View Full Version : male + male dogs mating !?

07-01-2002, 11:14 PM

i have a 1 1/2 golden retriever boy. he's not neutered. and he's never been taken for mating before. but he's participated in obedience class and did mix around with dogs all the while.

recently i found a stray siberian husky wandering around my neighbourhood, so i kept that dog as my pet few days ago.

the siberian husky is still a puppy, i think it's around 3-4 months old of age. at first, my golden and that husky seems to be having a nice play, then, it gets ulgy.

my dog begins to mate with that puppy.

male dog, with male dog?:eek:

of course, before my dog could go any further, i seperated him from that poor puppy.

wat the heck is happening here???? it's such an ulgy sight! is there anything i could do to make my dog know that the husky is a male? please help, before my mom have to give the puppy away!!!! the huskey is just SO cute !

Aspen and Misty
07-02-2002, 12:44 AM
My dog Teddy also is a non nutered male (he was a show dog). He mates with Males and Females. Of course we don't let him because we don't want to bring any more puppies into this world. The only thing you can do is to seperate them. You will haev to neutre your puppy, that might help it out some. Sorry word is broken so I can't make sure all this is spelled right. But good luck, and make sure you want this puppy before you keep him. We don't need another dog a shelter. And if you can't keep him give him up now, puppies are easer to get adopted then an older dog. (in my oppionion)

PS: Welcome to Pet talk, you will get adiccted!

07-02-2002, 01:44 AM
For some dogs, thats a sign of dominance. We fostered a young dog (named HeyDog) a few months ago, he was not neutered, but our alpha dog (Eli) was. There were a few times that Eli "mated" HeyDog. It was only a sign of dominance, to show who was top dog.

07-02-2002, 08:00 AM
I agree with Fuzzy. Besides mating, dogs "hump" each other to prove who the dominant dog is. It is not uncommon for girl dogs to "hump" for this reason, as well. Dogs are dogs. They can't talk so they get their point across by, er . . . other means. ;)

07-02-2002, 08:09 AM
posted by Fuzzy317:
For some dogs, thats a sign of dominance. >>>>>

LOL! That's my dogs too.

Sheba (female) "use to" always try to hump dogs.
When ROcky got a bit older he tried to hump Sheba.
(Both dogs are fixed)
I taught Rocky not to hump Sheba or anybody at
an early age. :rolleyes:

Dixieland Dancer
07-02-2002, 09:10 AM
It is definitely a sign of dominance. Your Golden is trying to tell the Husky that I am the alpha over you. You may also notice that in play the Husky is usually on the bottom and the Golden on top.

The best thing to do is to just let them sort it out. If you are around and don't want that kind of behavior you need to develope a phrase that will stop the behavior on command. I use "break it up" since Dixie is very alpha and tries to show Dusty all the time that she is boss. He has tried a couple times but she quickly turns the tables and puts him in his place. They have worked it out to a degree where he is allowed to be the dominant in certain situations but on the whole she is boss!

If you keep the male Husky though you may want to consider getting him neutered around 5 or 6 months. Two males in the same house will go a lot easier if you do.

07-02-2002, 10:15 AM
I would get both dogs neutered (ASAP - we neuter dogs at my work as young as 2 months with no problems at all. They just have to be 5 lbs). If not, even though the Husky is submissive now, when he grows up to the same size or bigger as the Golden, he may decide he's going to take charge. This could still happen even if they are neutered, but the chances greatly reduce.

I would just let them mount each other and work it out. They might correct each other with growling or snapping. Just let them do that. I would only break it up if it was a fight. If you discipline a dog for correcting another dog, they will stop correcting and just go straight for the fight.

Tobi (one of my fosters) and Reece had constant mounting for about two days then their order was worked out and never another mount after that. I just let them figure it out for themselves.

07-02-2002, 11:57 AM
I was also going to mention that your golden retriever may just be showing his dominance. The husky is in his territory.

07-02-2002, 11:22 PM
thanks for the input people. whew, i thought my dog was gay :D .

anyway, the humping thing is over now. and both are doing rather fine. but i might be considering not keeping the husky.

because, this guy bites anything in sight (maybe his teeth are still growing). even my own dogs leash was bitten to 2 within short minutes. chew toys doesn't seem to interest him, and my parents are already complaning that he's too destuctive to be kept, and wanted to "set him free" - which is, to let him wander at our neighbourhood again.

actually, i think it's perfectly normal for puppies to behave like this, right? i guess my mom is comparing my golden retriever with that puppy (since my dog didn't chew anything up even when he's a puppy, obidient little fellow.)my mom is giving me 3 days to stop him from chewing our house's stuffs. or he'll have to go. is there any instant solution to cope with this problem?

another thing that i hope to ask here, is : will dogs get jealous?

my dog seems kinda strange lately. when i'm playing with the puppy, he would sit far far away and look at us from a side. when i scold the puppy, he does that too. normally, the gap between us wouldn't be dat big. he stays close to me. is this anything to do with dominance thing again? or is my dog really jealous? i still love him of course and of course i did give him the attention that
i always give.

am i doing wrong? should i just let go of the husky and stick with my only dog? after all, he's faithful to me. i have to be loyal to him too, right?

Aspen and Misty
07-03-2002, 01:39 AM
My dog Teddy will stand between us and Chewy when we are petting him because he gets jeoulse. My advice for the whole Chewing thing, is to give him his Chew toy or spray him with a water bottle. (make sure it is on spray not stream). If you can't keep the huskie DO NOT let him go, take him to a shelter, they would be more then happy to take him.

PS: Don't keep the Dog because he is cute, (not trying to be mean) but keep him because you want another companian. Trust me I waited 2 years to get a puppy because I struggled with weither I wanted one cause they were cute or if I wanted one because I wanted a compainion. But please don't keep the puppy now and then when he grows out of his cute stage give him away, a puppy is for life.

07-03-2002, 01:50 AM

i have considered a week already, and i'm rather sure that i'm deciding to keep the guy. not because of his looks. i love dogs. and i hope to get another best friend.

hope everything works well. a few more days later, i will then decide whether he's gotta go to the shelter or wat.

07-03-2002, 05:37 PM
lol this is off topic.... but we say Simba is gay because he crosses his front legs. :rolleyes:

Aspen and Misty
07-05-2002, 12:24 AM
LOL Simba.... Chewy crosses both his legs so don't worry your not the only gay dog ;) .