View Full Version : Keva's puppy class graduation (new photo page 2)

03-06-2007, 12:13 AM
Keva graduated her puppy class today. She wasn't the most obedient one in the class :o but I'm happy with her socialization, she was very good with all of the people and dogs.

This is a terrible photo, sorry. I was in a car accident sunday so I look and feel awful.
The other puppies in the class:
This is Tasha (german shepherd/ poodle mix)
Turbo (lab mix)
Kayla (german shepherd)
Keva and Kayla playing
Keva, Kayla, and Tasha. Keva was about half the size of all the other pups
Keva at home with her graduation gifts
"Mmm this diploma looks good enough to eat!" (yes, she tried)
Nebo and Keva

03-06-2007, 12:18 AM
The trainer included some extra stuff for Nebo, here he is with his tennis ball
All 3 (the stuff on the carpet is tennis ball fuzz, Keva likes to rip it off)
"Have any treats?"
Keva waiting for me to tell her she can eat the treat on her paw. I'm sorry for the bad quality, my camera doesn't take good shots inside without a flash, especially at night.
Another attempt at a diploma pic
My mom giving the dogs treats and having them do tricks

03-06-2007, 12:18 AM
I can't leave out Nebo, here's some photos of him on my bed. My mom had the weekend/monday off so she watched them while I was at work Saturday and today. Every day I was told everything nawtee Miss Kevious did while I was away. When I asked about Nebo she said he was a perfect angel...at least one of them behaved. :o

03-06-2007, 12:20 AM
Ohh Amy i hope you are feeling better soon :(. Congratulations Keva on your graduation from puppy class, it looks like you had alot of fun. Keep up the good work :). Cute photos Amy, the pups are all precious.

03-06-2007, 12:25 AM
Miss Keva is so grown up now. They are so cute. Congrats on the grad!

03-06-2007, 04:23 AM
Congratulations Keva! :D Nebo,you're such a good boy. ;) I hope you're feeling better Amy. :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-06-2007, 07:48 AM
Good job Keva!! I know everyone there fell in love with you just like we have on PT. Such a smart and cute little girl!! Nebo is looking as adorable and handsome as ever. I love the group shot. Syd looks adorable in that little jacket!! Great pics!!

Amy, I sure hope you're okay. I didn't know you were in an accident. Feel better. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

03-06-2007, 08:23 AM
My to favorite breeds playing together!!!!! :D

Congrats to you and Keva!
I'm so sorry you were in a car accident, I hope you wern't hurt too bad! I hope you are feeling better! :D

Thanks for the Nebo and Syd fix too!!

03-06-2007, 08:26 AM
Well congratulations Miss Keva! Look at allllll those goodies! Such a cute picture of her & Kayla playing together. ;) And of course Bebo was an angel...he's a husky from heaven! Sorry to hear about your accident, hope you feel better soon.

03-06-2007, 08:34 AM
Congrats to Keva!I love the pics of Nebo on your bed.Cute blanket.
Feel better soon.

03-06-2007, 09:32 AM
god they are so gorgeous!! keva is soo big, how old is she now?? congrats on graduation!! :D

03-06-2007, 09:32 AM
Congratulations Miss Keva!! She is stunning, and Nebo is as handsome as always!!

Hope you're feeling better soon, Amy!

Cinder & Smoke
03-06-2007, 09:50 AM
"Mmm this diploma looks good enough to eat!" (yes, she tried)


My mom had the weekend/monday off so she watched them while I was at work ...
Every day I was told everything nawtee Miss Kevious did while I was away.

When I asked about Nebo she said he was a perfect angel ...
at least one of them behaved. :o


Congrats, Pretty Girl!

And Nebo ... <grinn> Fooled 'em again, huh Kid?


03-06-2007, 09:56 AM
Congrats, Keva! I can't get over how big your getting so quickly.

Nebo, you're still a stud.

03-06-2007, 10:31 AM
Congrats to Keva and you! :D all your pups are gorgeous and I hope you get to feeling better soon! :) (((HUGS)))

03-06-2007, 11:29 AM
Congrats on the graduation! I hope the car accident was nothing serious and that nobody was badly hurt. Give them a hug for me!

03-06-2007, 12:18 PM
Congrats to Keva on her graduation. :) I hope you get to feeling better
soon. Hugs for handsome Nebo & Keva.

03-06-2007, 12:19 PM
Congratulations. What a great job Keva.

P.S. That German Shepard/Poodle mix is pretty cool.

P.P.S. I hope you're feeling better soon.

critter crazy
03-06-2007, 12:22 PM
Aww...love the pics! I always love seeing pics of your pups! Congrats on a job well done Keeva!

Ginger's Mom
03-06-2007, 12:40 PM
Whoo-Hoo, congratulations Keva! Not only pretty, but smart too. We all knew you would do well. ;) She looks so happy with all of her graduation presents, it looks like it was a good day for her. I always like seeing pictures of the three furkids together, they look like they all get along so well. Syd, you look very cute in your coat. And Nebo, I am not surprised at all that you were a good boy for grandmom. You strike me as the type of boy that doesn't even think of doing anything bad.

03-06-2007, 01:49 PM
Wooohoo! Congrats Keva! Even though you're Miss Kevious, you are a smart pup. Of course, my Bebo boy is and angel. ;)

Oh now.. an accident? I'm so sorry You didn't tell me about that one or was it after we talked? Is everyone okay? Was it in your new car?

03-06-2007, 02:03 PM
Thanks everyone for your comments! :)

About the accident...that was after I talked to you Kay, remember I said we were going for a ride? We were in a rural area we hadn't been before going about 30-35 mph and my dad did not see a stop sign at an intersection, a truck going at least 50 mph hit us really hard. We had all 3 dogs in the car too, Sydney was unphased, Nebo bit his tongue a little bit and was shaking, Keva was literally screaming and she peed all over, but they are fine now. The impact was so hard that it knocked the breath out of me, I couldn't breathe when the car stopped, it seemed like forever before I could breathe again. Anyway, other than some nasty bruises and being really sore we're all ok, other than the car (my mom's), it was totaled. I'm glad I was sitting on the side I was in the back, if I was on the other side I'm not sure I'd be here. A good reminder for everyone to wear your seatbelts and secure your dogs in the car too, if we hadn't done that I know it would have been worse.

03-06-2007, 02:06 PM
Wow, that's scary. I'm glad you all are safe.

Congrats on the graduation. Keva and Nebo are both gorgeous.

03-06-2007, 02:09 PM
what a shock!!......gladly you are fine, all of you........

and Congrats Miss Kevious.......you just proved you are a smarty pants.....;)

03-06-2007, 02:29 PM
Here's a photo emailed to me of the whole class, Shannon the trainer is in the middle.

03-06-2007, 07:35 PM
Congratulations cutie Keva! Raven has a certificate just like that too :D. Raven was the biggest puppy in her class though. We start her next basic classes this coming Saturday. The best part of puppy classes is the socialization and group atmosphere in my opinion. She looks so adorable.

I'm sorry to hear about your accident though :(. I've been in a couple (I wasn't driving) and it takes some time to lose that shaky anxious feeling from it. Glad that no one was badly hurt.

03-06-2007, 08:07 PM
Congrats Keva! Glad you had fun with puppy classes! :D

As for the accident, wow I'm sorry! I'm also glad to hear that no one was seriously hurt, how scary it must have been! :(

03-06-2007, 08:40 PM
What a cutie you are Keva and so proud of yourself :) Well done sweetheart - your mommy is just glowing :)

So sorry to hear about the accident and hope everyone is feeling alright. Hugs to all,


03-06-2007, 09:37 PM
Here's a photo emailed to me of the whole class, Shannon the trainer is in the middle.

that's a great picture! :)

03-06-2007, 10:03 PM
Congrats you two! :D I'm sorry about your car accident. I'm so glad everyone is ok.

03-06-2007, 10:20 PM
She's just so cute!

03-06-2007, 10:55 PM
Congratulations, Keva!

Great pictures, Amy. Your two are so beautiful - I love how defined Keva's facial markings/mask are. She's such a pretty pup. :)

I'm very sorry to hear about your accident too. I'm so glad that nobody was seriously injured! I hope you feel better soon.

03-06-2007, 11:27 PM
I'm so sorry you were in an accident and feeling rough Amy -
Congrats to Keva -
the pics are grrrr-eat!

03-07-2007, 10:14 AM
Congrats Keva!!

Sorry to hear about your accident. I hope you feel better soon.

Lori Jordan
03-07-2007, 10:16 AM
Great Pictures,All of them are adorable,I have to say she is sure growing fast,She is beautiful!