View Full Version : To cut... Or not to cut?

03-08-2007, 08:00 AM
I'll start by saying that I *love* long hair. Everytime I allow my hair to get nice and long I love it for a while until I remember how much work it is to keep it looking nice. More often than not my beautiful long hair ends up in a wad sticking off of the back of my head like a messy bun :rolleyes: Sooo I'm thinking of chopping it off. My hair grows SUPER fast so if I don't like it it will grow back out within 6 months or so. Looking at pictures makes me think that having long hair makes my face look fatter anyway. I'll post some pictures, please give me your honest opinions :)

My normal hair-do:
Me recently when I actually took the time and energy to fix my hair:

The cut that I'm considering is below. As you can see, I had this haircut when I was pregnant with Tyler but with all the excitement of having Tyler I can't remember how well I liked it :rolleyes:
Alternatively I could go a little bit longer but if I'm going to chop it off I'd rather go shorter.

03-08-2007, 08:02 AM
I know what you mean about loving your long hair. But I also think short hair looks FABULOUS on you!! So go for it! It's just hair. :)

03-08-2007, 08:13 AM
I say go for the shorter cut. Once things get settled down with your new baby, you can let it grow out again.

I drastically cut mine when I learned I was pregnant with Mimi (from below my waist to the tops of my ears!) and have kept it that short. When last child (we always wanted more than 1) is out of the hair pulling phase, I'll let it grow out again.

03-08-2007, 08:15 AM
hmmm keep the advice coming :) I suppose I ought to run this by hubby eventually :rolleyes: :D :D

Pawsitive Thinking
03-08-2007, 08:21 AM
Do what I do - change the colour instead :D

03-08-2007, 08:23 AM
Do what I do - change the colour instead :D

I've never been very big on coloring my hair. The only thing that I really like with my skin tone is adding deep red lowlights to it!
Going lighter makes me dissapear because my skin is so pale :p

Pawsitive Thinking
03-08-2007, 08:41 AM
You do realise that if you cut your hair I'm going to have to leave PT for good..........sorry, wrong thread :D

03-08-2007, 08:43 AM
You do realise that if you cut your hair I'm going to have to leave PT for good..........sorry, wrong thread :D

*giggle* :D :D :D

03-08-2007, 08:45 AM
You do realise that if you cut your hair I'm going to have to leave PT for good..........sorry, wrong thread :D
Bwahahahahahahahaha. Thanks for the deep laugh this morning! Everyone is so serious around here right now.

Missy, I loved your hair like it was when you were pregnant with Tyler. Very flattering and looked like a nice length to maintain.

I know what you mean about wanting to keep it long. I fight that fight, it grows out and just when its starting to get long I remember why I cut it in the first place. I chopped everything off last week and I couldn;t be happier. :)

03-08-2007, 08:48 AM
I think I'll start preparing my "Defense of Short Hair" brief right now to spring on hubby when he gets home :rolleyes: :D :D He prefers my hair long but I think I have only worn it down once in the past several weeks :rolleyes:

03-08-2007, 08:49 AM
You have beautiful hair, and it looks like its thick enough that if you got it cut, it could more or less style itself after washing. So, if you think that's the case, I'd say cut it--it will then always look "done" and stylish, and if you hate it, it will grow out.

I have very very straight fine hair, so I must style it every day. Its a bob, short enough that its too short for a pony tail, so although it only takes about 5 minutes to blow dry, I have to do it every day. That's really the only downside to a shorter style.

Jake's mom

03-08-2007, 08:53 AM
I have very very straight fine hair, so I must style it every day. Its a bob, short enough that its too short for a pony tail, so although it only takes about 5 minutes to blow dry, I have to do it every day. That's really the only downside to a shorter style.

You are right, my hair is VERY thick. As it is it takes nearly an hour to blow dry/straighten it!!
Chasing a toddler around and getting ready to have another baby in the house don't leave much time for fixing my hair!! 15 minutes with a blow dryer would be a HUGE improvement :)

03-08-2007, 09:11 AM
Maybe get it thinned to a medium cut?

I voted medium anyway lol.

03-08-2007, 11:23 AM
I think it looks nice long, medium or short. But, I prefer it short.

I like long hair, too, and usually have mine pretty long ... read: pulled up in a ponytail. :rolleyes: I cut mine short once in a while though, because mine grows really fast, too.

And, for what it's worth, I never tell my husband I'm going to do it. It's my hair. lol Not that he would say much anyway, but I like to surprise him. And once it's already done, he can't really say anything.

03-08-2007, 11:36 AM
I think it looks nice long, medium or short. But, I prefer it short.

I like long hair, too, and usually have mine pretty long ... read: pulled up in a ponytail. :rolleyes: I cut mine short once in a while though, because mine grows really fast, too.

And, for what it's worth, I never tell my husband I'm going to do it. It's my hair. lol Not that he would say much anyway, but I like to surprise him. And once it's already done, he can't really say anything.

It is like we are twins, but not. (cause we all KNOW I ain't got no hubbie) LOL.

Long hair works WAY better....you can pull it up, not style it, go 3 days without washing (did I just write that?:0), and it keeps your neck warm. Short hair = work. I just can't do the work. :)

03-08-2007, 11:40 AM
I think it's the other way around Johanna! It is nice to be able to pull my hair up into a ponytail but if I want to look more presentable it takes forever!! With short hair I can spend 15 minutes drying and fussing with it and be good to go for a day or two!
The temperature thing is another reason that I want to cut it. If I can handle Japanese summers I can handle anything.... I'm still not looking forward to a hot Texas summer though!!! :p :D

It's already in the 70s and 80s here so no worries about keeping warm :D

03-08-2007, 11:47 AM
I say cut it. I think the shorter hair frames your face nicer. Besides, why have long hair if it's always in a bun?

I always have my hair pulled back. I would like to cut it shorter, but it's so darned curly, that I would look like I have a pom pom on my head.

03-08-2007, 11:51 AM
You do realise that if you cut your hair I'm going to have to leave PT for good..........sorry, wrong thread :D

Quit that my keyboard is getting ruined :D
*wipes off yet more coffee*

I think you look fabulous in all the pics, I voted for the longer cut though, as you can always shorten it if it isn't what you want :)

03-08-2007, 12:04 PM
I've been having the same argument with myself about my hair. I voted medium so you can keep a ponytail if you want one. I thought about cutting mine, but decided with 2 little ones in a few months, I need the option of quick and easy instead of having to style every day.

03-08-2007, 12:12 PM
I found two picture of how I would wear this short style when I didn't feel like fixing it.... I'm really leaning towards going with the short style!
In two tiny little pig tails

03-08-2007, 01:13 PM
I love long hair, especially on young people, but i think if you are just going to tie it up in a bun everyday, you should go for the cut,but the medium one, then your hair is easily taken care of, left out or still long enough to tie up if you so desire.,either way you look very cute. :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-08-2007, 01:25 PM
Missy, you're adorable either way but I am a short hair freak. I think a cute, short, and, simple, style on you would be perfect :)

03-08-2007, 01:48 PM
I love long hair too, but have always done what you do ... end up with it in a ponytail or messy bun on my head! I honestly like your hair just below the chin but with more layers. I think the pieces around your face need to be more layered and not fall straight to your chin or below. I loved the layers you had in the side view pic with the light blue shirt on. That was great, but I feel that you just needed more layering around the face! ;)

03-08-2007, 01:50 PM
I REALLY like the medium cut on you. I think it fits perfectly.

03-08-2007, 02:58 PM
Whichever you choose - long or short, go to a real good hairdresser who knows about cutting hair! You can have a long cut which look gorgeous, as well a shorter one. Personally, I think you should have a style in which your hair is away from your face, but a good hairdresser can tell you what will suit you best.

Here's a few links to give you ideas, you can find more. :)

