View Full Version : So Who watched the Jesus Tomb last night

03-05-2007, 12:34 PM
Just wondering who watched it, and watched the pathetic interviews after?

I was unimpressed with Mr. Koppel as he spent more time discussing the filmaking as oppossed to the actual questions raised.

03-05-2007, 12:58 PM
Nope!!! Didn't watch it!!! Never will!!! It's just a bunch of hogwash in my opinion. Just people wanting to make money and cause trouble!!! :rolleyes:
One funny thing: the Fox news channel had a rabi on this morning discussing the show. As if a Rabi would really care about it!!! sheesh!!! :rolleyes:
Just funny that they didn't ask a Christian what they thought!!! :p

03-05-2007, 01:09 PM
I didn't watch it, but hubby sent me a link this morning saying it had been pulled... http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/167535/lost_to...ed_by_discovery.html

I'm confused now, did it air or didn't it?

03-05-2007, 01:14 PM
Well the Rabbi on Fox said he watched it so I assume it did air.

03-05-2007, 01:38 PM
I didn't watch it, but hubby sent me a link this morning saying it had been pulled... http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/167535/lost_to...ed_by_discovery.html

I'm confused now, did it air or didn't it?

Yes it aired and I taped it.

03-05-2007, 02:09 PM
Nah. I didn't actually know it was on last night, but if I did, I probably wouldn't have watched it anyway. However, even if I had watched it, I know that I am confident enough in my beliefs that it would not have swayed me whatsoever. :)

03-05-2007, 03:58 PM
Don;t know where I was all last week, but I hadn't heard anything about this. Then at Mass on Sunday, Father spent his entire sermon on it, how this is yet another Lenten attack on Christians. (Last year, it was the DaVinci Code, followed by the Judas gospel.) He explained why it is a personal affront to everyone of us. He wasn't going to watch it, too insulting.

Then, I forgot all about it until I just saw this thread.

03-05-2007, 04:35 PM
No,I didn't.I know it is a bunch of bull.It is just another one of the devil's tricks.

03-05-2007, 04:38 PM
Nope!!! Didn't watch it!!! Never will!!! It's just a bunch of hogwash in my opinion. Just people wanting to make money and cause trouble!!! :rolleyes:
One funny thing: the Fox news channel had a rabi on this morning discussing the show. As if a Rabi would really care about it!!! sheesh!!! :rolleyes:
Just funny that they didn't ask a Christian what they thought!!! :p

Several Christian leaders were interviewed by Ted Koppel after the program.

03-06-2007, 06:44 AM
Several Christian leaders were interviewed by Ted Koppel after the program.
We went to bed and I didn't watch it- but tell me Kym- did any of them discuss that Jesus had a brother named Jesus? ( Mary and Josephs son..) There was a email flying around last week of left out transcript from the show. I will see if I can get the posted script, that addressed that it states in the Bible that there were two "Jesus"- first the the Christ, and a younger brother Jesus.. Did they put that back in- or continue to only half read the Biblical facts. Another comment that was made on that circulating email was that the grant money for this " project" exceeded any other prior grant.

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-06-2007, 09:13 AM
I don't think Jesus had a brother named Jesus. :confused:

Mat 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

Felicia's Mom
03-06-2007, 09:38 AM
No, I didn't watch it. It does not change my belief anyway.

03-06-2007, 11:59 AM
I don't think Jesus had a brother named Jesus. :confused:

Mat 13:55 Is not this the carpenter's son? is not his mother called Mary? and his brethren, James, and Joses, and Simon, and Judas?

Exactly................and to answer Bmoms question, yes they were not only mentioned, but an ossuary in the tomb found with Jesus' ossuary was inscribed " James son of Joseph brother of Jesus",

Finding the holy familys Tomb, I do not think would diminish a faith, but should enhance it.

To have a holy site to pray upon, or to visit, as many do with the Mt. Olive site, and recreate the walk of Jesus which even the catholic church has to admit, isn't even accurate but an approximation of where he MAY have walked.

I do hope they study these artifacts closer, and the tomb itself. How wonderful it would be to be able to stand in front of such a relic.

I would visit it , and I am not Christian.


03-06-2007, 12:23 PM
Finding the holy familys Tomb, I do not think would diminish a faith, but should enhance it.

The resurection is the cornerstone of Christianity!!! It's the saying his body has been found that is offensive!!! Besides his mother Mary's body is already in a tomb in either Jeruselum or St Peter's Basicalica. I can't remember which right now. On the Catholic channel they show pictures of it often. I'll try to remember to watch and find out where. I'm not Catholic so don't watch that channel often.

Oh, and the Matthew they were saying that's in that tomb can't be the apostile. He's buried in St Peter's Basicallica. Parts of all the apostiles are there except John (and Judas of course).

03-06-2007, 12:30 PM
I didn't watch it (don't watch any TV really), but I don't understand why so many are enraged and angered and taking it as an attack on their faith. Why should it challenge one's faith, or the belief that Jesus was holy, whether in a religion he was a prophet or the son of God?

If you were to take the finding as real, wouldn't it in fact prove he existed? Perhaps not in the tomb people originally believed in. I know the Christian bible states he rose from the dead and left no body, but people have to remember how old the bible is.. and how many times it has been translated and retranslated, and how meaning is lost whenever that is done. How speech of thousands of years ago can hold completely different meaning than speech of today. I.e. at a wake someone may say the deceased person is not in that casket but is now in Heaven. By that they mean the person's spirit. If someone wrote that down and hundreds of years later it got rewritten time after time in language after language the meaning could become distorted and misunderstood and taken as literal.

I personally don't believe there is any reason to take it as a threat or that someone is evil to even suggest such a thing. Hundreds of years ago everyone knew without a doubt that God made the world flat. "Science" proved it wrong and now we know it's round, but it doesn't mean we can't still believe that God MADE the world, even if our perception of it has changed. That is what happens, perceptions and knowledge changes through the ages, who really knows what is "right" and what is "wrong." Maybe someday we will know all the answers but I don't think it will be in this life. I just don't think we can possibly just KNOW beyond doubt exactly cut and dry what did or didn't happen in those times. I feel one can believe in God and believe in Jesus without adhering to some specific written word of the way things happened.

03-06-2007, 12:38 PM
The resurection is the cornerstone of Christianity!!! It's the saying his body has been found that is offensive!!!

We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God, not just some old dusty book writen thousands of years ago.

If the resurection had never have happened, the Romans (who killed him) would have shouted it from the roof tops. The apostiles would never have let themselves be tortured and killed, and Christianity would never have gotten off the ground let alone lasted for thousands of years.

critter crazy
03-06-2007, 12:39 PM
I did not watch it, and honestly had absolutely no interest.

03-06-2007, 12:39 PM
I was curious to watch it. But, forgot it was on. I would rather watch 24 anyway...Keifer is simply yummy!! LOL :p

03-06-2007, 12:40 PM
Ressurection is the cornerstone of faith? I would think that according to the Gospel, which states that there is a material body and a spirtual body.......the thought of Jesus being ressurected in the same manner as the Bible states would have no effect on the issue.

Looking at the ressurection, from both a biblical and historical standpoint, Jesus was placed in a temporary tomb along with others that were crucified, as was the SOP of the day, families then collected their dead and buried them properly in their family tombs.

That would have no effect on Jesus appearring 3 days later to his followers.

1st Corinthians 15:39~53

03-06-2007, 12:49 PM
but people have to remember how old the bible is.. and how many times it has been translated and retranslated, and how meaning is lost whenever that is done.
If someone wrote that down and hundreds of years later it got rewritten time after time in language after language the meaning could become distorted and misunderstood and taken as literal.

Just to clear this up - the actual original documents of the Bible (written in Greek) are still around (at the Vatican I believe? But not positive about that). Every time the Bible is translated into another version or language, the scholars who do the translating and writing of the Bible do actually go back to the original documents. For example, when the NIV edition came out, it was not translated from the King James version, but from the actual original documents.

Ressurection is the cornerstone of faith?

Yes! Of the Christian faith anyway. Jesus died for our sins and 'rebuilt' the temple (the temple being Jesus himself) in three days.

03-06-2007, 12:55 PM
As I teach religion, there are many more cornerstones that are equally as important to the christians.

The virgin birth for example.

And no one not even the show, implied that Jesus was not ressurected, simply that his family tomb was found.

03-06-2007, 01:06 PM
As I teach religion, there are many more cornerstones that are equally as important to the christians.

The virgin birth for example.

And no one not even the show, implied that Jesus was not ressurected, simply that his family tomb was found.

I never said that there weren't other cornerstones, but to Christians, the death and resurrection of Jesus is the MOST important thing. It cleanses us of our sin, allows us to have the 'direct line' to God...it completely changed our lives. I understand that you teach religion, but teaching it and believing and living it are two different things. :) I mean no disrespect, just saying how I feel. :)

03-06-2007, 01:07 PM
And no one not even the show, implied that Jesus was not ressurected, simply that his family tomb was found.
That's not what Cameron said in an interview on Fox news two days before the show. He claimed some of the bones they found were in fact Jesus.
Please note: none of the Romans or Pilat who had him crucified EVER denied he died or was ressurected. If they had had his body, or if he had never been crucified, they would have made sure everyone in the country knew about it.
There would never have been Christianity at all.

03-06-2007, 01:18 PM
That's not what Cameron said in an interview on Fox news two days before the show. He claimed some of the bones they found were in fact Jesus.
Please note: none of the Romans or Pilat who had him crucified EVER denied he died or was ressurected. If they had had his body, or if he had never been crucified, they would have made sure everyone in the country knew about it.
There would never have been Christianity at all.

Actually, at the time of his death, as he was only venerated by other jews, and was a considered a political threat, and a heretic against the jewish faith according to the Pharisses, his body would have been unimportant to them, his crucifiction was a symbolic act of power on their part.

The claim that the bone fragments in Jesus' ossuary are his, is valid as his ossuary is inscripted with, his name, it would stand to reason that the remains left would be his.

As for teaching and believing, I will not argue anyones beliefs, I will discuss religion, but I will not argue it. :) I believe that religion is a personal choice, no matter what religion you follow.

As for what was or wasn't claimed in the show or in the interviews after, unless you watched it, then many of the points you are bringing up have been accepted and considered worthy of further discussion, as the Catholic representitive on the christian panel said, even if they are Jesus' bones, it cannot touch the faith I have in his message.

03-06-2007, 01:22 PM
Just to clear this up - the actual original documents of the Bible (written in Greek) are still around (at the Vatican I believe? But not positive about that). Every time the Bible is translated into another version or language, the scholars who do the translating and writing of the Bible do actually go back to the original documents. For example, when the NIV edition came out, it was not translated from the King James version, but from the actual original documents.

From what I have read, they are the original copies, made from fragments of the original documents that were found in various places. Some of the originals were reportedly written in Hebrew, then translated to Greek.

"We don’t have any of the original autographs (manuscripts penned by the authors) of the New Testament scriptures; all of what we have is from copies."

Taken from here (among other places, this is just one site I found in a hurry in order to show what I meant). This site in particular defends the validity of what was written.


I really don't feel anger if someone believes differently than I do or questions what I believe. I'm always willing to listen or consider and come up with my own conclusions. I just think people seem overly insulted over this. I don't see it as the big deal that is being made out of it. Just my perception.

03-06-2007, 01:28 PM
as the Catholic representitive on the christian panel said, even if they are Jesus' bones, it cannot touch the faith I have in his message.

That is exactly how I feel, and I feel that that statement is well said :). I was raised Catholic myself, but I find I often am put off by how unyielding and unaccepting of differences organized religion seems to be. I do have my own very deep beliefs and faith, however.

03-06-2007, 07:00 PM
I totally agree with K9Soul. I don't understand why people get so upset when any question of the bible comes up. People in China worshipped Budda just as long as we have worshiped Christ. And what about the Egyptians who worshipped the sun gods for 5000 years? The problem with this world is that everyone thinks that their religion is the correct one. No one knows who is right, no one. Ireland and the Middle East is full of people who think/ know they are right and they will KILL you in the name of God. Anyone who kills in the name of God is not a good person or a sane person. Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Mormons, Catholics, Jews all have different beliefs. And if you think yours is correct that makes everyone else wrong. More people have died in the name of God then for any other reason on this earth. Pretty sad folks. We have to keep an open mind, we have to be willing to say my beliefs are wrong or incorrect otherwise we become another Middle East with mom's telling their children to strap on bombs in the name of God

03-06-2007, 07:20 PM
I totally agree with K9Soul. I don't understand why people get so upset when any question of the bible comes up. People in China worshipped Budda just as long as we have worshiped Christ. And what about the Egyptians who worshipped the sun gods for 5000 years? The problem with this world is that everyone thinks that their religion is the correct one. No one knows who is right, no one. Ireland and the Middle East is full of people who think/ know they are right and they will KILL you in the name of God. Anyone who kills in the name of God is not a good person or a sane person. Lutherans, Baptists, Methodists, Mormons, Catholics, Jews all have different beliefs. And if you think yours is correct that makes everyone else wrong. More people have died in the name of God then for any other reason on this earth. Pretty sad folks. We have to keep an open mind, we have to be willing to say my beliefs are wrong or incorrect otherwise we become another Middle East with mom's telling their children to strap on bombs in the name of God
We get upset because we think the Bible is sacred!!! I don't make fun of anyone else's religion and try to respect it. I just want the same for myself and my religion.

While I personally think my religion is right for me, I respect everyone's right to chose or not, for themselves. I'm not for killing anyone who doesn't believe like me. I just wish people would respect me and my religion and pick on some other one for a while. Of course, this is all part of Bible prophecy which, unless you believe in the Bible, you won't believe it's coming true, even though it is.

What is it about the Bible that over the last 2000 years, people have tried so hard to prove it is wrong? In spite of the best efforts of lots of people, the Bible remains the best selling book of all time. Just something to think about.

03-06-2007, 07:24 PM
Millions of people feel the same way about the Koran.

03-06-2007, 07:30 PM
No one is implying that the Bible is wrong, just as no one is picking on any religion in this thread.

If what was found is the holy familys' tomb then it is a remarkable and sacred site, I for one think that the information gathered and the questions raised are and should be discussed.

Fear of questioning any book the bible included in all of it's 56 variations with certain sects claiming and rejecting books to fit their beliefs, would be foolhardy.

However the thread is about the wonderous find that has been made, and what to do with that find now.Not about the bible or it's many facets in and of itself, in this discussion its' sole purpose is as a reference manual.

03-06-2007, 07:31 PM
Millions of people feel the same way about the Koran.

And the Talmud

03-06-2007, 07:53 PM
I agree Dr. This could be and should be a fascinating converstation on a possible historic find. History is one of my favorite subjects, especially the Middle Ages and Henry V111. As you know he did quite a bit to change religion by proclaming himself head of the church of England. Everyone needs to keep an open mind and everyone needs to know that this is NOT an attack on anyone's beliefs. In fact this is just the opposite, it is a tread on what is, and what could be. Like finding a new planet or a new dinosaur fossell this could change everything. Knowledge is never bad, knowledge is growth. It is a gift to all who have a brain and a heart to except change. Without growth, knowledge and acceptice we would still be apes swinging in the trees. It was when we climbed down we learned about ourselves and this wonderful planet we call home.

03-06-2007, 08:12 PM
I agree wholeheartedly.

03-06-2007, 08:12 PM
No one is implying that the Bible is wrong, just as no one is picking on any religion in this thread.

If what was found is the holy familys' tomb then it is a remarkable and sacred site, I for one think that the information gathered and the questions raised are and should be discussed.

Fear of questioning any book the bible included in all of it's 56 variations with certain sects claiming and rejecting books to fit their beliefs, would be foolhardy.

However the thread is about the wonderous find that has been made, and what to do with that find now.Not about the bible or it's many facets in and of itself, in this discussion its' sole purpose is as a reference manual.
But don't you see, this so called find, is saying just that, that the Bible is WRONG! It's saying that one of the most sacred beliefs of the Christians is a lie.

It's not a remarkable and sacred site, at least not to any true Christian who believes in the Bible. Nor is it a wonderous find. Maybe I'm a brainless fool but that's the way I feel about it and no amount of waving old bones that are "supposed" to belong to Jesus will ever change my mind. :(

03-06-2007, 08:16 PM

On this point, you are entitled to your opinion, however bear in mind, that even several Christian leaders have agreed that since the Bible has been interpreted by millions in many different ways, and that there is evidence in the Bible itself, to support Jesus ressurecting in his spiritual form, that the finding of his tomb would be a wondrous thing.

It does not and would not negate the ressurection, or the fact that he existed. It would be simply a wondrous find and a sacred site.

03-06-2007, 08:31 PM

On this point, you are entitled to your opinion, however bear in mind, that even several Christian leaders have agreed that since the Bible has been interpreted by millions in many different ways, and that there is evidence in the Bible itself, to support Jesus ressurecting in his spiritual form, that the finding of his tomb would be a wondrous thing.

It does not and would not negate the ressurection, or the fact that he existed. It would be simply a wondrous find and a sacred site.Sorry, we will have to disagree on this. My Bible says Jesus physically was ressurected. Now as to how others interprete their Bibles, well, that's up to them. I take mine literally. I guess the 500 people who saw him after he was ressurected must have all been on drugs or something! :rolleyes:

As for errors being made in the copying from the ancent manuscripts, very few have been made. The scribes had to start over if even one error was found. It took them a long time to copy by hand. There were parts of one of the gospels found in the Dead Sea scrolls and it was almost word for word to the todays current version.

Because I respect everyone on the board I won't post on this thread again. I've tried to explain why to me this "find" is blaspheme. Nothing wonderous or sacred or even special about the find. Just another sad attempt to undermine Christianity. :(

03-06-2007, 09:38 PM
No one is implying that the Bible is wrong, just as no one is picking on any religion in this thread.

If what was found is the holy familys' tomb then it is a remarkable and sacred site, I for one think that the information gathered and the questions raised are and should be discussed.

Fear of questioning any book the bible included in all of it's 56 variations with certain sects claiming and rejecting books to fit their beliefs, would be foolhardy.

I agree. I did not see this particular show, but what I am agreeing with is that I feel it is possible to rethink interpretations and I see nothing wrong with being open to listening to what has been found and the beliefs surrounding it without considering it some kind of attack or threat. I don't feel it hinders my faith or relationship with God in the slightest. I suppose some would say I'm no true Christian or that my faith is faulty, but God knows my heart and I don't need anything more than that. My interest on the show is piqued, I wouldn't mind seeing it.

finn's mom
03-06-2007, 11:42 PM
I didn't watch it, but not because I remembered to avoid it. I forgot it was on. I don't watch a lot of tv anyway. I don't see why it's such a big deal if someone is questioning the bible or a particular faith or even saying they don't believe in it at all. So what? They're not telling anyone that they have to believe in what they find. They're just reporting what they believe they have found. If you don't believe it, that's fine, too. Move on and ignore it, then. Definitely a less stressful way to deal with something that probably will never directly affect your life anyway. It's late, I hope that makes sense. :)

03-07-2007, 08:49 AM
Well I know that Jesus died on the cross for my sins and rose in 3 days.I believe the Bible.You don't have to believe if you don't want too.God gave us all a choice to make.That choice is the most important one.

03-07-2007, 01:21 PM
I wanted to see it but forgot when it was on and missed it. I'm sure they'll rerun it at sometime.

Jess and Dr., I pretty much agree with all you've said. :) Worded much more eloquently than I could have.

03-07-2007, 01:41 PM
Thank You.

I am certain it will rerun pretty quickly as the numbers were great, for viewers, so look for it around sweeps week! lol ;)

03-07-2007, 03:30 PM
Meevee.com is a great site for tv listings and it marks if it's a new episode or repeat if you follow certain shows. :D