View Full Version : The Little Miss...pics

03-08-2007, 02:52 PM
I am home from work today. Having the flu hasn't stopped me from snapping pics though!
Little Tehya lounging in her crate this morning. She loves her crate and the frozen peanut butter filled kong was a huge hit!
Playing with a stuffie last night. The squeak fascinated her. She was very gentle with the toy and it survived to be played with again today!
Out for a little run around this morning.
Such a sweet little face!

She really is a doll. She's learning her name. She got some off-leash time in the house today. She sniffed the cats, but didn't bug them too much. They are so used to dogs that they don't really react at all to a new one sniffing them!

Lori Jordan
03-08-2007, 03:02 PM
She looks great how is she settling in?

03-08-2007, 03:07 PM
Aww! She is so sweet and so adorable. I love her markings!

Ginger's Mom
03-08-2007, 03:09 PM
She sure is a pretty little thing. She looks so small in the indoor shots, but more border collie size in the outdoor pictures. Glad to hear that she is being such a good girl with the kitties and stuffies. :)

03-08-2007, 03:23 PM
god I am so in love with her!!! are you definitely adopting her out?? I hope/wish youd keep her just so I can see pics of her all the time!! ;)

03-08-2007, 03:27 PM
Oh she is the cutest little thing!

Cinder & Smoke
03-08-2007, 03:39 PM
Are you definitely adopting her out??
I hope/wish youd keep her just so I can see pics of her all the time!! ;)

Oh, I think you've misunderstood ...

Tehya IS a KEEPER ...

If you look closely at the first Crate Shot ... she's sporting her Wandering Spirits
Official Membership Hang-Tag that all the Spirits wear!

She's In for Life ... even Stuart Approved! ;)

03-08-2007, 03:51 PM
She is pretty Tamara. Congrats again on rescuing yet another pup. Remember we would (well I know I would) all love to come up there and help ya out. :D

03-08-2007, 03:53 PM
are you definitely adopting her out??

Oh, no, she's not going anywhere. She's here to stay. We didn't even bother trying to pretend she's a foster! She's a keeper!

critter crazy
03-08-2007, 03:56 PM
She is such a gorgeous dog!! You are so lucky!!

03-08-2007, 03:58 PM
how is she settling in?

She's doing very well. We had a little incident with Heyoka. Let's just say that Stuart lost his "atta boys" as Phred would say. Heyoka is in isolation for awhile and Tehya met Dr. Rick a week before she was supposed to! Fortunately, she's fine!

No problems with any of the other dogs, although there are a couple she'll never meet. No problems with the cats. She sleeps through the night in her little crate; wolfs down her puppy food; couple accidents in the house, but she's learning to go outside; she likes to snuggle. Once she's housetrained, I can see she will want to be a bed dog!

Cinder & Smoke
03-08-2007, 04:16 PM
We had a little incident with Heyoka.
Let's just say that Stuart lost his "atta boys" as Phred would say.

Heyoka is in isolation for awhile and
Tehya met Dr. Rick a week before she was supposed to!
Fortunately, she's fine!

OH Gosh! :(

We really otta take up a collection and send poor Stuart to Dawg Sittin Skwel. :rolleyes:

What happened?

Glad Tehya's "fine" ... but a trip to the White Coat isn't usually required if everything is "fine".

Hope everyone has calmed down and life will continue.
Hey Stuart ... maybe try FLOWERS again ... they seem to go over big!

03-08-2007, 04:23 PM
She is so precious! I love the black patch over her eye.

When will you start sled training her. And pardon the stupid question, but how would you even go about starting her?

03-08-2007, 04:28 PM
We really otta take up a collection and send poor Stuart to Dawg Sittin Skwel. :rolleyes:

What happened?

Hope everyone has calmed down and life will continue.

Well, he just needs to use his head more!! Letting Heyoka loose while the other dogs were getting fresh water is always a bad idea. Stuart knows that but he did it anyway. He is feeling very guilty right now!

Heyoka is not aggressive, but he has no concept of how big he is! I don't know all the details as I was at work when it happened, but basically Heyoka's head met Tehya's with some force! Her little eye got very swollen, very fast. That's why we took her to the vet. He didn't bite her. She has no wounds, but we were worried that her eye was damaged. Dr. Rick kept her for the day and gave her some anti-inflammatories to knock the swelling out. Her eye is fine and back to normal now.

03-08-2007, 04:36 PM
When will you start sled training her. And pardon the stupid question, but how would you even go about starting her?

She'll probably start in a couple weeks. The lady who pulled her from the pound came over last night and brought a little harness for her. It's from one of her bridge dogs and a perfect fit for Tehya. I didn't have any small size harnesses!

It's very important that she just have fun right now. She can't think it's work or have a negative association with running or she won't want to later. So that means she'll only go on short runs with the best dogs I have in the team and when the trails are most likely to be quiet. No running her with the unpredictable dogs or when something is likely to go wrong! It has to be all fun all the time! I will probably run her beside Pacer in swing to start. Pacer is driven, but calm in harness.

I am hoping that she will want to lead and over the summer and fall she can do some work with Paxil, before Paxil is ready for full retirement. Paxil can teach her to lead far better than I can. I can teach her the commands, but Paxil can teach her stuff only a lead dog knows.

Cinder & Smoke
03-08-2007, 04:45 PM

He (Stuart) is feeling very guilty right now!

Heyoka is not aggressive, but he has no concept of how big he is!
Her little eye got very swollen, very fast.

Dr. Rick kept her for the day and gave her some anti-inflammatories to knock the swelling out.
Her eye is fine and back to normal now.

Memo to Tehya: DUCK when da BIG Dawg is runnin around!

Glad it wasn't as bad as it looked at first.

Wonder if she learned anything from the encounter?
Hopefully, like Amy's Keva, lil Tehya will remember the White Coat Lab as a
phunn place to visit, so the Sir Jury event won't be too traumatic.

So, did her Black Eye get blacker; or does she have TWO Black Eyes now?


03-08-2007, 04:46 PM
god I am so in love with her!!! are you definitely adopting her out?? I hope/wish youd keep her just so I can see pics of her all the time!! ;)

Glacier, I agree totally with Pessimisaurus -- Also -- I think this needs a CUTE ALERT! What a dumpling! Hug her for me!

03-08-2007, 04:54 PM
No problems with the cats. She sleeps through the night in her little crate; wolfs down her puppy food; couple accidents in the house, but she's learning to go outside; she likes to snuggle. Once she's housetrained, I can see she will want to be a bed dog!

I knew it, a couch & bed buddy. :)

Sorry she got bumped so hard, poor baby.

03-08-2007, 05:34 PM
Oh gosh, I love love love this girl! she is just WAY to cute! Please do continue to post many pictures of her! :D

03-08-2007, 05:44 PM
Tamara I didn't even know you were adding another addition to the clan...she's gorgeous!
Sorry to hear about her little incident with Heyoka, but glad to hear she's doing fine.
Give that sweetie a big hug from me:D

03-08-2007, 07:08 PM
Definitely a Princess in the making :D What a cute, cute puppy woof!!

03-08-2007, 08:21 PM
Tehya is just too cute! :D
Thank you for posting more cute pictures of her for us. :)

03-08-2007, 08:25 PM
Such a good girl! I love black & white animals, something about them intirigues me, I love looking at them. Poor girl, ya gotta watch those massive malamute noggins, they're like boulders! Glad she wasn't hurt too bad. Heyoka probably didn't feel a thing, LOL! Looking forward to seeing her running along beside handsome Pacer, they're gonna be a good-looking pair together! I was glad you added a young dog to your team, you've mentioned before how many older dogs you have. Plenty of time to pass along all that wisdom. Skritches & ear rubs & muzzle kisses to that little cutie!

Hope you get to feeling better soon.

03-08-2007, 08:26 PM
Tehya is as beautiful as ever!! She's such a gorgous doll... give her a BIGG hug for me!

I'm sorry to hear your sick... I hope you're feeling better soon!

03-08-2007, 10:20 PM
hmmm I was home sick too today
but I didn't snap any pics!
But I'm glad you did!
She is soooo gorgeous! :)

03-09-2007, 05:01 AM
She is so adorable! :D

03-09-2007, 05:25 PM
She is pretty Tamara. Congrats again on rescuing yet another pup. Remember we would (well I know I would) all love to come up there and help ya out. :D
You got that right! I would have a blast. She is such a cutie. I love the closeup of her. She has such a sweet face.