View Full Version : A birthday for my Clover... hmmm.... [Please Read!!]

03-05-2007, 07:37 PM
All these kitty birthdays in the same general time just got me thinking...

As you all know... or at least I think you know, Clover came up to me as a stray, so I never knew when she was born. I know Echo was born on August 4th, and I'll be having some sort of celebration for her, but I just have no idea when Clover was born.
I wanna do something special for her first birthday (I know that she was under a year old when I found her, because she was really small), since she really means a lot to me. Her birthday is prolly around this time, early-mid-late march or something, but I just dont' know...

Anyone have any suggestions? And what I might do? Other than give her fancy feast, which is obvious? :P

03-05-2007, 08:01 PM
Celebrate it on April 1st! in honor of the fool who didn't know what a great cat slipped away!

I feed raw so on our special days we give catnip mousies and pouches! Really quick to stich up and stuff :)

03-05-2007, 10:05 PM
Lots of folks here celebrate their pet's Gotcha Day, which is the day they came home with you!

So make that some time around when you think she was born, if you like.

Happy Gotcha Day, Clover! :)

03-05-2007, 10:21 PM
Thanks for the help! It's so much appreciated. I'm actually half tempted on celebrating her birthday on my boyfriend's birthday, but I think he'd get incredibly jealous, and Clover would just laugh at him, if she knew why he was.
I just wanna make her first birthday somethin special, since obviously either she was born on the streets, or as soon as she stopped lookign so kittenish her previous owners just dumped her in the streets.
I don't really want to honor whatever owners she had, becuase obviously they were assholes if they ever existed. But that is an interesting and funny idea XD and I might celebrate that anyway XD

03-06-2007, 03:30 AM
I also don't know Jack & Sunny's birthday so celebrate the day I brought them home from the shelter, to me that has become their birthday.
I usually buy an assortment of treats and posh foods, as they don't have that normally as it's very rich. They enjoy it for a treat though. Last year they had a tin of red salmon between them and they love it! I also bought a turbo ball toy and other small toys too, that they love.
But most of all I think cuddles and loving is the main thing, though we do that all year round of course! :D

03-06-2007, 05:26 AM
There isn't one cat in my house that I know what day they were born.So I just keep them as happy and healthy as possible. :)
They were all rescues.

03-06-2007, 09:07 AM
I give my cats canned food and some new toys.Zippy got a new bed for her 7th b-day.Pumpkin is going to get some new toys for her b-day in april(I made one up for her) :)

03-06-2007, 09:41 AM
A nice Cat Bed would always make a great gift.
And the Found Cats are glad that thier toys came just in time for Clovers First Purrthday.
JJJ3 just yelled out Whiskas Temptations.
The food of the Cat Gods.

03-07-2007, 10:40 AM
The shelter told me that Cassie was about 18 months old when I adopted her. We have an Open House the first Saturday of each February and that's when I celebrate Cassie's "gotcha".

03-07-2007, 05:29 PM
Soncat and I came up with an idea when we got our RB parakeet, JC Chapin. Our birthdays are on the same day (the 22nd) but different months. We figured out what month JC was born so her birthday was May 22. Something like that might work for you too.

03-07-2007, 07:51 PM
Thank you all for the great suggestions! I'm thinking around March 25th around, since she was pretty young when I got her, and I got her around July or August. She had just stopped looking so kittenish when she met me.

03-08-2007, 04:56 AM
Shylanhal, make sure you take lots of pics on whatever day you choose, so we can all see Clover enjoy her special gotcha day! :D

03-10-2007, 05:01 PM
I will so totally do that, Culture Junky ^_^
I'm going to celebrate it... I think, some time during Spring Break, like march 27th, on Tuesday.
Tuesday becuase one: it's my lucky day, and two: because it was the day I first met Clover, even if it was the tuesday of like.. July (hence my lucky day). And because no one else has birthdays on that day which would make it extremely awkward. :P