View Full Version : So fed up with people!

03-04-2007, 09:17 PM
UGGG!!! I was at petsmart with my Zoey; she was being such a sweetie. Sitting for me and letting little girls pet her (actually wagging her tail, she is normally afraid to death of little kids.) I was walking down the toy isle, and had Zoey on a immediate sit after I stop walking. When this hyper golden retriever pulled her owner and jumped all over Zoey from behind her. Zoey got scared and jumped up from sit, making it look like she was encouraging playing. The owner actually had the nerve to yell at me and tell me to control my dog. She told me girls my age should never own dogs, and we just let our dogs run over the store. It's like excuse me? Out of anger (I shouldn’t have done it) I looked at her and told her that she could go to h*ll. I am so tired of people treating me like crap for my age. When my dog is the one being a good girl. She said I should teach my dog to have manners, like she is teaching her dog. I told her that she really should keep her mouth shut. I am a dog trainer, that my dog has titles on her. I told her she needs to get her eyes check. She said that if she came to my classes that she would leave the first day.

I know my anger got a little out of control, but hey I am just a child that shouldn’t own a dog right? ;) Rant’s make you feel better!

03-04-2007, 10:03 PM
Yeah, some people discriminate against age and it's not a good thing. She doesn't realize someone at your age could actually know MORE than someone twice your age.....like me! :)

Don't take it to heart, you know what YOU are doing and that's all that matters. :D
Good job Zoey, being a good girl for mommy!! ;)

03-04-2007, 10:15 PM
Ugh. Some people really bug me. I agree though, don't take it to heart. Glad to hear Zoey was doing good with the little kids :)

03-04-2007, 10:54 PM
I'm sorry this lady jumped all over you. She should have never said anything about someone your age owning a dog. She couldn't be any more wrong. I think you did well mentioning your dog's titles and your training.

03-04-2007, 10:59 PM
Yeah, people are reeeeeal smart. -_- Sorry her attitude bothered you, just be happy that while you may be younger(and when is that a bad thing?), you are obviously more mature than her. :)

03-04-2007, 11:50 PM
Thanks you, I feel better now.

03-05-2007, 12:11 AM
I am so sorry she treated you the way she did. she has no right, especially since she had her dog out of control and Zoey was being good. I don't think age has to do with being a pet owner, just responsibility counts to me. :) and I know you are very responsible. :cool:

03-05-2007, 09:00 AM
I think you handled it just fine! That lady needed to be a told a thing or two! Yea for Zoey!!

03-05-2007, 09:01 AM
Well she obviously is the one that doesnt have control of her dog, and oblivious to her dog behavior.. so uh well uh who is the better owner Bre???? lol :D

Lori Jordan
03-05-2007, 09:06 AM
I'm sorry you had to go through this,I was in Pet Smarts close to a month ago,I dont know if there the same everywhere,They have bins as soon as you walk in for like $2 and up to $10.

Anyways i was routing through them too see if there was anything good,I had Lacy in the cart(She loves it),With daddy's help offcourse.

Anyways she was sitting there like a little lady,This Big Ol English SheepDog,jumped on our cart.The cart slammed into my ribs.

Poor lacy started screaming she is terrified,And the lady started laughing.

I was so upset it took my lacy alot of courage to even go in the store,She was crying the rest of the time in there,I'm sorry but people should control there dogs.

03-05-2007, 09:23 AM
I think you handled it just fine! That lady needed to be a told a thing or two! Yea for Zoey!!

Glad you didnt just keep your mouth shut!


03-05-2007, 09:24 AM
This is why I like animals more than people.

03-05-2007, 09:57 AM
I think you handled it just fine! That lady needed to be a told a thing or two! Yea for Zoey!!

I could not agree more! Good for you for standing up to her.

Queen of Poop
03-05-2007, 10:34 AM
You did good telling her off but still being kind about it. It astounds me how ignorant people are these days, she should have been apologizing profusely after her dog jumped on yours. But so many people aren't willing to take responsibility for their own or their pets actions these days. It's very sad.

03-05-2007, 11:15 AM
What a jerk.She was in wrong.She had no right to tell you your too young to own a dog.She was probably embarrassed and jealous that your dog was more beautiful and better behaved then her's. :) She needed to be put in her place.

03-05-2007, 11:31 AM
Thanks for all you support! It's to bad us PT'ers don't live in a whole seperate city together. We need to get rid of ignorant people!

03-05-2007, 02:25 PM
Flatcoat, I know that rant made you feel better. I think you handled the situation quite nicely. Unfortunately, not all dog owners are capable of evaluating their own dogs' behaviors and will always make excuses. Try to not let it bother you, you obviously know more about dogs than she does, just be proud of that fact.

03-05-2007, 03:04 PM
Thanks for all you support! It's to bad us PT'ers don't live in a whole seperate city together. We need to get rid of ignorant people!

If we lived in a whole seperate city together we wouldn't be effective in getting rid of ignorant people. The only way we can do that is to educate them.

To educate the ignorant we have to be able to meet them and talk to them in everyday real life situations! No matter how frustrating it gets; its the responsibility the majority of us have accepted due to our love for animals.

We each do what we can in our own small way. We may never know in our lifetimes just how much of a difference we've made for pets in general, but at least we'll have the satisfaction of knowing we've tried our doggondest! :)

Miss Z
03-05-2007, 03:06 PM
Sometimes I'm astounded how idiotic people can be. I mean, surely these people were educated in some way in their life? Evidently not, it seems. :rolleyes:

Good job that she came across a mature person like you, Bre, who can give her a rollicking! And I hope that Zoey was OK after the ordeal.

03-05-2007, 03:11 PM
Like when I get asked If they ever come in the house or use a stable.. I would like to hit them.. lol..