View Full Version : No way, we won't go...more pics!

02-26-2007, 04:06 PM
Paxil speaks for the pack on Saturday afternoon:
"NO freakin' way! We are not going outside. It's way too cold out there."

With the windchills this past weekend, the temps were about -50C. Exposed flesh freezes in under 30 seconds. The dogs spent most of their time working on their lounging techniques.
Mac doing his sad, poor me face.
Earle is already the master of that look!
Sleet doesn't get off her dog bed much any more these days, even if it is nice out. Notice the slipper under her head. She may be 14 and fading, but no slipper is safe from her!

I wasn't terribly interested in going out on the weekend either. I was home alone all weekend so if I had gone out and got into trouble, no one would have noticed until tonight! -50C turns fatal in a hurry! So my job was official water bowl defroster and door opener!

Today isn't much warmer. Still pushing -30C, but there was no wind and we were all going a little squirrelly! So at about 10am we headed out! Back on the trail after a week of rest! The dogs were having fun!
The wind had blown in all the tracks across the lake. There was much weaving and wandering! Sundin was having a great time though. He loves snowdrifts. He seeks them out on the lake!
Once we got off the lake, Sundin decided he didn't really want to lead. He just quit on me! I wish someone who believes sled dogs are forced to run could have seen me trying to get Sundin just to stand up! No way, no how was that dog moving! I thought I was going to have to load him into the sled, but turned out he did want to run; Just not with annoying neighbor dog barking in his face up front! Daisy hadn't been out for a week either and she was nuttier than usual! Sundin was much happier in wheel. Fortunately, Mac can lead and was quite happy to move up!
And now we are spending the afternoon back on the couch, defrosting!

02-26-2007, 04:10 PM
LOL Gotta listen to the dogs who know best :D They sure look cozy all curled up. Stay warm - those temps sound brutal :eek:

02-26-2007, 04:47 PM
I rreally enjoyed these pics & your captions - makes me feel all warm & tingly here in our 30 degree weather! I love the little pink mouse next to Earle - it shows his softer side. ;)

02-26-2007, 04:55 PM
Oh, Sleet - You are beautiful! No slipper is safe from you, huh? I'd like to sit by all of you. I feel warmer already!


02-26-2007, 04:59 PM
Wow, that is too cold to live...I don't blame the doggies for wanting to stay in lol. But then again they also looked happy to get out when it was a slight less cold. The pics are all cute and beautiful. I wouild be so scared to be on a lake, do you ever get scared of it breaking, or ever hear the ice cracking? Is there dangerous spots you know not to go on? Just wondering since I've never been on large bodies of water that have turned to ice:)

Queen of Poop
02-26-2007, 05:37 PM
Can't blame the doggies one bit, I wouldn't go out at -50 either!! And they all look sooooo comfy in the house, how could you possibly make them go out, all those sweet, sad faces. Sleet, I've got a couple of old slippers I could send your way if you run out sweetie. I'd love to spend the day sitting with you snuggling on the couch and watching you destroy slippers. Hugs for all the doggie babies, they're so sweet.

02-26-2007, 05:38 PM
Haha, I'm with Paxil! Great photos - they're adorable.

02-26-2007, 05:43 PM
I am so going to virtually steal them for a while all that fluffy love in one spot melts even the coldest of hearts.........mine!

Great pics as always, now to find a napkin to wipe the drool off! :eek:

They are all so beautiful and each so unique, thank you for sharing!


02-26-2007, 05:52 PM
wow, great pictures! Mac looks like such a sweetheart! :)

02-26-2007, 06:33 PM
How I'd love to be there with all those cuddly dogs. Your post does make us feel all warm inside. I love Sleet. He kind of speaks to my heart. And I was so glad to see Earle. He's such a beauty.
I get such a joy out of all your pics and adventures.

02-26-2007, 06:50 PM
I wouild be so scared to be on a lake, do you ever get scared of it breaking, or ever hear the ice cracking? Is there dangerous spots you know not to go on? Just wondering since I've never been on large bodies of water that have turned to ice:)

That's not a big lake. It's actually pretty small and not particularly deep. It's been safe to run on since mid-November and will be til mid-April. Some people wait til the snowmobilers have crossed the ice to consider it safe. I wait until I see wolf tracks on it. Wolves are smarter about such things than snowmobiles! Never hear about wolves going through the ice! I also never argue with my leaders on ice. If they don't want to cross, they have a reason and we'll find a different trail.

I stay away from the beaver dams since they always have an exit somewhere and tend to get slush on top of the ice. Cold wet paws don't make for happy dogs. Occasionally, I hear the ice popping, but it's just noise. It's not breaking and we aren't going to go through. On bigger lakes, I tend to stick closer to the shore, not straight across the middle! But for the most part, this time of year, the lakes around here, regardless of size have a couple feet of ice on them. They make roads on some lakes! It's early in the winter and spring that you have to be more careful on the ice.

02-26-2007, 06:51 PM
LOL Gotta listen to the dogs who know best :D They sure look cozy all curled up. Stay warm - those temps sound brutal :eek:

I agree. I would have stayed inside with those pups would didn't go. :D

Great pictures though. :)

02-26-2007, 06:52 PM
I'd love to spend the day sitting with you snuggling on the couch and watching you destroy slippers. .

LOL, she doesn't destroy them. She just steals them! If a shoe, mitt, slipper is missing in this house, Sleet has it! She rarely wrecks them. She's a collector!

02-26-2007, 06:54 PM
LOL, she doesn't destroy them. She just steals them! If a shoe, mitt, slipper is missing in this house, Sleet has it! She rarely wrecks them. She's a collector!LOL! Maybe that girl needs some stuffie-babies!

02-26-2007, 07:08 PM
LOL! Maybe that girl needs some stuffie-babies!

Not interested in toys! She only likes things she's not supposed to have, especially Stuart's stuff! I think she's trying to teach him to pick up after himself! :p

02-26-2007, 07:40 PM
When it gets that cold, do you ever have a problem catching someone to bring them in? If they want to stay out, is it safe?

I'm shivering just thinking of it.

Great photos! I see the dogs shared the bed with one of the kitties. :D

02-26-2007, 07:49 PM
Hey, I don't blame them! I don't believe I'll ever get over how beautiful your pack is.

02-26-2007, 08:06 PM
When it gets that cold, do you ever have a problem catching someone to bring them in? If they want to stay out, is it safe?

Delta is the only one who can be hard to catch. He generally prefers to stay outside anyway. Some of them do choose to stay outside or just come in for brief defrostings and go right back out.

They are safe if they want to stay out. They all have insulated dog houses full of straw. I increase their food quite a bit in extreme cold and they get baited water a couple extra times a day.

Only Hobo and Anvik would be in some danger if they were outside for too long. Anvik because he has the huge shaved area from his hernia repair. His fur hasn't even started to come back yet. Hobo has a few scars from the wolf attack where his fur never came back. A large part of his underside has no fur now. He could get frostbite pretty easily.