View Full Version : Pics from winter storm and a few from new camera! (image heavy)

03-03-2007, 06:34 PM
Ok I'm going to stick all this in one thread. We had another huge snow storm last week from Wednesday night until Friday night. Trying not to go overboard with the number I post but it's so hard to narrow down! I will post the pics from the storm and then the ones from my new camera!

This was quite an amazing storm and it is difficult to really get a good photographical gauge of just how much snow we have down since it has gotten so deep it packs itself down some and the dogs don't sink all the way down. But either way I think you can tell it's a good amount of snow! Most of them are from Friday with a few from Thursday.



Front half sunk down!

Really like this one



Raven can be such a brat LOL




More next post

03-03-2007, 06:35 PM


Snow on the roof






I think there must have been a rabbit or something under the deck, Tash kept sniffing and peering under there.

Tommy stuck his head in the snow LOL

Still more...

03-03-2007, 06:37 PM




I really like this one for some reason


Ok and now for the new camera.. I had been looking a dSLRs since last year and going back and forth between different ones and back and forth about putting out the money for one. But after reading extensive reviews I finally decided on one and took the "plunge" and purchased a Nikon D80! I finally had some time to play with it a bit today, so these are from today.






Still more.. almost done!

03-03-2007, 06:37 PM







Raven being a brat and ambushing Tash


Ok! That is all.. hope I didn't crash anyone's computer :o

03-03-2007, 06:40 PM
AWESOME pictures!
I'm so jealous of your new camera! :p Congrats! :D

03-03-2007, 06:43 PM
Ha ha, no crashing here! What nice snowy pictures! Poor pups are lucky to move the snow's so deep. That's what it was like here a few weeks ago. Tommy, Tasha and Raven are adorable, as always. :)

Daisy and Delilah
03-03-2007, 07:54 PM
I just can't believe that anyone can have that much snow in the yard. It amazes me. How in the world can the dogs navigate so easily? Daisy and Delilah can't even walk good if the yard isn't mowed all the way down :confused:

You are just an awesome photographer, Jess!! Congrats on the new camera. Your pictures are just beautiful. It always makes me smile to see how you capture their personalities so well. Those three are so precious. I know they have to enrich your life to unbelievable heights. Thanks for sharing!! I wish I could be there to help you shovel some of that snow ;) Kisses to that adorable crew please!!

03-03-2007, 08:00 PM
Wow, those pictures are all awesome! I use to live in New Brunswick Canada and we use to get like 5 feet of snow there and I always loved it. I don't get that much anymore:( sadly...so those pictures really reminded me of my old days with all the snow.

And your dogs definately look like they had a great time!:D And you can see the difference between your new and old camera, your new camera really captures the true picture its taking:)

Great job!

finn's mom
03-03-2007, 08:00 PM
Those are all so much fun, Jess! I would love to see Finn in all that snow! He'd have that looking like crap in about five minutes, though. ;) I love the last one of Raven, she looks like a locomotive!

03-03-2007, 08:04 PM
Great pics! The dogs look like they are having a blast!

I bought the same camera a couple weeks ago! I love it!

03-03-2007, 08:08 PM
Great pics! The dogs look like they are having a blast!

I bought the same camera a couple weeks ago! I love it!

I was contemplating it when you got yours! I saw your pics and you just may have been the one to tip the scales for me in going for it LOL. I love it already and have only really used the pre-set modes!

Thanks for the compliments all! Terry, they pretty much have to bunny or kangaroo hop through it until it's packed down more, even Tommy! LOL. We had two major storms within one week, and nearly 2 feet of snow down! Your poor little girls would have had to have an area packed down or shoveled out for them!

Toby's my baby
03-03-2007, 08:16 PM
Beautiful photos!! I love your new camera, I am so jealous! It looks just like that here, since we both probably got the same storm?

The snow is so packed down here, the horses can just about step right over the gate to the fence, which is normally about 4 feet tall. :eek:

03-03-2007, 08:55 PM
WOW I cannot even imagine what it would be like to have that much snow!! lol

Great pics and congrats on the new camera! :D And nice choice ;) I have a Nikon D100

03-03-2007, 09:05 PM
Great pictures!! I can't beliece how much snow you got. Looks like the dogs loved it.

Congratulations on your new camera too! It takes beautiful pictures. That's one of the cameras I've been thinking about getting - I just can't decide between it and another one.

03-03-2007, 11:11 PM
great pics!
and the new camera---- WOWZA!!!

Ginger's Mom
03-04-2007, 08:06 AM
Wow, the pictures with the new camera are just phenomenal. The kids look like they had a good time playing in the snow. But I bet they were nice and tired when they came in. :)

03-04-2007, 11:07 AM
I loved the pictures of your snow dogs. :) Really gives them a workout
getting around in all that snow. I can really see the difference in the two
cameras though, newer ones are so sharp & clear. :)

03-04-2007, 11:29 AM
Great shots of your pups in the snow. The new camera is outstanding!

03-04-2007, 02:54 PM
As always, LOVE all he pics of the babies=) Poor Tasha! Raven you little brat! That new camera is phenomenal. THose pics are so clear! Thanks so much for sharing (glad my snow dance worked but I didn't expect it to work all at once!)

03-04-2007, 03:19 PM
Wow those are great pictures!! The new camera is very crisp and clear. You can see the snow sparkle.....BEAUTIFUL!!! :D

03-05-2007, 08:26 AM
Thank you all! I'm definitely excited about the camera, can't wait until it warms up more and I can get out more with it :D. Liz you are definitely right about it being a lot of exercise for them to run through that snow. Definitely helps me wear out Raven a bit ;).

Thanks again for the kind comments, and I'm glad you enjoyed!

4 Dog Mother
03-05-2007, 08:45 AM
You certainly received a lot of snow! But the dogs looked like they thoroughly enjoyed it. And the pictures, wow! I would be interested in knowing what your old camera was.

03-05-2007, 08:55 AM
I love that last one of Raven! Awesome action shots Jess. :D And wowee, did you ever get a lot of snow! I'm soooo jealous. *pouts*

Lori Jordan
03-05-2007, 09:15 AM
Great pictures looks like they all had a blast.

i cannot wait until the snow goes awau it is getting depressing,I love spring all the birds come and home and all the new babies,It is so nice too see!

03-05-2007, 09:27 AM
I just Loooove the last 2!
Tasha looks like she's being pushed face first into the snow!

And the last one of Raven looks like she's having the time of her life!!
I love the frosty face picture of Tommy!

Great pics and congrats on the new camera!