View Full Version : Galina Smiled!!!!!!!!!

02-27-2007, 05:54 PM
SCARED ME TO DEATH AT FIRST.. She never did it before. She walked up to me at the computer, and I noticed she had a few white hairs on her black. I went to wipe her face with my hand, and she turned and gave me a HUGE FRONTAL WAREWOLF SMILE!!!! I JUMPED.. It was so funny- then I started to laugh ( after I pulled my hand back out of reflex) AND SHE DID IT AGAIN! Then my husband came up the stairs and she met him with a frontal smile. WE ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOO TICKLED.. Now 3 of them smile ( femka not) but hers showed up out of no where. I will try to get a picture... ( project number one..!)

02-27-2007, 06:23 PM
:D Photo!!! Photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!

02-27-2007, 06:25 PM
I AM TRYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG.. LOL.. I will get one.. lol..

02-27-2007, 06:27 PM
LOL how cute! Hope you can manage to snap a shot! :D

02-27-2007, 07:11 PM
LOL how cute! Hope you can manage to snap a shot! :D
lolllll.. I'm trying but smiling dogs do it out of no where.. We are going to try together.. lol..

02-27-2007, 07:13 PM
3 of them smile ( femka not).

Femka, daaaahling! Such the diva you are! Smile for your adoring fans, please!

02-27-2007, 07:14 PM
awwwwwwwww that is so cute! I cant wait to see a picture...do you think dogs can actually smile in a way that they are doing it because they are happy? Just wondering cause some people don't think so...but I think they smile because they are very happy:D

02-27-2007, 07:14 PM
Femka, daaaahling! Such the diva you are! Smile for your adoring fans, please!
She uh never smiles at servants.. ( us).. lol..

02-27-2007, 07:37 PM
LOL! How cute. My friend's Lab smiles whenever someone comes to the door.

02-27-2007, 08:05 PM
lol, when I want Jay to smile I hold a toy over his head....he gets this big dopey 'giiiive it tooo me' smile right before he jumps to bite :p

but he is far less regal (and way too dopey) than Femka.

02-27-2007, 08:40 PM
My RB Zoey smiled. It was the funniest thing. lol

02-27-2007, 08:59 PM
She uh never smiles at servants.. ( us).. lol..

Tell her that although it is her personal staff snapping her photo, it's for all of Pet Talk's Borzoi lovers! Femka, smile for us, please!

02-28-2007, 12:11 AM
I guess I've been missing a lot. Yay for the Weenies!!!! That would be wild though. I couldn't see her doing something like that. Guess she's trying to show Hottie up. :)

02-28-2007, 06:13 AM
Stephe- THERE YOU ARE!! whew! :p

02-28-2007, 07:55 AM
:D Photo!!! Photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!
I second that. :p

02-28-2007, 08:00 AM
awwwwwwwww that is so cute! I cant wait to see a picture...do you think dogs can actually smile in a way that they are doing it because they are happy? Just wondering cause some people don't think so...but I think they smile because they are very happy:D
My personal belief is that its HAPPINESS ON OVER LOAD. A smile can be submissive like only the front teeth, but not the canines, but I have seen it more as pure JOY.. The way a dog meets a mate so to speak. Hottie does also the " nose around the corner" we call it. Its like the nose goes to one side- showing one side of teeth all the way back to the molars almost. Its rather funny.
In what I have seen in the ones I have had that smile ( shepherds and collies included) its flat out joy, almost to the point they loose themselves in sillyness.. lol..

02-28-2007, 03:27 PM
I completely agree with you! I think dogs can smile too! I think it is when they are soo happy!:D I can't wait until you get a photo someday, you will have to carry the camera on you 24/7 now lol.

02-28-2007, 04:09 PM
I completely agree with you! I think dogs can smile too! I think it is when they are soo happy!:D I can't wait until you get a photo someday, you will have to carry the camera on you 24/7 now lol.
You got that right- 24/7! lol.

02-28-2007, 04:36 PM
Mist did that to me a few times, lol. It does look very strange but she did it a little different to most dogs that learn to do it. She looked really coy with her eyes half closed and blinking and would stretch the corners of her mouth right back and then lift her lips a little so it looked like a grimace rather than baring teeth.
One of her other daughters used to do it as well but I've not seen Jess do it.

It's so great when they smile back at you. No amount of money in the world could create something better.

02-28-2007, 04:38 PM
:D Photo!!! Photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!ph oto!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!phot o!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo! !!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!!photo!!! photo!!!

Hmmm... Maybe I used too long a word...?

Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!!Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! :D

02-28-2007, 05:26 PM
I am trying lollllllllllllllllllllllllllll. TRUST ME- YOU ALL WILL BE THE FIRST TO SEE the photo when I get it..

02-28-2007, 06:49 PM
Hmmm... Maybe I used too long a word...?

Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!!Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! Pic!! :D
what she said, both times....

02-28-2007, 07:38 PM
Thank you- for reasons not said- I needed a smile!