View Full Version : I won't be on much...

03-02-2007, 05:50 PM
This does not have to do with cats, but I am just informing you guys

I will not be online much, or even at all lately. My best friend in the whole entire world is moving. She is on my softball team, and her parents are coachs. When they move, I do not know what is going to happen to our team. We live in florida, about 10 miles away from each other, and now she is moving to charlette, north carolina. I am just informing you guys, so you arent wondering why I am barely on. I am very sad right now. I wanna die :( :( :( :( :(

03-02-2007, 06:07 PM
It's always sad when a good friend moves away, of course you'll miss her. She's going to miss you too. But this doesn't necessarily mean that your friendship is over. Letters and e-mail will keep you together. Maybe you can visit each other over summer vacation. Talk to your folks about making some plans.

03-02-2007, 06:14 PM
Thanks for replying. We talk a lot on MSN, and on this other forum. We will not lose contact, but still, I won't be able to see her:(

03-02-2007, 06:20 PM
I know you will miss her and it won't be the same as seeing her, but keep in touch with letters and email and such. It will be okay. When I was young I left my best friend of 13 yrs to go to Arizonia. We wrote all the time and now I am back out here and we still are great friends. Chin up. It will be okay hun.

03-02-2007, 06:23 PM
Its a sad part of life that friends move away, or you lose touch with people.
At least you have the technology now to instantly communicate and keep in touch.
And please take some advice from an old fellow, you will make make new friends and start new acquaitances.
These things happen and as sad as it may be sometimes we have to learn to roll with the punches that life deals out.

03-02-2007, 06:33 PM
i'm sorry that you're feeling so bad about your friends' moving away. it's hard when that happens. do you think you'll be able to visit her this summer?

03-02-2007, 06:39 PM
Thanks for all the replies. My parents will most likely somehow get it set up so we can see each other. I mean we were very close friends. And our parents were even very good friends. Only about 4 weeks ago did my other dear friend move away. I actually have no other real friends. Accept for all my online ones. No one at my school wants to be my friend. I might have a few kids I talk to, but thats it.

03-03-2007, 10:03 AM
honey, often times school years really suck, cause almost everyone else is insecure and confused. it can feel like you're the only one who doesn't know the right thing to do, or to wear or how to be. the reality is, alot of those other people would be your friend, if you reached out first. is there anyone else in one of your class you like, but don't know too well? try smiling and talking to them, give a small compliment about their school work, or an answer or something that they are wearing. are there people outside of school that you like or see, say at temple/church or the library? can you do volunteer stuff one day a week, you meet people who like to do things you already like that way, and you get a chance to let other people know how cool you are. ( hugs), and come back to your online friends here :)

03-03-2007, 10:27 AM
My BEST friend in the whole world lives in Florida and I live in Maine.We still write and call each other.Sometimes I don't see her for 5 years or more.But we remain best friends and NOTHING changes...EVER!!Please try to relax...it will make you sick if you don't try to relax...OK
She STILL will be your BEST friend!

03-03-2007, 11:04 AM
Ah, sweetheart, I know you feel sad right now. But thanks to the internet and cell phones and such, you will still be able to talk to her nearly everyday if you want! Also, don't forget digital cameras and pc cameras! :D

You'll make new friends, you just wait and see!

Kim ;)

03-03-2007, 12:16 PM
Thanks you guys a lot. Last night some of my ther onlinne friends and I talked, and they cheered me up a lot, you to. Thanks!