View Full Version : Monte and Shilo = dentals.

03-07-2007, 05:53 PM
Monte and Shilo will both be having dental work this Sunday.

Monte has 1 upper canine tooth that had swelling around the gum. It will need to come out. He needs a cleaning of some tarter on his molars, as well. Fairly routine but he is 13 years old, so I worry. BUT, his pre-surgical blood work came out GOOD. :)

Shilo, well his is more involved. He has stomatitis (like Amber does) and will need quite a few extractions. His back most molars and his upper canines are definitely going to be pulled. Possibly others. Poor boy has been is pain lately and eating only wet food. And his gums bleed. He's been on Prednisome for a while now. It helps, but just not enough. Hopefully he'll be pain-free after this surgery, at least for a long while.

My vet is doing them at her clinic (for rescues) so it is saving me money (THANK YOU!). Please keep my boys in your thoughts on Sunday.

03-07-2007, 08:21 PM
Prayers for both that things go well and they feel lots better afterwards.

Oh and mom, you do know feeling better may take a day or two, especially with multiple removals, right? Don't want you to worry on Sunday evening with few people on line or such!

03-08-2007, 12:13 AM
Jen, I'm sorry to hear that they'll both need to have extractions but I'm sure that they'll feel much better. I'm sure that everything will go well. They'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

03-09-2007, 09:57 PM
Awe... poor Shilo and Monte! What if they do some deep cleaning around the gums where there is swelling? Will that help? I know that's what the dentist did for me. Deep root scaling and then under the gum antibiotics. Not sure that they do that for kitties.

03-10-2007, 07:26 PM
Well, tomorrow is the day. I snapped a photo of Monte's swollen gum (upper canine tooth). This is the one that will be pulled. The swelling can actually be seen when his mouth is closed. I pray that all goes well.

And dear Shilo will HOPEFULLY be much more painfree than he has been lately. He has been eating onlyh canned food, and OK with that, but if he even tries to take one bite of someone's leftover dry kibble, he yells. :(

Their appointment is 11:30 am. Not sure when I can report on their success.

03-10-2007, 08:40 PM
OMG! I never realized their gums could get that bad!! I really need to have Honey's teeth and gums checked. His breath is sooooo bad! All he has to do is yawn and i'm gagging!! :eek:

03-10-2007, 11:48 PM
I've recently started giving Smudge C.E.T. dental health treats, really not long enough ago to notice a difference. But they've got the enzyme glucose oxidase in them that's supposed to jump-start the salivary peroxidase system that breaks down tartar. Still too soon to know whether they're helping, but he assures me that they taste fantastic...

Anybody else use dental-health treats? What kind, and to they seem to help?

Love, Columbine

03-11-2007, 03:32 AM
I've been giving my cats greenies as treats but I'm not sure if they've helped or not. Starr needed a cleaning in Dec.2006 because his gums were red and inflamed and his breath was also stinky and he rarely ate wet food. He had bad gingivitus and he's not even 2 years old yet. He'll be 2 on March 22nd. Since then I've been adding liquid oral care to their water. It's supposed to help prevent bad breath, gingivitus, and plaque from building up. So far Starr's gums look great.:)

03-11-2007, 08:33 AM
Wow! Those gums look painful! I'm sure he'll feel better by Monday night.

After Abby's annual last March, the vet suggested dental diet food for her, which I have been mixing with her regular food for the last year. I don't have the package any more as I use a container for food, but I think it's Hills T/D.

Later this month she will go for her annual and see if it did any good. If it did, I'll let you know.

03-11-2007, 05:19 PM
Well, my boys are still in their carriers sleeping off the drugs. (can't have them falling all over the house.)

Monte had 3 teeth removed, and then a cleaning.

Shilo had 8 teeth removed, and a cleaning around some "questionable" teeth. Not quite bad enough to be pulled, but still good enough to have a firm hold on the jaw.

I got to watch the procedures (along with a few spays and neuters). And if these boys, especially Shilo, don't have headaches after this I would be amazed.

They have pain meds for a few days and antibiotics.

Speaking of the spays, most were ferals, and 3 of the ladies were pregnant. And even though some people do not approve, 14 babies were prevented from being born (in the wild) today.

03-11-2007, 08:13 PM
Glad to hear everything went well. I'll be very interested to see how Shilo's stomatitis responds to his extractions. I have 2 here with the same thing. Dexter's is horrible ... he is losing weight because of it and his mouth is terrible. We have tried the Prednisone too. My vet also did a cleaning, but she said his teeth were too well-rooted to warrant removing them. :rolleyes: I'm really frustrated with this. :(

03-11-2007, 08:32 PM
Glad to hear everything went well. I'll be very interested to see how Shilo's stomatitis responds to his extractions. I have 2 here with the same thing. Dexter's is horrible ... he is losing weight because of it and his mouth is terrible. We have tried the Prednisone too. My vet also did a cleaning, but she said his teeth were too well-rooted to warrant removing them. :rolleyes: I'm really frustrated with this. :(
Well, Amber had this done in Dec. And even though she was still painful for almost 2 weeks, she is SO much better now. Gaining weight and even willing to eat some dry food again. But, she had the same problem at first, we did a dental and many teeth were still rooted too well to remove, but it did buy her some time before the more radical dental.

Shilo will be the same. While he had 8 bad teeth removed, he might have several more some time down the road. but I hope it will mean pain-free and PILL-free fo a good long time.

Shilo is currently "passed out" on the sofa and Monte is right here with Mama. :)

Killearn Kitties
03-12-2007, 07:28 AM
I'm pleased to hear that the boys are back home and recuperating. Please pass on smoochies. :)

03-12-2007, 10:50 AM
For you few people following my boys, Monte is back to very normal. I cannot tell you how glad I am, as all week I kept fearing something would happen and he would not even wake up. (a VERY nasty feeling)

Shilo will take longer to stop hurting, but he did eat this morning and is acting as normal as can be expected. He still looks so sad, but I know we did what needed to be done.

I have administered all said hugs and scritchies. :)

03-12-2007, 11:18 AM
I've got a bunch of cans of fancy feast... do you want some for Shilo??

03-12-2007, 12:06 PM
I've got a bunch of cans of fancy feast... do you want some for Shilo??
You are so sweet, but he is eating. He will be fine.

03-12-2007, 06:39 PM
Jen, I'm just now seeing this but so glad that everything went well for the boys. Wow, 8 extractions! That had to be one sore mouth! I've not had any problems with the cats but Disney had chronic bad teeth and was constantly having cleanings and extractions so I do know what it's like.

Glad to hear Monte is back to normal and I hope Shilo is very soon.

Sending gentle scritches and kisses for them.

03-13-2007, 08:33 AM
It's amazing what our furkids can take. My Puddy had 6 teeth pulled when she first went into renal failure. This was before I met Dr. Lee and I think he may have saved them. But that's all water under the bridge. Puddy was able to withstand it and I'm happy that your furkids were, too. We'd do anything for our fur family, wouldn't we? I'm glad all is well.