View Full Version : Bear's first bone exp. & how she reacted.

03-03-2007, 11:28 AM
We've had Bear for nearly 2 months now. At first she was a little snarly (no teeth & no snapping) when she had any kind of toy or object in her mouth.

She now drops toys & objects pretty well. She'll drop a toy well before she'll drop a pair of socks :D

So yesterday I was at the bulk barn & picked up a couple cooked meat ribs for her to see how she was with those, before I spent a lot of money on the larger bones.

I told the guys to leave her a lone for a bit & then slowly walk around & see what she does. Of course I was the only one that needed to go into the kitchen :P I stepped over her & she looked at me & went back to chewing her bone. I did that a few times & she really didn't care. So I then touched her with my foot as stepping over her & still no reaction. Then I started petting her head & she stopped chewing to get a good head scratch. Later on Chad called her & she gave him her bone, so YAY shes great with bones :D

I cannot wait to get her several GIANT cow leg bones from my grandfather's store (heheh I get everything for free there). My grandfather & uncles love dogs, esp. rottweilers, so I know she'll be spoiled rotten with bones.... I get them raw & cook them at home. My uncles always leave WAY too much meat on the bones, so I'll have to trip the meat off, or just not feed her that day, as there will be that much meat on 1 bone lol.

I'm so excited, cause the bones will help keep her teeth clean & healthy! + she'll have more to do during the day when we're at work.

03-03-2007, 11:32 AM

However, I would leave the bones completely raw and let her enjoy them that way. RMB's (Raw Meaty Bones) are a great addition to a kibble fed dog's diet and a lot safer. :) They will also be more effective in cleaning her teeth.

03-03-2007, 11:44 AM

However, I would leave the bones completely raw and let her enjoy them that way. RMB's (Raw Meaty Bones) are a great addition to a kibble fed dog's diet and a lot safer. :) They will also be more effective in cleaning her teeth.

Wont the bones start to smell pretty rotten after a few days? The bones I'm talking about as MASSIVE, they have both knuckles. + if I cook them, then I can bring more then one home with me, cook them all & then put them into th storage room until needed. If kept raw, I can only bring back one, until the next time I go up, which is maybe once a year.

Just a quick thought, Bear has to lay on her bed when on the floor. Wouldn't a raw bone make her bed pretty nasty? I have to clean her bed often as her elbows are still healing, but wouldn't that create a nasty infection on her elbows?

03-03-2007, 11:50 AM
Have the butcher cut them and then store them in your freezer. Whenever I give my dogs RMBs, when they are finished I put them back in the freezer.

If they are cooked and put in a storage room, they can still go bad/rotten.

Whenever I give my dogs RMBs inside, They are given them on towels or a plastic tablecloth, when finished I wash whatever they were eating on.

03-05-2007, 12:44 PM
Cooked bones are dangerous. They can splinter and cause major problems in the stomach and intestines. Bear would be better off with a portion of a raw bone. And yes, it gets messy. I always gave mine the bone outside and let them bring it in after it was fairly cleaned off. Really big bones can give the dog diarrhea unless you limit them. Too much of a good thing.

Old bones are still 'tasty' months later.