View Full Version : Trip to grandma's almost turned tragic!(pics)

03-05-2007, 06:04 PM
Ill just start from the very begining so everyone will get all the info.
Yesterday Andy and I decided to go to his mom's house to do our laundry that was well over-due, take the pups so they can run around in the field that they've been running in since they were just a few months old and so andy and I could go work out at their new home town gym that was just built!
So we loaded up the laundry and the pups and heading to grandmas, it's an hour drive so cainan and coco were in the back of the truck in their kennels(fyi-strapped down so they wouldnt slid around), and corona up from with us, she doesnt have much fat so she gets cold easily!
We pulled up to grandma's with all 3 puppies going crazy with excitment to see everyone and be able to get outa their kennels after so long of a drive. After their potty break we all headed inside to wait with uncle jon(andy's brother) for grandma and aunt teresa to get home from the airport!
Coco was especially rowdy because she loves LOVES to see new people especially ones she doesnt get to see very often but is familiar with! so we let them back outside and i got some warmer clothes on so we could go play in the field. Andy and I headed out and started heading to the field which is directly next to grandmas house, andy and coco are faster then the two younger pups and I so we were trying to catch up...cainan and corona started sniffing the ground so i hung back waiting for them. andy and coco were about 10 feet ahead and hollered back at us to catch up so my two were going full speed ahead with me jogging to catch up. We all finally caught up together and walked the length of the field.
We finally got the the top of the field and let the pups go potty one last time and decided to head back towards homes since it was getting kinda chillie out. We all turned around and started walking when andy yelled at me to stop and look at coco, she was limping. I didnt think much of it because when coco doesnt think shes getting enough attention, she limps so we run to her rescue(smart pup huh, hehe). Andy yelled at me to look closer...coco is bleeding and theres a cut on her leg. We both ran to her and lifted her leg...! It was cut alright...real deep to, andy said it was straight to the bone(but i didnt see it, it was just real REAL red) so i said okay well lets head back and get her leg wrapped up and off to the vet. Andy wouldnt let coco walk anywhere, he demanded he carry her. So he picked her up and started walking(andy has bad knee's) so he didnt get too far. He stopped and told me to run back to the house and get jon because he wouldnt be able to make it that far(the field is longer then a football field, and we were @ the wrong end :( ) I ran back told jon and he jumped on the 4-wheeler and headed up to grab coco, i stayed back at the house with corona and cainan.
We got back to the house called the vet and said he'd be done at the clinic in 15 minutes and for us to meet him there. Andy, jon and I grabbed coco and hauled her into the back seat of the truck with me. We headed down to the vet and waiting outside in the truck until we saw him pull up.
Well he pulled up alright, with bad news...he had to go "pull two calfs" and he'd call us when he was done and we can come back!
GRRR... was I upset, i mean my baby is hurt and he HAS to go pull two calfs for two momma cows who just decided that the sunday my baby got hurt to give birth!!
Well we headed back to Grandmas and layed coco on the kitched floor, put a gauz pad on her leg and wrapped it loosely and waited...and waited....AND WAITED...
Good news was coco got lots of attention from everyone, bad news was we had to wait an hour and a half!
Finally we got to the vet an got her right in, the cut was about 2 1/2 inches long and ALL the way to the bone, there was a very thin layer of tissue covering one of her main veins in her leg, you could see how blue the vein was, it was creepy! Man oh man im glad she didnt cut that open too, im sure she would have bled out, especially with the vet being busy with the cows and all.
Well the end of my story goes...we couldnt and still cant figure out what she cut herself on(ice maybe, but not sure) and she has about 5 or 6 dissolvable stitches inside her leg and 4 stitches on the outside. She is on a weeks worth of meds and isnt feeling so hot! They had to knock her out to put the stitches in then gave her something to wake her up, so last night she was extremely groggy! Here's some pics i took of her leg and her. Sorry some kind of have a glare on them! Here ya go!

03-05-2007, 06:13 PM
Oh I am so sorry!

Our prayers for a speedy recovery and Hugs to you and to Andy.


03-05-2007, 06:24 PM
Poor Coco. :( I'm glad the Vet could help her. Hope she's feeling better
soon. Looks like she could have lost her foot.

03-05-2007, 06:34 PM
OH no!! I have tears in my eyes, and was supposed to leave work about 5 minutes ago, but wanted to read this thread.
CoCo, I hope you are feeling better soon! This is no way to get more attention, you really had mommy and daddy worried.;)

03-05-2007, 06:35 PM
Sorry to hear about coco. Hope coco feels better soon.

My old dog had a mistery cut. The vet said it looked like he was stabbed, but the location was just too odd. My poor guy had 1/2 a tendon to his foot cut, his inside toe no longer functioned. & the cut was so close to his dew claw, the vet removed it. Since my dad was playing nurse, dad asked to have the other cut off too as we wanted them cut off anyways. My poor guy was heavly druged for days! I had to carry him all over the neighbourhood until I could find a bush for him to pee on & a patch of grass, not on someone lawn. I had to hold him to potty so it was kinda odd. I was only 13 & he was 80lbs lol

03-05-2007, 07:10 PM
How scary!!!! I'm so glad she's okay.

03-05-2007, 07:18 PM
How scary!!!! I'm so glad she's okay.

Ditto! Sending positive vibes for a speedy recovery!

03-05-2007, 07:32 PM
Oh how awful! So glad that she didn't sever that vein!!! Poor baby, I'm glad she got all sewn up. Give her some pets for me, please!

Daisy and Delilah
03-05-2007, 07:52 PM
Kisses to that sweet girl please. Get better Coco!! :(