View Full Version : Does this ever happen to you with your cat?

03-09-2007, 02:12 AM
My Siamese has been neutered since he was six months old. Well every now and then, very seldom but it happens. He will get VERY lovey dovey with me.

He jumps up on my lap and rubs his head on my face. Then he will lick my slacks like he smells something and is trying to clean it up. Then I smell it as well. He has marked me!!!

Why does he do this? It's like he can't help it. Lose of control. And how can he do it when he has been neutered? I don't ever see him mark the furniture or anything else. He may try to mark my other kitty when he loves on her since she will growl at him but then she growls when he tries to play sometimes and she isn't in the mood.

Did the vet do a bad job when he was neutered? Is six months too long to wait to neuter? My friend's vet told her to have her cat neutered before it even knew it was a male. Very young. Maybe I waited too long. He does try to strut his stuff sometimes with the female. :confused:

03-09-2007, 02:32 PM
Some Cats Do Mature Faster Than Others And Still Have Some Testerone In Thier System.
Miquelito Actually Was A Daddy Once Before He Was Neutered And Still Grabs Pouncierge And Precious By The Back Of The Neck Once In A While To Thier Disgust.
Thats Great That Your Cats So Affectionate.

03-09-2007, 04:39 PM
I think it's another word instead of "affectionate". LOL And yes he does grab little Chianti's neck sometimes. Then she runs away and gets mad. She thinks he is crazy.

Guess the six months is not a true and fast rule. He should have gone to the vet at the first signs of doing the mating dance. He is about five now and I hope it doesn't get any worse. He has never sprayed anything but he has pretended to when he is outside. :rolleyes:

03-09-2007, 04:42 PM
I think the old advice, with females anyway, was to let them have a first litter before neutering them but guess that has gone by the wayside. :confused:

03-09-2007, 08:54 PM
I use to always think a male cat wouldn't spray if they were "fixed". But I was shown the light on that when my neighbors cat always sprayed at our front door. :mad: (They have moved now)
I have not had any problems with Taz spraying (thank goodness), although he does do the tail twitch thing sometimes.
Sorry, I don't know what to tell ya. Maybe ask the vet if there is something that can be done?
Good Luck! I know that is not a fun thing to deal with. :(

03-09-2007, 10:41 PM
Thanks, I will if it gets bad. So far only once in a great while. I was just surprised he did it when he has been neutered. :eek: