View Full Version : a lil late, I know. NILF

02-27-2007, 01:49 PM
I started Runner on nilf today. Very stubborn she is. My daughter dropped tuna on the floor accidently from her lunch. I happend to walk by it and Runner stopped, would not BUDGE till she got that tuna. :rolleyes:

I've tried to get her off couch to teach her only when invited. Wanna know how that turned out? A fight to keep her off couch and chair. She got off couch ran to chair, then from chair to couch back and forth several times. All this time while whining like.. I'm going to get on this couch reguardless of how you feel. Don't make me do it.

oh yeah, I have her strapped to my belt. And sometimes she doesn't want to move when I move. I have to fight with her to get her to move. Sometimes her colar comes off in the proccess.