View Full Version : Bubba has an ear infection....

02-26-2007, 02:22 PM
Bubba is at the vet for his physical, they just called and he has an ear infection. They will clean out the ear and send me home with meds. I guess I need to be better about doing regular cleaning and plucking of his hair inside his ears.

I think its common with his breed all that long flowy girlie hair :D

02-26-2007, 03:06 PM
Poor Bubba! Feel better soon! Mickey gets a lot of ear infections as well.

02-26-2007, 03:47 PM
Oh the poor thing!!
I hope the cleaning clears things up quickly!

02-26-2007, 04:21 PM
Poor Bubba:( Get better soon Bud.

02-26-2007, 04:25 PM
I had them pluck his ears and clean them, he has a yeast infection, not too bad. I got some medicine and a different ear cleaner than I had.

I am surprised I didn't get in trouble for his weight he gained a pound and a half.

I need to start plucking one or two hairs every day.

02-26-2007, 08:22 PM
Poor Bubs!

Nala knows how you feel, she's had an icky time with her ears lately. Had my dad bathe her a week or so ago and he must have gotten water in them.

02-26-2007, 08:44 PM
Poor Bubba, I hope you're feeling better soon. :)

02-26-2007, 08:57 PM
poor Bubba! :( Rocky used to have ear infections all the time when he was a pup. I hope he is feeling better soon! :)

02-26-2007, 09:08 PM
I got . . . a different ear cleaner than I had.

I need to start plucking one or two hairs every day.

Yup, there is one ear cleaner for those prone to yeast infectionsm and a different cleaner if they are prone to bacteria infections. I have 2 cats prone to ear infections, and OF COURSE they are the opposite, so I have both cleaners in the house. :rolleyes:

I've been reading up how to do the ears as Sugar needs them hair plucked as well. So far, I have learned that there is some type of ear powder that helps to dry the hair so it is not slippery, use a round tip pair of tweezers, sit with the dog in your lap and relazed, pull a few hairs, rub the ears as a happy pat, pull a few more, leave the rest for another time. Stop before the dog gets uncomfortable, and don't expect to do it all at once. Now, if I can just get the nerve to start DOING it!

I hope he feels better fast!

02-26-2007, 10:09 PM
Freedom, can you use the same ear stuff on cats that you do on dogs? My cat shakes his head sometimes, he was seen a few months ago and no ear infection was found, just thought I could clean them out to prevent anything.

Thanks for the kind words everyone!

02-27-2007, 07:43 AM
Here are the names of the two ear cleaners I have for the cats: one is Oti-Clens. The other is Derma Pet MalAcetic Otic. Unfotunatley, I can't tell youwhich one is for yeast etc. I can barely remember which goes to which cat! :eek:

If you have something different, just phone your vet and ask if what you have is OK for the cat, too. You are right to ask; many things which can be used on dogs are toxic to cats.

Daisy and Delilah
02-27-2007, 08:18 AM
Awwwww!!! Poor Bubba!! We hope you get all better really soon, little guy! :)

02-27-2007, 09:22 AM
Aww, Bubba. Maggy here. I'm sorry your ear hurts. I'm sending over some of my sweet kisses to help you feel better. My mommy says my kisses can heal anything. Anything except my eye. Mommy has to take me to the evil white coats tonight to check my eye again. It's not getting better. :( Can you send some kisses to me too?

02-27-2007, 09:53 AM
Ohhh my sweet Maggy, I must have missed this about my sweeties eye. I hope it gets feeling better real soon. Yes I was at those evil white coats yesterday, no fun at all!

02-27-2007, 10:38 AM
Aww poor Bubba!

I have never plucked ears before...never had to...but the powder I have seen used is Bio-Groom Ear Fresh. http://www.petmountain.com/product/care/105178/bio-groom-ear-fresh-powder.html

Make sure you don't clean out the ears too often, either. Every two weeks is sufficient, otherwise you will have a continuously moist environment for bacteria to thrive in. What kind of meds are you on? Tresaderm?

If Bubba will let you do it...try getting some extra long q-tips for when you clean the ears. Squirt the cleaner into the ear, and clean out the extra wax with the q-tips. You cannot go too far into a dogs ear, the ear canal is in the shape of an L, with the drum being at the end. So you will end up hitting the wall of the ear canal eventually, and you can't harm it. So don't be afraid of that. :) Good luck to you Bubba! Hope this clears up!

02-27-2007, 10:39 AM
I have the name of the meds at home, the actual medication is kind of gel like, the cleaner is p/1 or something like that. My daughter told me about the L thing, she volunteers in a vets office. I guess thats why when I put the cleaner in I am suppose to pull the ear out a bit?

02-27-2007, 10:51 AM
Bubba, I hope your ear feels better soon. Give him a hug for me would you please? :)

Anita Cholaine
02-27-2007, 11:30 AM
Aww, poor Bubba!
Anita used to get lots of ear infections when she was a puppy, I guess it is common in all dogs with long, floppy ears.

Hope he feels better soon! ;)

02-27-2007, 11:52 AM
Aww poor Bubba!

the powder I have seen used is Bio-Groom Ear Fresh.

Make sure you don't clean out the ears too often, either. Every two weeks is sufficient, otherwise you will have a continuously moist environment for bacteria to thrive in.

Poodles are notorious for having ear problems as they have fuzz constantly growing in their ears that also has to be regularly pulled. I have had problems with three out of the six poodles I have owned, with Bella being the current problem dog. :rolleyes: I was going to suggest using a powder also. I have been using a powder called BFI. It is not specifically for dogs but was recommended to me by one of my dog's breeders. It helps you get a better grip on the hair and also acts as an antiseptic. The one you have suggested would work well too.

I totally agree that cleaning the ears too often can be an irritant and counter-productive. Believe me I know that from first hand experience. My vet refers to the inside of a dog's ear with moisture and hair build-up as a "swamp." After trying so hard to keep Bella's ears clean I had to resort to the vet performing a total ear flush while whe was sedated. For almost two years everything has been fine. I am just now beginning to see some yeast forming when I work on her ears. It is a never-ending battle. *sigh*

02-27-2007, 11:58 AM
Pam, I asked the vet if it was from his shihtzu mom or his poodle dad, I figured it was the shihtzu in him and the vet so no poodles are very prone to this...oh well he gets his charming personality from his pa :D