thread made me smile. Annie knows howl to get his way ;). He is so handsome. I love that last pic. He looks nice and content.

Ginger's Mom
03-10-2007, 08:55 AM
"howl" to get his way, hehe, that was good. :D

I love the last picture. What a happy boy. He says thanks for the run, Tamara. :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-10-2007, 08:56 AM
Awwww!!! Annie, you had enough of that "sitting around the house" routine didn't you? It gave the term, "Cabin Fever" a new name. Thank goodness you got to go out and do what you were born to do!! Have fun buddy!! You look so happy now :D

03-10-2007, 10:05 AM
I'm glad Anvik got to go on a run again.Probably did him a lot of good
to be a real part of the pack. :)

Were the loose dogs strays?

03-10-2007, 10:36 AM
Aww! He looks do happy in that last picture! I am so glad he was able to go sledding with the rest of the doggies now! He was probably thrilled. And you were probably thrilled that the loud howling was over with lol.

Anvik looks great!:D

03-10-2007, 11:14 AM
Some day you have to get us an audio clip of the patented Anvik Death Howl!

03-10-2007, 03:15 PM
Were the loose dogs strays?

No, their owner was with them. They were just out for a walk. Almost no one uses a leash around here! This guy had good verbal control over his dogs so they weren't any trouble. It's the ones that the owners have no control over that are problems.

03-10-2007, 03:22 PM
LOL! Great photos! He definitey looks pleased & content in that last one. Who ever follows doctor's orders anyway?

03-10-2007, 03:28 PM
tamara, how do you sort out which dogs do best with dog on a run? if i pick up a leash, i get 2 dancing dogs, you have 23/24 dancing howling dogs, how do you do this?

As long as I have one command leader(Pingo, Sundin or Paxil), I generally just take whoever else wants to go. Sometimes that's just the first six dogs through the gate! Sometimes it depends on the time of day. Running Deuce on a Sunday afternoon is out of the question. Franklin can be iffy with loose dogs so sometimes if I think there are going to be lots of them around, I leave Franklin at home. I almost never get out of the yard without Pacer. Sometimes it depends on how far I want to go. Paxil doesn't do really long runs anymore. If we have to break trail, I take more dogs and always take Hobo.

Their actual pairings and positions are decided on past experience. Chase will only run in wheel. Chase is a doofus until he runs far enough to "get the stupid out". He needs a confident dog who doesn't get distracted beside him. Pingo is left pawed, Pacer is a rightie. Pacer can't lead, doesn't like wheel. He's a swing dog. Keeping Franklin on the right reduces problems passing. Anvik can run anywhere with anyone. Deuce, for reasons unknown, HATES Sundin. I never run them in the same team, let alone side by side! Raven used to lead, but she refuses now. She likes to run in wheel. Paxil will not under any circumstances run any positon except lead. Hobo has to run alone, in swing. Antare is a line chewer. He can run in swing or wheel, but has to have a cable filled neck line. Antare and Pacer don't like each other. And so on and so on!!

Cinder & Smoke
03-10-2007, 08:30 PM
I generally just take whoever else wants to go.
Sometimes that's just the first six dogs through the gate!
Sometimes it depends on the time of day...

Their actual pairings and positions are decided on past experience.

"A" will only run in wheel.
"B" is left pawed ...
"C" is a rightie, can't lead, doesn't like wheel. He's a swing dog.
"D" has to run on the right ...
"E" HATES "F".
"G" used to lead, but she refuses now. She likes to run in wheel.
"H" will not under any circumstances run any positon except lead.
"I" has to run alone, in swing.
"J" is a line chewer. He can run in swing or wheel ...
"C" and "K" don't like each other.

And so on and so on!!

OMG! :eek:

Do you carry a Line-Up Card with you?

I have trouble rememberin the FOUR FurKids' NAMES! :rolleyes:

03-10-2007, 10:14 PM
Looks like Anvik had a great time! I'm with Karen. I'd love to hear a video of this Death Howl of his. :D

03-10-2007, 10:51 PM
Oh Tamara,
He has you around his little paw .... :D
Beautiful boy, and I am sure he was so thankful to be OUT and ABOUT with the gang.

Thanks for the pics :D

03-10-2007, 11:18 PM
YAY for Annie..and purple is my favorite color too!!! Tamara, you're amazing! Phred's post said it all. I still call Mz Logan, Cody all the time. Sometimes I forget who *I* am!!! Bless your everlovin' huge heart!!

03-10-2007, 11:24 PM
I love Anvik! He is such a handsome boy! I agree we need a video of his howl! Anvik will sleep great tonight. Probably a dumb question but in the summer do you still have snow? Do the dogs pretty much keep in shape themselves, or do you take slow trips and take longer and longer every time? Sorry I am just so interested in sledding!

03-11-2007, 12:08 AM
Annie - I am so happy that you are feeling better! :)

03-11-2007, 01:36 AM
Probably a dumb question but in the summer do you still have snow? Do the dogs pretty much keep in shape themselves, or do you take slow trips and take longer and longer every time? Sorry I am just so interested in sledding!

We'll have enough snow til mid-late April to run the team. It does melt eventually! Ice is usually off the lakes by late May, early June. The dogs get May and June off to just hang out. No pulling, but lots of walks and playing. In July, they start to pull the ATV occasionally, usually when it's raining or cool. We don't go far, just a 5km loop, a couple times a week. Mileage increases slowly over the next couple months, depending on the weather. Don't want them to overheat. At first, the ATV does most of the work. As it gets cooler they get less help from the machine. By mid-November, we are usually back on the sled. Our most frequently used loop is about 15 miles.

03-11-2007, 08:40 PM
Bless his heart! He certainly does look happy to be back to work!!! :D

finn's mom
03-12-2007, 12:46 AM
:) Good to hear that he had fun on his first run! I can't even imagine what his vocals were like beforehand! :) You have more willpower than me, as I am sure I'd have caved sooner.

03-12-2007, 04:30 AM
I'm so glad that Anvik finally got to run again. He looks so happy! What a transformation from the first to the second pic. And I agree with others. We need a video of him woo woooing.

03-12-2007, 04:00 PM
Oh, Anvik, you are so funny! You got to do what you like best and now you are happy! And I'm happy too because I got to see more pictures of you and your dog-friends sledding.

But, Glacier, a question: Pingo is left pawed, Pacer is a rightie. Can you tell me why that makes a difference? Does handedness (or pawed-ness) affect the way that a dog will move? I guess I didn't realize that dogs could have a dominant side. Are they "handed" with both of their left or right paws? See, you can learn something when you least expect it.


03-12-2007, 10:53 PM
But, Glacier, a question: Pingo is left pawed, Pacer is a rightie. Can you tell me why that makes a difference? Does handedness (or pawed-ness) affect the way that a dog will move? I guess I didn't realize that dogs could have a dominant side. Are they "handed" with both of their left or right paws? See, you can learn something when you least expect it.


Some dogs will refuse to run if they aren't on their dominant side. Pingo will run on the right, but she will do everything she can to get back to the left side. She crabs on the right--runs sideways basically. That gait is hard on a dog physically and not effective for pulling. Pingo on the left is much happier, much more responsive and physically able to go farther. Her son, Sundin, is a mirror image of her. Sundin greatly prefers to run on the right.

Pacer can't run on the left. He trips over his own paws if he's on the wrong side.

They don't all have a dominant side, at least not in harness. Lots of the dogs will run on either side. Paxil has to be up front, but she could care less which side she's on. Franklin, Raven, Deuce, Chase ect..can all run on either side with equal comfort.

I bet if you watch your own dog closely though, you will notice a pattern of which paw she reaches for things with first.

03-12-2007, 11:09 PM
I bet if you watch your own dog closely though, you will notice a pattern of which paw she reaches for things with first.
We noticed right away when Star was a puppy that she was a "southpaw", my son thought that was cool because he's left-handed. When teaching her shake, she always offers her left paw first, then if you ask again, she'll offer her right. It's very cute. I guess they're just like people - some can't function with the wrong paw forward, and some are ambi-paw-strus

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-13-2007, 07:29 AM
I don't understand how people are so fortunate to live in such beautiful places!! Just seeing the scenery in some of you guys' post brightens up my day.. THEN YOU ADD SUCH CUUUUUUUTE PUPS INTO THE PICTURES.. and i just about BUST with JOY!!! :D


03-13-2007, 07:46 AM
Great photos Tamara, Anvik sure looked happy after his run :D. I am in awe that you know your dogs in and out, and know who can run with who and who cannot.

Thankyou for sharing.