View Full Version : Looking to get a Doberman

02-27-2007, 03:02 PM
So, I'm on a quest for a new puppy and I've narrowed my search down to dobermans now. I have read/heard that they are quick to learn and do well with obedience. Also that they are quite active which will be fine for my lifestyle... does anyone have advice on breeders? Is it unusual/bad for a breeder to breed dobermans that are 90 and over 100 pounds? I heard that the fawn and blue dobermans have more issues and skin issues and such. I am particular towards the black and reds anyway. What is your experience with dobies?

02-27-2007, 03:10 PM
I love Dobies!! there are several Dobie owners here so you should get a few thoughts about the breed........

and regarding you other thread , YES, this forum is very active and addictive hehe

02-27-2007, 03:47 PM
Dobies are very nice, but make sure that you check out the dog's personality very well. For most dobies their either extremely mean or nice. I had a friend that was forced to give up the dobie she loved so much, after it was hostily mean to everyone else, including the petsitter, who became afraid of her, eventually.

02-27-2007, 03:59 PM
well i will be getting the dog as a puppy from a breeder so i should be able to socialize it and it will be in a loving environment.. and i am going to make sure that it is familiarized with anyone who will be handling it.

any comments from anyone about the size thing and breeding them to be larger than normal?

02-27-2007, 04:06 PM
Larger is usually just BYB breeding and not good. They are actually expected to not live as long as a regular size dobie.

If you can tell me what your location is I could help you find a decent breeder. My breeder friend just bred her female and is due for a litter in a couple of months.

02-27-2007, 04:18 PM
So, I'm on a quest for a new puppy and I've narrowed my search down to dobermans now. I have read/heard that they are quick to learn and do well with obedience. Also that they are quite active which will be fine for my lifestyle... does anyone have advice on breeders? Is it unusual/bad for a breeder to breed dobermans that are 90 and over 100 pounds? I heard that the fawn and blue dobermans have more issues and skin issues and such. I am particular towards the black and reds anyway. What is your experience with dobies?
I have had two but they were great dogs. Pm me the state you live in, and maybe I can help you find a breeder. Fawns and blues are more prone to subdominante problems- best stick with a black or a red..

02-27-2007, 04:23 PM
Being in Dobie Rescue, I have won't touch the issue of a breeder. It is their overbred and badly bred grossly overweight dogs we will wind up with anyway.

I would tell you though that are many issues within the breed besides bad breeders. They are the number one dog with which you will find vonWillebrands. A blood disorder, which will of course depending on the severity of it, hamper the activities you can do safely with your dog. One of our rescues nearly bled to death over a normal injury, that any other dog would have taken in stride.

They are also well known for the fact that there are thyroid issues within the breed, this can be taken care of with daily meds. Weight checks every few months and dosage adjustments.

They are smart loyal and protective of their pack and premises, this is not something to champion, as it occurs naturally there is no extra prodding needed, as you can and will create issues for yourself.

They love to learn, and if you do not stimulate their minds, they will find things that will. This could mean taking apart your couch.

Thye are VERY VERY human oriented, they need to be with you, not outside and left there.

The males tend to not grow out of puppyhood and behaviours until about 3.
Females tend stay puppyish until about 2.

They are very prone to allergens and react to them with hairloss, skin issues and general crankiness. So Stainless steel may not be friend to them for bowls etc.

They are a realtively new breed and their function was to be right up against their owner, velcro style and to be a personal protection animal,, you will need to bear this in mind, you will need to socialize and to socialize and socialize. The more great people a Dobie meets the more stable his reactions when meeting a bad one.

They are not by any means a dog as first time dog.

Some have a high prey drive some don't. You will need to be aware of that before you bring one into your home. Just because puppy loves your small critters doesn't mean he will love the neighbors critters aswell, he may decide he loves to chase them...............what happens after has made many dobies float into our door.

Many dobies adore kids, some dont care for them. Either way if you have children be aware that this is a large dog. Avg. weight at 70 pounds and can easily knock over a child. Basic obedience is a must starting the moment you bring him home.

Lastly, I would tell you to save your money. Go to a breed rescue. Talk to them. Visit the foster dogs There are many many puppies and adults available, whose only crime was that their breeder was dumb enough to breed their parents irresposibly.

Why add to the problem?


02-27-2007, 05:24 PM
I live in eastern NC

thanks for all the info!!!

02-27-2007, 05:31 PM
Let me see what I can find. You do need a dedicated breeder. But they are fabulous dogs! edit pm sent..

02-27-2007, 06:35 PM
If you're interested.

Here are two Rescues:



02-27-2007, 06:37 PM
If you're interested.

Here are two Rescues:



LOL was just getting ready to post those!

*ps HI Maggie! huggies from me and the dobies here you beautiful girl!!

02-27-2007, 06:40 PM
Here are some breeders. I got them from the DPCA site.

o Sharon Yankay
o Watha NC
o 910-259-3906
o [email protected]

o Sharon Pflueger
o Monroe NC
o 704-764-9317
o [email protected]
URL: http://www.goldgrovedobermans.com

o John & Lori Schoeneman
o Harrisburg NC
o 704-509-6764
o [email protected]

o Janet Skidmore
o Fairview NC
o 828-628-3566
o [email protected]
URL: http://www.dobermansofscudamore.com

o Annlisbeth Cole
o Fairview NC
o 828-628-3614
o [email protected]

o Judith Goldman
o Flat Rock NC
o 828-698-0721
o [email protected]

o Gabriele Wentzel
o Charlotte NC 28216-5912
o 704-394-8141
o [email protected]
URL: http://www.wataugadobermans.com

02-27-2007, 06:41 PM
LOL was just getting ready to post those!

*ps HI Maggie! huggies from me and the dobies here you beautiful girl!!

Awww she says hi back! Also she's apparently looking for a new home now because I'm so neglectful... you know I'm just not petting her enough. :rolleyes: :p

02-27-2007, 06:43 PM
here is a Rescue right in your area

They have several beautiful dogs

and another link

02-27-2007, 06:44 PM
Awww she says hi back! Also she's apparently looking for a new home now because I'm so neglectful... you know I'm just not petting her enough. :rolleyes: :p

Well now ya did it! Rusty is clearing off the dogggie bed! He says she can come and stay here :p But that he is hosting a strike for more belly rubs! ;)

02-27-2007, 06:46 PM
Ooo! Check out this gorgeous girl!

Kyra *click* (http://search.petfinder.com/petnote/displaypet.cgi?petid=7826977)


02-28-2007, 08:48 AM
She is soooo pretty! And I love her natural ears too! :D

02-28-2007, 02:59 PM
hey! are the ears cropped just for vanity? do infections happen often with the natural ears??

02-28-2007, 03:04 PM
Yes ears are usually cropped for looks and I don't know of any natural ears becoming infected unless they have ear mites or umm swam to much in the summer, usual stuff like that.

03-01-2007, 08:59 AM
hey! are the ears cropped just for vanity? do infections happen often with the natural ears??
Its not a heavy ear flap ( ie "leather") As stated unless the dog has mites- they are easy to clean like you would any dog when they look dirty.