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02-28-2007, 06:39 PM
when i was in the 8th grade i got braces. after a year i got them off and recieved my first set of retainers.
Only took me a few months to loose the top one at volleyball open gym and my dad threw the bottoms away at mcdonalds. and might i add that my dad refused to get me a new pair!
I decided it was time...almost 6 1/2 years later i decide i need my teeth back to what they were originally paid for!
I got my second pair of retainers yesterday and boy to i feel stupid. I know people can get braces all their life but geezz i cant talk with them in, my teeth just ache and ache with a constant stinging pain ugh it hurts bad!
i just feel dumb, i go to talk to people at work...they cant understand me, i went to barnes and noble and my boyfriend was ordering a drink from starbucks and they asked me if i wanted something after saying umm for about 10 seconds because i couldnt remember what i always get i kinda laughed a little at myself and of course i show my teeth when i laugh and the girls behind the counter just looked at me like "wtf is in your mouth, cause whatever it is boy it's tacky"
I know they couldnt tell it was a retainer from where i was standing but com'on they dont have to be rude to me just because theirs retainers in my mouth.
Grr, just makes me mad!

02-28-2007, 09:59 PM
Yeah, I know the feeling. I had braces almost 20 years ago. In Jan 2006 I got braces put back on my bottom teeth. Luckily it wasn't that noticable, but you know what a pain it is when you eat with braces on!!!!
Another lucky thing was I only had to have them on for 5 months, then they put a permanent retainer on. That is a wire that is cemented to the back of my 6 front teeth, on the bottom. Blah!! :mad:

02-28-2007, 10:19 PM
It'll only hurt for a little while, while your teeth adjust. And you will adjust and be able to speak understandably again in a couple days, I promise.

I was very conscientious about my retainers, and two friends I know who weren't had to redo the whole braces thing 20 years later! Be glad you are getting this remedied now!

02-28-2007, 11:32 PM
You are doing the right thing and I'm very proud of you. It will only hurt for a few days, then it will feel fine. Same with talking ... you will sound normal again very shortly.

My son REFUSES to wear his retainer after putting up with braces for five years. It frustrates me to no end. Five years and five thousand dollars basically wasted.

So kudos to you !!!!!! :D

02-28-2007, 11:36 PM
You are doing the right thing and I'm very proud of you. It will only hurt for a few days, then it will feel fine. Same with talking ... you will sound normal again very shortly.

My son REFUSES to wear his retainer after putting up with braces for five years. It frustrates me to no end. Five years and five thousand dollars basically wasted.

So kudos to you !!!!!! :D

Tell him - my friends Dawn and Joleen had to redo the whole braces thing in their thirties - when it was way more embarrassing and abnormal to have braces than it is when you are in your teens. No kidding, Dawn came to our 20-year high school reuinion saying "yup, I know, JUST like high school, right? I have the braces and everything!"

03-01-2007, 08:20 AM
Oh, I WISH I had braces as a kid. My folks took me to two orthodontists, at the suggestion of my dentist. The dentist thought I needed braces. One orthodontist said braces and estimated $xxx cost. The other said no braces needed, and estimated $yyy cost. Which was less. So my parents went with the no braces. I had 2 or 3 different retainers over 3 years. Upper only.

The jerk really messed things up. I've been to orthodontists twice as an adult (once at about again 28, and again at about age 35) to see what can be done. But now the only hope is surgery, to split the upper jaw and spread it wider. The retainers actually pulled it in too narrow!!!! Insurance won't cover the cost as it is considered "cosmetic," even though I am losing my teeth at a very young age. It would be a 5 to 6 year process to get it all fixed tight. So I didn't do any of it. Now it is more than 10 years since I last looked into this. And guess what? I may have to have it done anyways, to fit dentures!!!! NOW it WILL be covered by insurance. UGH!

Miss Z
03-01-2007, 01:17 PM
Aaw, I feel sorry for you, retainers are so irritating. Don't worry, your tongue will soon adjust and you'll be talking normally in no time. Won't take long before it feels odd when you take it out! ;)