View Full Version : PT understands, right?

02-28-2007, 09:52 PM
Zeke is always outside eatting snow...I dont think he likes tap water. So tonight I bought a brita fiter thing :x mostly for him, but I do plan to use it. My dad is like omg, WHY would you spend all that money for a dog? (it wasn't THAt expensive...and it's not fair to Zeke that he doesn't like drinking tap water!) I gave him a little drink out of our water thingie (we buy big bottles of water and put it into this water cooler thing?)and he drank it all down so I imagen he was thirsty!

So, PT, you understand right? Anyone else give their dogs filtered water? I mean hey, if it's not good enough for us, why is it for the dogs?

02-28-2007, 09:54 PM
Yep! I'm sure everyone understands.

My dogs get bottled water (when we are away from home) and water from our reverse osmosis when we are home. :)

02-28-2007, 09:54 PM
Jasper gets bottled...I drink from the tap... *hide*

02-28-2007, 09:58 PM
Of course we understand!

No one in our house drinks tap water - when ones water bill comes each time with a booklet about "lead in the drinkng water" - well, the bottled seems logical!

02-28-2007, 10:02 PM
Yep! I'm sure everyone understands.

My dogs get bottled water (when we are away from home) and water from our reverse osmosis when we are home. :)
Mine do too and prefer the bottled osmosis to bottled water actually.

02-28-2007, 10:09 PM
Our tap water is ok I guess, but since I've been drinking this other stuff, I would never go back. Also the other pets all drink from the bowl and Kiba puts her paws in it :x So I need to give him his own dish. I will give the others this water too...but wow, no one other than pet people understand lol.

This guy at work is always like OMG, why would ANYONE buy bottled water for their pets? that;s dumb! I always end up fighting with him :x lol

02-28-2007, 10:10 PM
Of course we understand! We're lucky our tapwater tastes good here.

03-01-2007, 07:37 AM
My first cat, Amber, refused to drink our tap water. I mentioned it to my vet He said the chlorine is very high in our city's water, and pets can smell it and won't drink it. So I bought bottled water for him.

As my pets increased, I also invested in a Brita. Just to make life a little easier for me. Even Amber approved!

We never use our tap water directly for consumpion. It goes into a Brita pitcher which is in the fridge and always full.

03-01-2007, 07:47 AM
I use to live in an icky little town here in Cali and I had to use bottled water for Taz, otherwise it made his dish all slimy. :(
Luckily here the tap water is not so bad.
There is nothing wrong with what you did. Non-PT people just don't understand. :) :p

03-01-2007, 08:11 AM
Of course we understand :) My dogs don't have a problem with our tap water. Both them and I drink it. When we travel I fill up old cat litter jugs with our water.

critter crazy
03-01-2007, 08:15 AM
Of course we understand, however i feel it is pointless in my home since the dogs love the occassional drink from the Toilet!:rolleyes:

03-01-2007, 08:17 AM
Here in Yorkshire, UK, our water is as soft as it gets. Don't have to filter or boil our water before drinking it. We are so lucky.
We can drink from the tap and the dogs can too......although my dogs always like drinking out of puddles as well. Never hurt them.

I've read a lot of bad things about bottled water in general. Nothing to do with dogs but I read up that bottled water often has more bacteria in it than tap water because the conditions the water is kept in is ideal for bacteria growth. Secondly, bottled water has a massive impact on the environment because of it's weight and the cost of shipping it about the globe and the means of shipping it about the globe causing more pollution etc etc...

I also read up that it is no better than tap water.

03-01-2007, 08:22 AM
Here in Yorkshire, UK, our water is as soft as it gets. Don't have to filter or boil our water before drinking it. We are so lucky.
We can drink from the tap and the dogs can too......although my dogs always like drinking out of puddles as well. Never hurt them.

I've read a lot of bad things about bottled water in general. Nothing to do with dogs but I read up that bottled water often has more bacteria in it than tap water because the conditions the water is kept in is ideal for bacteria growth. Secondly, bottled water has a massive impact on the environment because of it's weight and the cost of shipping it about the globe and the means of shipping it about the globe causing more pollution etc etc...

I also read up that it is no better than tap water.

We can drink our tap water too without boiling it...but it takes sorta like chlorine-y. I personally don't like the taste. The animals, minus Zeke, don't seem to care....

03-01-2007, 08:44 AM
When I lived in town in a townhome, Hottie would flat out refuse to drink anything but bottled water. lol. I even bought a cooler for this reason. lol..

03-01-2007, 08:51 AM
Of course we understand, however i feel it is pointless in my home since the dogs love the occassional drink from the Toilet!:rolleyes:
LOL! Same here. Kia also drinks the scuzziest looking water from ponds and puddles in the summer. :eek: :o

We have a Pur filter hooked to the faucet, but use it only occasionally. I don't mind the taste of tap water. Grew up on well water and we never filtered it.

Anita Cholaine
03-01-2007, 10:54 AM
Our tap water is pretty good, so we all drink it and Anita doesn't have any problem with it. Anyways, she still prefers to get into the bathtub and drink the little water that is left there after someone gets a shower :p

03-01-2007, 11:12 AM
We have a well with a drinking water purifier tank for us. I use it for the dogs in the winter, but in all honesty they prefer the unfiltered water right from the well, here at home. They especially love the water at the dogpark, also from a well. They line up for it!

03-01-2007, 11:28 AM
Grew up on well water and we never filtered it.

Same here!
But now I go back to my parents house (where I grew up) and I gag when I smell the water and I can't believe I used to drink it!! :o

My dogs drink tap water and also get bottled water when the hubby leaves half bottles of water in the fridge I empty them in their water bowl.

03-01-2007, 11:35 AM
I think we all understand. :D The water here tastes like chlorine, so we have our own cooler thing, that's what is always used to fill up Belle's water dish.

03-01-2007, 02:35 PM
I understand! We drink tap here, but if the pets wouldn't drink it, I would certainly find another kind of water for them. I don't think it's silly at all. :)

03-01-2007, 06:38 PM
i have a pur water filter on my kitchen tap. we all drink/cook with filtered water. we're worth it

03-01-2007, 06:47 PM
Jenny gets taowater. It's pretty clean here... I'd give her fridge, filtered water, but she drinks SOOOOOOO much and the fridge takes FOREVER to get water out. (literally, about 10 minutes to fill up a 200 ml glass. :eek: ) She'd be emptying it faster than I'd fill it! :eek: