View Full Version : Unbelievable! It's Moxie and her teeth again! *UPDATE*

03-05-2007, 03:46 PM
This morning Richard said he noticed Moxie wasn't closing her mouth and was licking but just thought she was being weird. He fed her before he went to work and she ate fine. Just now I noticed her sleeping in the basket and her mouth wasn't closed so I looked. On her left side her top canine tooth is stabbing into the the back of her bottom big tooth. I'm not sure which one has moved. My guess is she hit her mouth some time last night because all was fine then. I know her teeth lined up correctly before because we just went through that "double fang" issue with her baby teeth falling out late.

I just called my vet and they are busy and about to close but they said I could drop her off in the morning and they will have the vet look at her sometime during the day since they have no appointments available.

There is no telling what happened. She is a daredevil and will jump and go anywhere. She got on top of an opened door last week. She had to have jumped 5+ feet to get there and then she couldn't get down. She also gets up on the tv and jumps to the mantel. If she fell from there it's several feet down to a rock hearth. That would be bad.

I don't see any other injuries but she's not her energetic self. She is eating but mostly wants to sleep so I will wait till morning and take her over. Poor little girl!!

Anyone experience this before? Anyone have a helmet Moxie can wear?

03-05-2007, 04:05 PM
Poor little girl.....have you considered a mouthguard?? ;)

03-05-2007, 04:23 PM
My goodness!!! :eek: Never heard of anything like this before. Poor Moxie and poor YOU! I hope everything can be easily "fixed"!

edit: I was just thinking about this. I'm wondering if because there were two teeth there originally and one just fell out, if it left the permanent one sort of loose??? That would explain it moving out of alignment. I wonder how it will tighten back up and be in the right spot again? :confused:

03-05-2007, 04:42 PM
edit: I was just thinking about this. I'm wondering if because there were two teeth there originally and one just fell out, if it left the permanent one sort of loose??? That would explain it moving out of alignment. I wonder how it will tighten back up and be in the right spot again? :confused:
I still can't tell for certain which tooth moved. It really looks like they both moved. I just fed her and she ate fine but she doesn't want to be bothered. She usually loves to sleep in my lap and nurse on my hand after she eats but she ran from me and curled up on the blanket on the bed. I almost think she is limping but not sure. She won't walk much but she is jumping up to places just fine. I'll get Richard's opinion on the limp. I may just be looking for something more.

It's crazy, that is for sure! I hope the vet can give us some good news.

Do they make dental braces for cats? :rolleyes:

03-05-2007, 04:53 PM
Only John Hancock Had Any Real Dental Problems And That Was Due To A Virus , Not From Being A Daredevil Kitty.
We Pray That Moxie Will Be All Right And Not Need A Lot Of Surgical Work.

03-05-2007, 06:43 PM
Do they make dental braces for cats? :rolleyes: Poor little bean. But :D that's what I was thinking. Poor thing.

03-05-2007, 07:23 PM
Goodness, Moxie! You sure are giving your Mom some hair raising experiences! She's gonna have to put you in a bubble if you keep this up. ;) Here's hoping that there's nothing seriously wrong w/Moxie.


03-05-2007, 07:46 PM
Richard just got a chance to look and he is afraid her jaw is misaligned. Please say a prayer for little Moxie that she hasn't broken her jaw or anything serious. Poor girl!

03-05-2007, 07:50 PM
Richard just got a chance to look and he is afraid her jaw is misaligned. Please say a prayer for little Moxie that she hasn't broken her jaw or anything serious. Poor girl!

Gosh Lori, I sure hope he's not right!!! :(

03-05-2007, 07:55 PM
Oh no! I certainly hope that isn't the case. I can't imagine that she'd want to eat or even be able to. But who knows? I'll be praying for a positive outcome.


03-05-2007, 08:03 PM
Oh no! I hope Moxie is okay. I will be thinking of her. :D

03-05-2007, 08:14 PM
She is eating but I noticed she is drooling a lot and overall doesn't feel well. We think she either hit a tooth/teeth and moved it/them, knocked her jaw out of socket or broke her jaw. Since she is eating without much problem I'm hoping and praying it's just the tooth scenario, not the jaw.

Poor little girl can't close her mouth down completely because the two teeth are bumping each other.

I wish I had caught this earlier in the day. :( Bad Meowmie! :(

03-05-2007, 08:29 PM
Prayers for you both!!

Poor cat and poor mom!

03-05-2007, 11:59 PM
Lori, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( Poor Moxie.:( I sure hope that she'll be okay and that whatever is going on can be easily fixed. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way. It sounds like she's going to give you a lot of gray hairs from worrying.

03-06-2007, 07:51 AM
Thanks for the well wishes. She is at the vet now so I have to just sit and wait. I don't know when the vet will get a chance to look at her but the good news is it's the top vet who is in today. He's so popular it's hard to see him (plus he is busy doing tv and radio shows around town). I know she is in great hands with him.

03-06-2007, 07:55 AM
Get well wishes for Moxie. Will watch for updates!

03-06-2007, 09:40 AM
Oh gosh! :eek: I hope it's nothing serious! I'd be so worried too! I'll keep you and Moxie in my thoughts and will definitely check back during the day!!

03-06-2007, 12:53 PM
Thinking about you! Hoping for an update soon!!! ;)

03-06-2007, 01:33 PM
MOXY!! Your a bad girl for worrying your mom and dad like that.Now you stop clowning around and start behaving ;) :D
Here's to hoping she get's through this fine.I hope she gets home today for you.

03-06-2007, 02:49 PM
UPDATE: Moxie is back home with me. The vet said this is all related to her baby teeth being in so long and now the adult canine is trying to move back in place but is bumping into the bottom tooth. He wants to wait a week to see if it will correct itself and if not we have two options. He can pull the top canine tooth or he can go in, loosen the canine and put a wire on it to force it into place. It would be like braces, LOL. That is the option we will try if needed but hopefully it will go back on it's own over the next week. Thank goodness she didn't injure her teeth or jaw like we feared.

Please send good vibes and prayers that it corrects itself without surgery.

Oh, and for my double whammy, last night I noticed that Decker is getting his adult canine teeth in and now has double fangs too. Here we go again! :rolleyes: The vet said to watch him closely. He and Moxie are such late bloomers to be a little over 6 months and just getting their adult teeth.

Kim - you figured this one out!

03-06-2007, 03:15 PM
LOL....a vet who does braces...that's great,but I hope it doesn't cost too much for you guys.He sounds like a wonderful vet. I wish the prices for vet care were the same here like down there.
Well...I have to apologize to Moxy for calling her a bad girl.Do you think she'll forgive me? ;)
Moxy...your a good girl...I'm sorry :)

03-06-2007, 03:18 PM
Aw that's great news that it isn't a broken jaw or something.

Hey Moxie girl, you and Decker obviously share the same genes! She must feel like she is teething or something like that! At least she can eat.

03-06-2007, 04:02 PM
UPDATE: Moxie is back home with me. The vet said this is all related to her baby teeth being in so long and now the adult canine is trying to move back in place but is bumping into the bottom tooth. He wants to wait a week to see if it will correct itself and if not we have two options. He can pull the top canine tooth or he can go in, loosen the canine and put a wire on it to force it into place. It would be like braces, LOL. That is the option we will try if needed but hopefully it will go back on it's own over the next week. Thank goodness she didn't injury her teeth or jaw like we feared.

Please send good vibes and prayers that it corrects itself without surgery.

Oh, and for my double whammy, last night I noticed that Decker is getting his adult canine teeth in and now has double fangs too. Here we go again! :rolleyes: The vet said to watch him closely. He and Moxie are such late bloomers to be a little over 6 months and just getting their adult teeth.

Kim - you figured this one out!

Yay! I'm glad that's all it is! (As if that isn't enough!) ;)

03-06-2007, 04:55 PM
Braces, eh? Well, why not? Hopefully, it won't come to that. But at least it isn't what you feared. Boy, those two furkids of yours sure are givin' ya a run for your money!


03-06-2007, 05:06 PM
Braces, eh? Well, why not? Hopefully, it won't come to that. But at least it isn't what you feared. Boy, those two furkids of yours sure are givin' ya a run for your money!

Boy is that the truth! Richard wants to find a giant hamster ball to put Moxie in so she can't hurt herself but I've pointed out to him that she hasn't caused all these things. The horrible diarrhea, the tumor, the double fangs and now the crooked teeth were out of her control. I've never had a cat with so many things, especially to only be six months old. The vet said today she may end up in a text book before it's done.

03-06-2007, 05:12 PM
My dog Charmin was like that. she lived to be 18 1/2 and my vet said that she built the wing on his hospital. We called her the 6 million dollar dog.


03-06-2007, 05:19 PM
Poor little Moxie; so small to have so many big problems........ :( :eek:

It's okay, Sweetie, braces aren't so bad. At least you won't have them on for 5 years like I did (as an adult)! ;)

03-06-2007, 10:09 PM
Oh Lori, how relieved I was to read it wasn't her jaw. Poor baby girl and now Decker too. Talk about a pair of late bloomers.

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way that the tooth will realign itself and Moxie won't need any surgery.


03-07-2007, 12:36 AM
Lori, I'm glad to hear that Moxie didn't break her jaw and I sure hope that everything will now fall into place. I also hope that Deckers baby teeth will come out soon and that he won't have the same problems that Moxie is now having. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way.

Starr will be 2 years old on March 22nd and he's already had coccidia, ringworm, UTI,a kidney infection, and now he's still battling chronic diarrhea that's probably due to colitis.:( He also had to have a neuter/spay because one of his testicles never descended. I sure hope that Moxie's health will improve.

Killearn Kitties
03-07-2007, 02:57 AM
I'm so happy that it's no worse than this. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it sorts itself. Poor kittens!

03-07-2007, 09:20 AM
OH, great news for little Moxie girl!! Now let's just hope it works itself out and that Deckers does as well. No more stress for mommy!! :D

03-07-2007, 11:29 AM
Lori, do you know if Moxie's and Decker's two other siblings are also going through this? It may be a genetic thing.

03-07-2007, 01:58 PM
Lori, do you know if Moxie's and Decker's two other siblings are also going through this? It may be a genetic thing.
I asked Richard to ask Tina (the lady who adopted them) about Pops and Twinks. He said he saw her for a few minutes yesterday morning and he told her about Moxie being at the vet. She said nothing was up with her guys except they will pee on anything plastic in the floor and now some of her other cats have started it too. She's been battling that for months with the kittens. Thank goodness mine don't do that (knock on wood).

03-07-2007, 03:21 PM
When my son first moved to LA, he met a man who trains animals for the movies and one of the first things he told him was "Cats hate plastic and will pee on it and probably won't drink out of a plastic bowl."


03-07-2007, 10:44 PM
When my son first moved to LA, he met a man who trains animals for the movies and one of the first things he told him was "Cats hate plastic and will pee on it and probably won't drink out of a plastic bowl."


Tell me about it... at least the peeing on plastic.

The plastic bowls only give my guys kitty acne. My vet told me to only use the metal bowls or the glazed ceramic ones they sale (or whatever they are made out of). Just no plastic or styrofoam plates, bowls, etc...