View Full Version : Let there be light...

03-04-2007, 02:00 PM
After a week of heavy clouds and two weeks of extreme cold, the sun finally broke through yesterday. The temperature was still close to -30C but that felt almost balmy!
What's that strange glow? Oh, it's the sun!
The dogs were Pingo-Sundin, Hobo, Pacer-Ozzy, Franklin-Antare. We had to do alot of trailbreaking. The wind has been howling and the trail was drifted over in many spots. Even the snowmobilers hadn't been out! I was very glad I'd taken a slightly bigger team. There's a huge power difference between six and seven dogs, especially when the 7th dog is Hobo. He is so powerful and so driven that he makes a 7 dog team basically equivilant to running 8 dogs.
Lots of low trees too! They seem to get a little lower all the time. There were a few down branches, but fortunately I didn't have to hack through any downed trees this time.
I did have to a couple weeks ago! This was after I got the trail cleared enough to get the team through!
This was before! Pingo and Sundin could get under the tree. The rest of the team, particulary the sled and me were not getting under it under any circumstances!
Hobo managed to get himself tangled up coming across the lake, so I had to get off the sled. I try to avoid getting off as much as possible...it often leads to walking home! Snowhooks aren't as reliable as the manufacturers like to say they are! I got this one pic before my camera batteries were frozen solid!

03-04-2007, 02:02 PM
I know it's cold.......but boy do your pics make me wish I was there!!!


03-04-2007, 02:11 PM
Is that 8th dog Miss Daisy? That's amazing about Hobo - he looks like such a little guy in your photos. A mini-bulldozer, huh? Gorgeous photos, all of them The snow looks so pretty. Ours is almost gone. :(

03-04-2007, 02:26 PM
Is that 8th dog Miss Daisy? That's amazing about Hobo - he looks like such a little guy in your photos. A mini-bulldozer, huh?

Yah, that's Daisy. She spent the day here yesterday. She was at the gate a little while ago again. Next time I go out I'll let her in for the afternoon.

Hobo is little. He's short and might weigh 45 pounds, but he is solid muscle and pure energy. All he wants to do is run, run, run!

03-04-2007, 02:32 PM
Man! I always love seeing your pictures, they always make me want to move to Nunavut or Alaska and have my own dog team and sled. It looks like so much fun:D

Great pictures once again! And I'm glad that your dog team didn't leave you to walk home. That would have been cold for sure.

03-04-2007, 02:37 PM
Lovely pictures. Man do you have a lot of snow.

03-04-2007, 02:39 PM
Wow, what amazing pictures. The scenery is absolutely stunning! Must be wonderful to be on a tour there, and I bet the dogs enjoy it too. :)

I take it you got Hobo tangled out and could go on!

03-04-2007, 02:44 PM
I take it you got Hobo tangled out and could go on!

Oh, yes. He just got his paw stuck in his neckline. Since runs alone, he has two lines hooked up to his collar and his harness and he can jump sides of the main centre line. Occasionally he misses when he jumps and gets tangled. Usually I just have to stop and he can get himself straightened out.

03-04-2007, 02:51 PM
That first picture is Gorgeous! Great Shot!! :D

03-04-2007, 02:55 PM
Those pictures are so beautiful. I love winter, always have.