View Full Version : Jake is getting so big

03-01-2007, 08:36 PM
see, when they told me he was 8 weeks, I thought he looked a lil bit big to me. I googled 8 week old kitties to see how big they looked in pics, they were half the size of Jake. I kept thinking they are aging him wrong. The vet said they look at his teeth.

So now at 4 months he's already 6 1/2 lbs. Ashley is 8 yrs and 8 lbs.

How big do you think he is going to get?

He needs another photoshoot

03-01-2007, 08:55 PM
You can generally tell by the paws.
If Jake has big paws then hes going to grow into them.
Thats weight sounds as though you are going to have a Little Giant Cat on your hands.

03-01-2007, 09:01 PM
He's got big paws for being as young as he is.

critter crazy
03-01-2007, 09:15 PM
Loki was the sae way! he had big paws and Big ears, and boy has he grown into them! he is 7 months old, and weighs aprox.7-8lbs. He is also Very Long, but slim! Crazy cats! I have never had a cat weigh more than 6-7 lbs, full grown!:eek:

03-01-2007, 10:36 PM
Jakes ears remind me of a siamese, they are taller than Ashley's. Maybe he isn't birman mix, maybe he really is snowshoe saimese :confused: he does get into mischeif like one :rolleyes: lol. But I love him anyways. I LOVE big cats.

Tho, they only time he is affectionate is at night when we are trying to go to bed. Or if I wake him from his sleep. Other than that he doesn't want to be touched, just played with. He'll grow out of that right? I mean, it would be nice to have a cuddly cat!! lol.

Also, his fur isn't so soft anymore. I posted a couple weeks ago how soft it was.. I think he just shed the nice stuff.