View Full Version : um..what?

03-07-2007, 07:00 PM
i was devisated when i saw that borzoimom was banned and i dont know if i should be posting this or not...but....WHY??

03-07-2007, 07:01 PM
i searched her posts and everything else but couldnt find anything :confused:

03-07-2007, 07:04 PM
she was banned? i thought it was ceph that was banned! Omg i loved borzoimom, and i really loved her comments. I hope this doesnt start anything with the mayer or anything but geez, i really was out of the loop. :(

03-07-2007, 07:05 PM
PM Karen with any of your questions about banned members.

03-07-2007, 07:07 PM
she was banned? i thought it was ceph that was banned! Omg i loved borzoimom, and i really loved her comments. I hope this doesnt start anything with the mayer or anything but geez, i really was out of the loop. :(
i know....me to.....

03-07-2007, 07:08 PM
PM Karen with any of your questions about banned members.

well i did but she never told me who was banned, i honestly thought the whole message that karen sent me was about ceph, guess not :confused:

03-07-2007, 07:15 PM
She was... controversial. A bit of a polarizing figure. Not saying a ban was deserved or not, I am just saying that as much as she did add, I can also see a lot of instances in threads where you just know Karen got buried in complaints about her. Those of us who are very, very passionate sometimes have to pay for it.

Don't get me wrong, I have no idea why she was banned, and I am not saying she deserved it, I am just saying I am not totally shocked. There have been tons of complaints and calls for action publicly about all the general contention and arguments here, so I can just imagine how much Karen has had to put up with privately as well. Even a very kind and patient person can only take so much goading and dumping on before resorting to drastic measures.

We all have pretty much agreed that we wanted friendlier, kinder, calmer threads here. Maybe when we were demanding it we didn't think through the consequences of the campaign. Yes, Borzoimom could be very kind and friendly and we all loved seeing her beautiful dogs and learning from her. But if we revolt and demand that people who cause controversy be punished, then... even well-meaning people we consider friends aren't always going to be safe.

03-07-2007, 07:20 PM
She was... controversial. A bit of a polarizing figure. Not saying a ban was deserved or not, I am just saying that as much as she did add, I can also see a lot of instances in threads where you just know Karen got buried in complaints about her. Those of us who are very, very passionate sometimes have to pay for it.

Don't get me wrong, I have no idea why she was banned, and I am not saying she deserved it, I am just saying I am not totally shocked. There have been tons of complaints and calls for action publicly about all the general contention and arguments here, so I can just imagine how much Karen has had to put up with privately as well. Even a very kind and patient person can only take so much goading and dumping on before resorting to drastic measures.

We all have pretty much agreed that we wanted friendlier, kinder, calmer threads here. Maybe when we were demanding it we didn't think through the consequences of the campaign. Yes, Borzoimom could be very kind and friendly and we all loved seeing her beautiful dogs and learning from her. But if we revolt and demand that people who cause controversy be punished, then... even well-meaning people we consider friends aren't always going to be safe.

that makes total sense. thanks for clearing it up. Im sure it was hard to say it all and try not to say too much haha! but anyways those of us who werent up to speed on all the threads being posted and all the replies they got... (being me) it helps a ton! thanks!! :)

03-07-2007, 07:32 PM
Lol, good... I had some pretty strong feelings there, but was trying to write it in a tactful and not totally biased way regardless. Don't want to blame people who have had cause to complain about her, and don't want to rub salt in her friends wounds.

There are other recent threads here that have other information, but if I had to guess (and since I do not feel the need to PM Karen demanding an explanation, this is all unconfirmed by her), that last post is what makes sense to me.

03-07-2007, 07:50 PM
Lol, good... I had some pretty strong feelings there, but was trying to write it in a tactful and not totally biased way regardless. Don't want to blame people who have had cause to complain about her, and don't want to rub salt in her friends wounds.

There are other recent threads here that have other information, but if I had to guess (and since I do not feel the need to PM Karen demanding an explanation, this is all unconfirmed by her), that last post is what makes sense to me.
well im glad!!