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View Full Version : About the fights lately...

03-07-2007, 06:12 PM
Before you read this, please know this was not ment to make anyone angry, sad, mad, etc. I just wanted to say something that I couldn't in the other thread. If it comes down to a fight, then I will be more then happy to delete it, and just so you all know, that is not my intention.

So, I see someone was banned. I have no clue as to why and I don't want to know, I don't want the link to a thread, or anything. I just wanted to say to all the people who feel they need to leave, and to everyone else I suppose:

I'm sorry this happened and I'm sorry it effected people so deeply, as they feel that they need to leave because of it. I also wanted to say, Pettalk is such a wonderful place on the internet, it brings so many people close togather to talk about something they all have in common, a love of animals and their pets. It breaks my heart that some people were hurt so badly, that they need to leave pettalk, possibly for good. I just think this fighting needs to stop.

Now, my main point is, can we all just stop fighting, and go back to the amazing and loving community we once were?

I understand some people might get angry at me for not posting it in another thread, but that was not my intention. I think we all need to take a deep breath, and go pet our pets, and stop the constant fighting and bickering.

Thank you,

03-07-2007, 06:19 PM
Agreed.I couldn't have said it better.

03-07-2007, 06:19 PM
I just think this fighting needs to stop. I think we all need to take a deep breath, and go pet our pets, and stop the constant fighting and bickering.

I totally agree 100%! Some close friends are leaving because of fights and everything. If someone says one bad thing about someone else, it'll travel around PetTalk and everyone will here about it. Then, a huge fight will break out. People would get hurt and then leave because they don't feel at home anymore. This is a great and wonderful site, so lets keep it like that ;)

(Sorry if I insulted anyone and got people mad in my post.)

03-07-2007, 06:24 PM
I would also like to add one thing:
People don't feel comfortable telling about their feelings and deep, deep thoughts. This also causes fights and bickering too.

Please PT stop all this fighting :(

03-07-2007, 06:27 PM
Maltese, I couldn't agree more. And I'm sorry that I let myself be baited and got upset and replied to some mean posts meant to hurt me. I joined here because I lurked for a long time and thought it was one of the friendliest forums. I am going to set aside the hurts and ignore them. Most posters are the greatest here and I've already made friends.

03-07-2007, 06:53 PM
Just make sure that you don't hold back what you feel needs said just to avoid a "fight". By that I mean if any person gets LITERALLY upset about something said on an internet forum... (You know, the whole anonymous thing...) They need to either grow up or get a life.

I understand the premise of this BB, I do... Still, being kissy face and everybody getting along all the time is simply unrealistic and more importantly, fake. Say what you mean and mean what you say for the truth has nothing to hide.

One guys opinion...

03-07-2007, 06:59 PM
I agree 100% I love this site and no fight or bickering will ever make me leave. The joy and happiness and knowledge I find on this site, overrides any argument, fight, or bickering people. This site is an amazing place that you can go when you feel sad and need someone to talk to, when you feel overjoyed and need to share your good news or just feel downright hilarious and want to share something funny, and a place for prays when people or pets are sick. It's like a haven for all of us who have one big thing in common...our lives are lived for our animals and we all live to experience the love of an animal and share our love back with them. I will never leave here and will always go to a thread of happiness when I see fighting going on, that way I always realize what this site is for...the love of animals.

Thanks so much for posting this Alyssa:)

03-07-2007, 07:08 PM
everybody getting along all the time is simply unrealistic

I agree with you on one thing, that is the quote above. You are absolutely right, and I have posted that in my post on the other thread. I posted that not everyone is going to get along, and not everyone is going to like you but it's important to voice your opinion and respect other people's opinions. Another thing to keep in mind is that, if you can avoid causing a fight then just do so, causing a fight is not going to benefit anyone in anyway. It'll just create more stress in a community, and I see no reason for anyone to do that.

03-07-2007, 07:21 PM
I agree 100% I love this site and no fight or bickering will ever make me leave. The joy and happiness and knowledge I find on this site, overrides any argument, fight, or bickering people. This site is an amazing place that you can go when you feel sad and need someone to talk to, when you feel overjoyed and need to share your good news or just feel downright hilarious and want to share something funny, and a place for prays when people or pets are sick. It's like a haven for all of us who have one big thing in common...our lives are lived for our animals and we all live to experience the love of an animal and share our love back with them. I will never leave here and will always go to a thread of happiness when I see fighting going on, that way I always realize what this site is for...the love of animals.

Thanks so much for posting this Alyssa:)

I am glad I found this place and also will never leave. The people here have proven to be very knowlegable and very caring. I ahve learned a lot here and hoped I have helped others to learn about service dogs. I hope things will get back to normal soon.

03-07-2007, 07:22 PM
I am glad I found this place and also will never leave. The people here have proven to be very knowlegable and very caring. I ahve learned a lot here and hoped I have helped others to learn about service dogs. I hope things will get back to normal soon.
I really enjoyed your one thread about that, too.

03-07-2007, 07:24 PM
I really enjoyed your one thread about that, too.

Me too, I am very glad you posted that. I never knew that Service Dogs would be so much work, but now that I know, I won't think that these people with Service Dogs have it as easy as we think. Thanks for letting us all know that:D

03-07-2007, 07:27 PM
dukedogsmom, Kalei. Thanks so much. It is one of the subjects I am very passionate about. lol As you can obviously see.

03-08-2007, 08:08 AM
Whenever I've felt like leaving, I just take a break. I too, can never get angry or sad enough to leave this place. I've met too many wonderful, kind friends on this board to ever want to disappear forever.

Pawsitive Thinking
03-08-2007, 08:12 AM
Whenever I've felt like leaving, I just take a break. I too, can never get angry or sad enough to leave this place. I've met too many wonderful, kind friends on this board to ever want to disappear forever.

Me too which is why I'm not going to be driven away by a minority. A quote about Dennis Wise springs to mind "he could start a fight in an empty room..."

Ginger's Mom
03-08-2007, 08:35 AM
A quote about Dennis Wise springs to mind "he could start a fight in an empty room..."
I never heard that before. :D I like it. I may need to borrow that some time. ;)

Daisy and Delilah
03-08-2007, 01:26 PM
Thanks for that Denise. I've already used it today and it sounded great!! :D

03-08-2007, 05:01 PM
NicoleLJ, I really appreciate and enjoy your posts about service dogs. You've taught me a lot! Brody's Mum, the Dennis Wise quote is new to me, and I may need to borrow it too. Mostly I enjoy the stories and photos about everyone's cats, dogs and pets.