View Full Version : Mocha walks funny *Video*

critter crazy
03-01-2007, 03:29 PM
I have noticed lately that mocha walks funny. It seems like maybe her knee slips out of joint. It dosent seem to bother her, she runs around like mad, and plays non-stop! But of course when I want to video her wlking all she wants to do is sit down, It has taken two days with the camera shoved up her bum, to get this video! it is short, but I think you might be able to see what I mean! I will have the vet check her over, when she goes in for her spay on the 22nd. but I am not too worred about it, unless it causes her pain. anyway here is the short video.

03-01-2007, 05:17 PM
She Does Have An Odd Walk , But Shes So Cute As She Moves Along
In Her Unique Way.shes Such A Gorgeous Cat And Very Photogenic.