View Full Version : SNOW DAY!!!! You know the weather is bad when work sends you home with pay!

03-01-2007, 02:03 PM
Holy smokes is the weather ever bad out!! At 1:30 my co-worker poked me (I have headphone on listening to the radio) & said come here & look outside!

I stood up & saw nothing.. literly nothing... I said is that snow? He said come look! I went into the office & OMG its a blizard of snow & freezing rain!! Last time I looked outside it was blue skys :(

The second we returned to our cubicals (we share a huge one), Alex (HR)said hes typing up an email right now telling everyone to GO HOME NOW! The weather is really bad & getting far worse... :(

I called Chad to let him know that I was off early & was heading home. He said no stay there, I'll leave work in 15 mins & will come & pick you up. He called an hour later & said that he hit a pole but there was no damage, it was just a light bump. He then called again a few mins later in a shaky voice. He said everyone was only doing 20km/hr (thats the slowest my car registers) & everyone came to a dead stop & he nearly hit the car infront of him cause non of the cars were stopping, as its shear ice!! He said hes still ok, but there is a transport blocking traffic, so he has no idea when he'll be here. I said I don't care, just be careful!

I just got a call from Chad again & he was able to turn around & go back up that road to a larger road. He said its moving fine & will be coming down Herontario, which means he'll be a VERY long time. Herontario is a super packed road, as it connects to all the 400 series HWYs (I think theres 3 of them) & it goes right through Mississauga & Brampton (a LOT of people commut).

The radio has said there are a lot of 20 car pile ups so can we please hold Chad & Tristian in our thoughts that they'll make it here ok & we'll make it home ok. + all the other people trying to get home.

03-01-2007, 03:47 PM
King, my prayers are with you and everyone caught in this bad storm. I hope your ride home comes safely to pick you up.

03-01-2007, 03:49 PM
Yep, and the storm's travelling North and East, to moi!!!!! Our teachers told us we were almost guarenteed a snow day for tomorow. I'm happy! :D

Hope everyone's Okay!!!

Toby's my baby
03-01-2007, 04:31 PM
I hope he makes it there ok, and you both get home safely!!

ALL the schools around here are closed today, and probably late tomorrow or canceled again. :rolleyes: ...sorry, I honestly love going to school, so I hate days like this.

Everyone, stay safe in this nasty weather across the nation!