View Full Version : New to group and having a puppy!

03-09-2007, 09:57 PM
The shelter gave me mom's breeds, doesn't know who daddy is......

Smart........ at 2and1/2 months almost housebroke, crate trained, fetches (when he wants to) rode a skate board for about 4 pushes and 4 feet(was toooooo cute! But can't get him to do it again!)

Rides well in the car. Has always growled and barked. Aggresion when displeased with treatment or handleing from 5 yo. (Had her alpha roll him and is MUCH better!!!! Also on her about what is OK and what is NOT!)

Hie is right at 8 weeks old in the pic's (9 and 1/2 now) Was 7.2 pounds when pic's taken. (We had a vet apt. that day)

ummmmm................... Anyother questions please ask. He's very smart, loving, but I wouldn't call him a "Lap" dog. He lets you hold him when you want, but he doesn't SEEK out to be held to often.

OK, here's the pic's, took what I could to show face and body well.

Thanks for the help and look forward to reading what everyone thinks. I'll post what shelter SAID mom was after I see if anyone thinks that is what is in him! (I don't want to taint thoughts!)

Thanks again! Looking forward to joining the board and reading up!

PS We are a Military Family in Guam right now till 11/08. I'm (32)from Ks....... teenage years in FL, hubby's (36) from OH! We have Michael (14) and Cora (5). Glad to be here!





PSS Last pic of my Danny with neighbors female when they first met. She is a little rough with him so we keep them apart right now. We'll see how that goes. (Any advice on this also would be nice!)



03-09-2007, 09:59 PM
Oh, goodness, he's adorable! I bet your other dog will help "train him up right!" What breeds were his mom?

Lilith Cherry
03-09-2007, 10:17 PM
He looks very soft and cute! Good luck with your new family member and welcome to Pet Talk!

03-09-2007, 11:10 PM
thanks all! Other dog is neighbors, but might as well be one house! We are always together!

Shelter says mom was a Mastiff, but at almost 3 months and being only 7lbs, I am not sure? Do yall see it?

Thanks for the warm welcome!!!


03-09-2007, 11:11 PM
Adorable!! I'm tempted to say that he might have Toller in him - appearance wise, he looks pretty Toller puppy like, but you never know with pups. Lots of red pups with brown/flesh pigment look Toller like to me..lol. That, and my Tango has a sister who looked almost identical to him when she was a pup (minus the curled tail). I definitely don't see any Mastiff. He's sure a beautiful puppy, whatever he may be. :)

03-10-2007, 01:02 AM
Thank you! he is a sweetie pie! And blue/green eyes! Not sure if you can see that! I hope they stay that way cuz he looks so dern cute! BUT folks tell me that they will change!

He is a little cutie, and I have enjoyed seeing all the pic's of everyone's puppies/dogs and the lil' siggy's! I'll have to get a Danny Siggy!! LMAO!!

Thanks for the input and I"m going to go and look up toller breeds now!!! LMAO!

Thanks again,

03-10-2007, 01:08 AM
Welcome to PT!!
Danny is such a cute little guy!!
Oh, I also posted on your thread in the behavior section. :)
Please be warned, we will expect lots of pictures!! :D

03-10-2007, 01:28 AM
Thank you! I will go and ck it next! And no worries about pictures! LMAO! He's been here 2 weeks and I bet I have 50! LMAO!

I just looked up toller and OMGosh! NO ONE said that before! He has the white paws, tail tip, neck small patch with white chest and the soft fur where they said! He also has little like BLACK highlights down his spine and tail. OMGosh!

I think if he's NOT toller in the blood line SOMEWHERE I would be shocked too!

Hubby said that it would also confirm about his blue eyes that water fowl/hunting dogs usually have lighter eyes like that. True or no?

What ever he is, he is SMART as a whip!

I also read that they are RARE so, getting one with a strong blood line that he would really be one (and not just have the markings by luck of the draw) would SHOCK me too! We are Guam. LOL!

I know the foster mom said he had a black and white brother. I never saw him, so not sure how dark or much whas black fur.

Thanks so much ladies for the warm welcome and the information!

It's been so much fun looking up all the breeds and seeing everyone's pic's of their animals.

It's almost 5:30pm here and I have to go ck the roast for dinner...... I'll be back in a few hours!


03-10-2007, 02:00 AM
Well, as far as what breed he is.....that doesn't really matter, because he is the adorable breed!! LOL :D
But I agree, he does look Toller.

03-10-2007, 04:08 AM
I agree! But it's been fun looking and trying to guess! He is smart and cute and loving! I think as fast as he has house trained and crate trained, I have no worries with him!

I think we will be doing a few classes as soon as we get him fixed up.

He has ring worm, mange and "impentigo"? right now. So he's smelly and contagious from the treatments. BUT we are being VERY clean and he's looking better every day! He got the poops after getting the worming med (the oral for just plain worms) so my neighbor said that means he DID have it. (I don't know for SURE)

But, he is a cutie! And reminds me about posting to a woman about her crate training dog! LOL Thought I might just try putting in my 2 cents...... may be worth less than that though. LMAO!!

Thanks again Ladies!!!

And no worries, we love him if he were part alien! Just fun guessing! (We will NEVER know the truth!)


03-10-2007, 01:26 PM
Tollers are known for their self-red colouration, meaning that their pigment matches the red coat and they do generally have light eyes (sort of an amber colour as an adult). However, this is not true of all sporting breeds/retrievers. He's definitely not pure Toller, but I think there is a chance that he has some in him. That being said, if you're in guam, he might not have any in him at all as there are probably not many there seeing as they aren't a common breed. Lots of mutts and other purebreds can have the same sort of appearance as pups.

Good luck with his worm treatments and such! Hopefully he'll be better soon. :)

03-10-2007, 04:55 PM

He seems to be doing well. The hair is coming back on his ears and leg already. He's so pretty when he's washed, but the treatment can't be washed off, so he gets so dirty between. I sometimes have to give him a bath and just do it again. I hope this is OK. I asked the vet for something for his eyes as I'm doing the treatments so he wont get hurt.
His belly is not swollen any more, so I think the worms are gone.
No one had got ringworm from him, so he is either not contagious any more, or misdiagnosed.

His "Impetigo" seems to be almost 100% gone with just being more clean. They told me not to touch it and not to put anything on it. I did get an OK to give him Children's benadryl to help with the scratching and dry skin from the Impetigo and the treatments.

He's doing great and I'm trying to find out WHERE on Guam they have dog training classes! LOL! I'm not sure if the Military has someone for that or if we would have to go out into town! I think we will be out in town or just end up with a book and trying ourselves.

Thanks again,