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View Full Version : Am I nuts?

02-27-2007, 01:31 PM
Short history: empty house next door, momma cat and kittens move under porch. A few months back we caught two kittens (found them homes) and momma, broke the kitten cycle. Tonight the plan is to get the last two (and not annoy momma) get them spayed/neutered and shots at a low cost clinic here in Pittsburgh. I work at a university and had a student inquire about the kittens poster I have up on my door. He talked it over with his girlfriend and they want to take the female, which leaves the male, providing our guess is correct as to their sex...so the am I nuts question comes in now: hubby and I already have 6 indoor cats. We are already feeding the momma and these 2 kittens....would it make that big of a difference for us to add the male to our herd? That would just leave momma being fed outside until I find someone to take her in as well which is a continuing work in progress.....thoughts? :confused:

Laura's Babies
02-27-2007, 02:01 PM
I's say that depends on your financial situation and the amount of time and room that you have where you live.

Can you afford to keep them all healthy and the emergencies that may come up with them?

Do you have time for that many, scooping boxes, feeding, loving ect?

Is there room where you live for that many litter boxes and all the things it takes to spoil them rotten :D ?

(no need to answer here..... just ask yourself these questions)

02-27-2007, 03:12 PM
I would add one more question to the list -

How well do you know yourself - can you house a kitty as a foster and give him / her up when the time comes?

I had 6 cats and was quite happy with that. I decided to foster. Ebony is cat number 7, and I took my name OFF the foster list half an hour after she entered my home. :D

I think the cats would be happier, and easier to rehome if they are adjusted to indoor life. But you have to consider the cats you already have, too.

02-27-2007, 03:32 PM
good questions all. and I can tell you I have a hard time answering the last one...could I give him up? Depends on where/who he was going to....

02-27-2007, 05:53 PM
Is There Someone That Can Help You Out With Those Cats And Kittens?
Here We Have The Animal Welfare And If You Caught The Momma Cat And Babies They Would Rehome And Foster Them If They Could.
And If Helping The Helpless Is A Sign Of Insanity Then This Is The Board Of The Crazy As Most People Feel The Same Way You Do Towards Those Poor Strays.
I Already Have A Straight Jacket Fitted For Me.
Theyre Coming To Take Me Away Ha Ha...

02-28-2007, 07:26 AM
Gary thank you for my morning giggle! The problem now is that I have the whole song stuck in myhead!

We did manage to catch Sherman (the female) last night. Her brother, despite being named Dumbo, was a little more difficult so he is still at home. may try again in the next few days....

02-28-2007, 04:15 PM
I would take them in get them tested and see from there where it goes.I have a lot of cats.I thought it would be very hard but it's not.Mike does the litterboxes and I do the feeding and we both do the playing.They sleep well together also.At first..it's always tough until a few months go by then they seem to all get use to each other and even sleep next to each other.There are always hard days but mostly everything is perfectly fine.We also share cleaning.So it works out.Good Luck.They're worth it.