View Full Version : 10 week old kitty

02-26-2007, 10:42 PM
Hey, we just got a new kitty, she's 10 weeks old...at least thats why they told us when we got her on Saturday. We just recently put down our one cat and thought we'd get another one for our other cat for companionship. Our older cat is a male and the new kitty is female. They didn't really get along until today and she doesn't seem to be eating much. Not sure if she really likes her food. She drinks lots of water though. She's had some diarreha and threw up a few times. I'm a little worried cuz she doesn't eat much and she throws up. She doesn't even meow...no sound comes out when she tries...is this normal all this stuff? Do you think she's just adjusting to being here? She was in a foster home since she was born and was at the pet store only for 1 day. Anyways, any input would be great! She's so tiny and fragile! We're taking her to the vets this week for a check up.

02-26-2007, 10:47 PM
Let the vet tell you - that is the best thing. She may need deworming, but only your vet can say for sure.

Good luck with the little girl.

02-26-2007, 10:56 PM
I would get this kitten in tomorrow if it were me, especially since this kitten already has signs of being sick; vomiting, diarrhea, drinking alot of water, and not wanting to eat.

It's not a good idea to allow a new cat to socalize with your current cat until the new one has been given a clean bill of health from the vet and is current on it's vaccinations.

I hope your new kitten gets better soon.

02-27-2007, 02:08 PM
I agree w/Catlady711; keep your new kitty isolated until she gets a clean bill of health. You wouldn't want to risk your other cat becoming ill. And get her in to your vet before next week. Time is of the essence when they're vomiting and have diarrhea. She could become dehydrated and then you'll have serious problems. Please do not delay.
