View Full Version : Pearl Talks

03-04-2007, 06:08 PM
Hi, my Pearly girl loves to talk and I've been trying to get her to say mama in cat language. She doesn't want to cooperate very well though. Here's my attempt of attaching a video. I hope it works.:) Please excuse my baby talk to her in the video.:o

Pearl (http://www.dropshots.com/day.php?userid=254601&cdate=20070304&ctime=030327)

Killearn Kitties
03-04-2007, 06:16 PM
Pearl, you are such a clever girl! :D And absolutely beautiful too.

03-04-2007, 06:28 PM
LOL that is just too darn cute! :D

03-04-2007, 06:44 PM
Awwwww, Tracey, that is just too precious! She really did try to say it! She is just gorgeous and I love the sound of her voice!!!! :D

03-04-2007, 06:56 PM
Pearlsquite the carmer and Scrappy 2 was watching fascinated as she talked.
I asked Scrappy 2 to talk, but I think that she was waiting foor another tidbit of Tony Roma Ribs.
Then she talked!
Pearls a very wonderful beautiful Cat.

03-04-2007, 07:23 PM
Hooray! Chin rubs and treat when she says it!!

Mr. Amber Cat learned to talk to tell me when the water dish was empty; not quite "water," more like "wa-wa"

Sparkle says "Ne-ow!" when she wants to eat. Which is ALL the time, ha ha. So I'm not sure she knows to say "now."

03-04-2007, 07:37 PM
OMG!!! How sweet is she??!! She's just gorgeous, and so clever too! :D

03-04-2007, 11:28 PM
Thanks everyone.:) She was actually being fairly quiet in this video. She usually loves to talk. She'll even play fetch. I'll have to get a video of this soon. She's a very smart little girl.:)

03-05-2007, 04:02 AM
Aw, so cute.

My speakers are acting up so I couldn't hear it, but your Pearl is SUCH a gorgeous girl. Much fun watching.

Thanks for the head's up.

Mad Mags Moo
03-05-2007, 04:34 AM
What a sweetie pie! I think she was saying "no way mum!" :D Very cute would love to catnap that wee puss! ;)

03-05-2007, 12:13 PM
:D I heard it!!! I don't know what it is with meezers, they don't really talk like other cats do, they kinda do this low girgly-type talk (if that is actually a word :rolleyes: )

But I did hear her say it!!!!! Yeah!! Good for you Pearly-girl!!!!!

What a little ham she is for the camera!! ;)

03-05-2007, 07:21 PM
That was SOOOO CUUUUTE!!! Prraaamaa... that's what it sounded like. And I swear, while I listened, it sounded like the last things she mewed out were "Mama, no." like, no, I dun wanna call you mama, so there. It was cuuute!

Clover calls me Mama all the time! It's so sweet, she'll just call out "Prrama?" its so cute! It's so sweet when they mew at you liek that! Gives you warm and fuzzy feeligns in your heart, doesn't it?
Of course, all Echo can do is "Noooooooowww!!! Pet MMEEEEEE!!!!" and "Meeeee!" but it's still friggin cute

your Pearly girl is SO SWEET!!!! What an adorable little girl she is, and talkative, too! I just wanna snorgle her!

03-05-2007, 07:35 PM
Meezers do seem to talk and make different sounds from the other cats. When my Coco Puff gets a stern warning, he walks away and I swear he says "Oh well!" I'll have to catch it on video some time. But your Pearl Girl is beautiful. And smart, too.


03-05-2007, 10:36 PM
I love her dear crossed eyes and PURRING! And I love hearing the talking when they purr.

yes, there was the purry-gurgly "ma-ma" all right! :D

What a dear girl - kneading paws and everything!

03-06-2007, 12:18 AM
Thanks again everyone.:) Pearl is such a character and has so much personality.:)

03-06-2007, 04:01 AM
I can't see any of the videos here due to our b...y firewall in the office *pout*
I wanna hear Pearlie!

03-06-2007, 06:46 AM
awwwwwwww! i miss my chuckie angel's talking. me "said" moooooommmm or maaaaaahhhhhhh! once the lady on the phone from dominoes (i was ordering a pizza) thought he was my toddler calling me! hahahahaha! :D


03-06-2007, 07:19 AM
OMG, how adorable!!! I love it!

Miss Pearly you are such a sweetie!!! I could just smother you in kisses.

03-06-2007, 09:20 PM

That was just too darn adorable and I could have sworn I heard her say *mama* also. Too darn cute.

Isn't that typical though Tracey. When you want them to talk, they don't.

Don Juan's mom
03-07-2007, 04:24 PM
Sounded like "mama" to me! :)

03-07-2007, 04:46 PM
Yup, I heard her say "mama" too. What a gorgeous little sweetheart you've got there!!! And what unique markings, I absolutely love her tail. You did good, Pearl, sending lots of scritchies and tummy rubs just for you!

03-07-2007, 04:58 PM
Oh geez, that is just outrageously cute! You could hear her purring in the video. What a fun purrsonality she has! I just love the way her voice sounds. :D