View Full Version : Jake is a quiet kitty

03-08-2007, 09:05 PM
I thought siamese were chatty? When he does happen to meow it's very quiet. Unless he wants something, then it's just quiet :p

03-09-2007, 01:14 AM
Some are quieter than others. Sky is a Norwegian Forest Cat/Siamese Mix and he's very quiet and has a little baby raspy voice. Starr is fairly quiet unless he gets excited and then he has a very high pitched squeeky voice. Pearl must have a lot of Siamese in her because she's has a very loud voice and is very vocal and chatty. Sunny is an Aby mix and he's also has a loud voice and loves to talk even though he has only a little siamese in him.

03-09-2007, 12:29 PM
My cat had a hard life before I got him and he was pretty quiet when I first got him. I had to feel his throat to see if he was purring. As the years have gone by his purr is quite loud and he meows because he learned he could use his voice to get stuff or go on the porch.

03-09-2007, 05:18 PM
My Siamese By And Large Are Fairly Quiet Too.
The Noisiest Is Bobo, Then John Hancock With His Merrooooo!!!
Precious Has The Silent Miiiaaaoooww!!!
Miquelito And Pouncierge Are Noisy If There Is Food About.
If You Talk To Your Meezer He Will Talk Back And Answer You , And Learn To Start Conversations.

03-10-2007, 05:20 PM
My Marshall has Siamese in him and he's pretty quiet.I thought the same as you.I guess it's for most Siamese only.Who knows.Everyone is different I suppose.
By the way...that's a beautiful picture of you.Your very pretty :)

03-11-2007, 03:34 AM
The man who gave me Echo (purebred siamese) said that even all Siamese are different. He has a few girls that are so quiet they hardly ever mew unless there's food about and they hadn't gotten it yet, and then another (Echo's mother, actually) who MREEOOOAWW!'s constantly (you wonder where Echo got it from :P) and the father of the babies is only moderately talkative.

So not all Siamese are all chatty girls/boys... just most of them. And other breeds can be just as chatty, too (Clover doesn't ahve any siamese in her, I don't think, being a tux, and I can't exactly say who's more talkative of my two babies)

Sooo, yeah. ^_^ Surprizign what you can find out when you know cat-breeders.

03-11-2007, 11:01 AM
My Coco Puff never shuts up.


03-11-2007, 11:52 AM
By the way...that's a beautiful picture of you.Your very pretty :) :D ty!!

03-11-2007, 11:58 AM
My Siamese By And Large Are Fairly Quiet Too.
The Noisiest Is Bobo, Then John Hancock With His Merrooooo!!!
Precious Has The Silent Miiiaaaoooww!!!
Miquelito And Pouncierge Are Noisy If There Is Food About.
If You Talk To Your Meezer He Will Talk Back And Answer You , And Learn To Start Conversations.

I thought it was so funny when you said your cat Bobo is the loudest, cause my Bobo is soooooo loud that he wakes up the neighborhood, and he meows sooo much now that he is older. I think he just always wants attention lol.

I only knew one siamese cat that was quiet, but all the rest I've known make their voice heard:)