View Full Version : little one still sick(mom still worried)UPDATE!!!3/13/07(Conclusion???)

03-09-2007, 09:37 PM
Corona had her blood test today...we wont get it back till next week! I dont know what to do in the mean time. I just took her off her med. that was supposed to help make her poop because it seemed to not work anymore. and Now she has stopped pooping all together now. I just dont know what to do in the mean time.
The test was $95 and the vet said(well told my boyfriend cause i was at work) that she may need to do 3 test total...if this one comes back neg. then she will try the next two which are another $30 a piece!
This is a ton of money that i really wish i didnt have to spend...mostly because this should have been taken care of when we first noticed her problem a over a month ago.
I would do anything for my pups but coco getting cut and stitched up wasnt cheap plus this...wow im glad i get paid on friday!!(next friday that is) i just wish we could finally stop fishing around and actually figure out whats wrong...you can def. tell she doesnt feel very good!
She doesnt want to play she just wants to sit and look at you...then she whines and cry's and moans and wont stop. I dont know what to do to comfort her! I really hope the test comes back first thing monday but they said it could even be tuesday!
Argh...i just wanna know so we can fix her and she is back to her old peppie/crazy corona self!!

critter crazy
03-09-2007, 09:42 PM
Awwww.......I am so sorry! I sure wish Corona was feeling better, and you knew what was wrong! Get better soon Corona!!

03-10-2007, 07:31 AM
Oh the poor thing... :(
It's so hard with dogs because you can't tell them what's going on, and they you're trying your hardest to make them better!

Hugs to you all!

03-10-2007, 05:57 PM
Could you arrange to talk to the vet yourself? I think it would be good
to ask her about all these concerns directly. Maybe she could do things

03-11-2007, 01:25 AM
Could you arrange to talk to the vet yourself? I think it would be good
to ask her about all these concerns directly. Maybe she could do things

I agree totally! The vet should know that Corona isn't going potty at all now!! I'd call as soon as possible and speak with the vet.

Sometimes it takes several tests to determine elusive diagnosis' sometimes, the reason they only do 1 or 2 tests at a time is to save you money, if they ran all 3 at once, and the first one would have given them the answer, then you would have paid for 2 tests you didn't need.

We have alot of in-house lab equipment, so many things we don't need to send out and can have results in about an hour. Unusual tests or ones we don't have equipment for we have to send out though.

I hope the first test answers the problem with Corona and they can get him fixed up fast. And I hope calling the vet tomorrow gets Corona some help now until the tests come back.

03-13-2007, 12:23 PM
well corona went to the vet this morning again...her last blood test came back okay(that was for her pancreous) and well lets just say it cost me another arm and a leg...this time it's andy's arm and a leg..haha! (j/k i paid for it but a funny metaphor) the doc. said he'd give me a call later today with the results! she pooped fine last night though...no straining no runny...all was well! this morning same thing so im not sure whats going on.
As bad as this may sound...i just want something to show up on those darn blood test so i didnt waste the time or money and actually get corona fixed! the first time this happened it went away and came back in a month...i dont want her to have to go through this again so i'd rather hear the bad news now and get her fixed now instead of waiting for it to happen again!!
the doc. also said that if she starts pooping mushy again in the next day or so (and the blood test comes back normal) then we'll have to do an intestinal biopsy(spelling haha??) but if she poops normal and still has a normal blood test then we'll wait awhile to see if it comes back!

03-13-2007, 12:26 PM
Oh no... poor Corona. I hope they can find what is wrong with Corona so they can fix it and make her all better.

03-13-2007, 01:28 PM
Oh dear, this has got to be so frustrating not knowing what wrong with your baby. I hope they can figure it out and get it fixed!! :D

03-13-2007, 03:08 PM
just got off the phone with the vet. turns out corona has a "mild" protein deficiency(sp?). but we arent going to give her anything just yet, because she did have solid(good so to speak)stools last night and this morning. if she does go back to the mushy poop then the doc. wants to start corona on steroid therapy!
well i feel a little better that we can finally move on from the "what is it" and hopefully go up from there!!