View Full Version : Sassy & Sabrina got into trouble tonight! **UPDATE**

03-01-2007, 11:08 PM
I was walking through the kitchen about 2 hrs ago and saw Sassy & Sabrina on the counters. They tend to do that alot, and I'm working on training them with a squirt bottle.

Here's the bad news, the reason they were on the counter is hubby left out the pan he fried fish in, and the girls were licking the peanut oil out of the bottom of the pan!! :eek: I scooped them out of it immediately, and checked the pan over. It seems the pan only had a small layer of oil in it but each kitten (about 6 lbs each) ate about a portion the size of a 50 cent piece!

I KNOW eating greasy foods can cause pancreatitis, so I immediatly called the ER vet. She told me to just fast them for 12 hours but let them have water, and all I could do was watch them closely for signs of vomiting, diarrhea, or panting (from abdominal pain). She said cats seem to be able to handle those things better than dogs do and they 'might' not have any problems from this. I do know the animals at the hospital where I work that come in with pancreatitis have all been dogs so far, and Cami lived outside eating from garbage cans for at least a year before she came to our house, and who knows what she was eating. So I'm sort of comforted by that thought. If they act sick at all they are going to work with me in the morning. So far they seem to act fine.

I'm also going to be making sure from now on, that either I or hubby get the pans cleaned up immediately from making supper so this does not happen again.

Any and All PT prayers are appreciated for Sassy & Sabrina to not have any problems from our negligence to clean up better.

03-01-2007, 11:17 PM
I sure hope that they'll be okay. I've just learned something from this thread because I would've never known that this could cause pancreatitis. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent their way. Please continue to keep us updated about them.

03-01-2007, 11:30 PM
Oh Sabrina and Sassy...I know the pan daddy left on the counter was tempting, but now you've gone and worried meowmie. :(
Now just show her that you will both be fine and she has nothing to worry about, and promise you won't do it again. :p ;)

03-02-2007, 05:32 AM
Prayers for the girls.

03-02-2007, 07:08 AM
Prayers and good thoughts on the way.

I met someone whose cat got into the garbage and ate bacon grease...then developed pancreatis. With loving care, the cat was OK.

03-02-2007, 08:02 AM
I hope very much they get over it. Cats usually can handle fat right fine. Of course it is not the purrfect baby food.

03-02-2007, 08:30 AM
Wow, I always thought that I was pretty knowledgable about pets... I've learned at least two new things this week! No grease for kitties and how bad Parvo can be! I'm a stickler about grease being left out - I hate my house smelling like food after we eat LOL... but I never knew that it could hurt cats!
Thanks for posting that and letting us know!

03-02-2007, 08:48 AM
I hope Sassy and sSabrina are fine. Let us know!

03-02-2007, 12:10 PM
Boy, ya learn somethin' new every day. I had no idea greasy foods could do that. I love this site. But I'll be sure to send positive thoughts and prayers your way. Don't want any problems!


03-02-2007, 01:02 PM
Sassy & Sabrina had to spend the night in a room by themselves. I wanted to make sure I knew if they vomited or had diarrhea. Poor kittens, Josh missed his sisters and did this little 'mmoouurrrhh' noise outside the door most of the night, and his sisters responded with a soft 'mmeeeww' in return. And Josh doesn't like to eat without his sisters in the bowl with him, he kept stoping looking around, then chews a few more crunchies, then stops and looks around. awwww.

This morning everyone seemed fine, no unpleasant piles on the floor, and no messy surprises in the sandbox!! The girls seem playful and HUNGRY! I gave then just a small amount of wet food to see how that stayed down. A little while ago I checked again and everything seems fine. I let them have a small amount of dry food, and so far so good. The girls are playful and acting normally so I let them back out again and Josh was soooooo happy to see them again! :D

I asked the boss about it and he said because they only got a small amount of grease, and because cats seem to tolerate it better than dogs, he thought they'd be ok, same as the ER lady told me. My boss said if something bad was going to happen it would happen within 24 hours. So as long as they stay fine until tonight, I can stop worrying!

Thank you so much for all the PT prayers for my 2 littlest girls! :)

03-02-2007, 03:15 PM
Whew, thank goodness! I just love the way Josh and his sisters hvae bonded. this isn't the first time you've had to separate them for a few hours, and they all miss each other terribly. Glad to hear the trio is back together!