View Full Version : I just don't get people!!

02-26-2007, 09:45 AM

I emailed these people telling them that breeding their dog won't make her calm down but spaying her will. I also said please don't add to the population of unwanted dogs. They emailed me back saying they don't spay their dogs even if they are hyper and have problems. So my reply was why? I said why would you want to put your dogs health at risk? They replied back by saying we like to live in a world of uncasturated animals and humans because it's more natural!??!:rolleyes: :eek: :mad: I just don't get people! Why are they so stupid??!!

02-26-2007, 09:50 AM
I sent her something asking if she'd thought about gentics....that's so stupid....I dont believe people like that sometimes.

02-26-2007, 09:52 AM
Haha, if anything, breeding from a bitch is likely to make her even more aggressive if that is the problem and I certainly don't think it is an excuse to bring pups into the world.

It's funny how so many people believe this. I've had people say this to me about their bitch and I've told them out straight that it won't help in anyway and is only likely to make the problem worse. The people I told would have been totally clueless when it came to whelping and rearing pups, taking care of a pregant and lactating bitch etc....They weren't all that knowledgeable about dogs period...they just owned one.

Still, there is no talking to some people. They think they know it all.

02-26-2007, 10:05 AM
Breeding a bitch doesnt make them more aggressive- however- if you breed an aggressive bitch, the pups may follow the mom- not just by genetics, but also what they learn in the "imprint" stage.
Remember- an aggressive dog could be behavioral- but it also could be a medical problem like a brain shunt etc..

02-26-2007, 10:17 AM
Some people. :rolleyes:

02-26-2007, 11:47 AM
I've known a lot of people who had pups from a bitch who was nasty only for her to become even nastier. Some people put it down to the fact that her status is raised by the act of breeding or that she becomes more aggressive as a protective response and then it becomes learned.
I remember a GSD bitch next door, already nasty enough but when she accidentally got out when in season and got pregnant, she became even worse and got even more worse when the pups were born and never got any better. They got rid of the dog after so long. That same dog ran up to me when I was walking Jess on the lead as a puppy and tried ragging her to death. She was just a little pup, obviously no threat to a GSD. One of the reasons our Jess always hated other dogs and certains breeds, such as GSDs, in particular.

I have also read in a dog behaviour book that it is has been observed for the behaviour in an aggressive bitch to become worse after breeding but, obviously, I doubt it always happens but I know it does happen.

Whether it is to do with either of those reasons remains subject to each personal opinion.

Still, after following the link, aggression doesn't seem to be the issue with this dog. I assume she's just still playful and puppylike but even that doesn't miraculously disappear from having pups either.

02-26-2007, 02:05 PM
you might not find it as funny as I do, I still laugh when I see "bitch" for female dog lol. Especially " aggressive bitch " :p

02-26-2007, 02:44 PM
Thats down to the fact that people over-use the word bitch as an insult to throw at other people.

I don't generally call people by that name because the type of people I'd want to insult like that would make it an insult for a real bitch....haha!!! I find something else to call them instead.

02-26-2007, 05:34 PM
Being animal lovers we tend to always think of what is best for our furry family, others do not. It is very hard to see and hear this. Buttercup you have such a soft and warm heart, especially for bunnies. Please don't ever change that. The world can always use another TRUE animal lover.

02-26-2007, 05:39 PM
Sure it may be "natural" but why not spay the pet of it will make it live a much longer, happier, healthier life? some people I dont' know about these days :rolleyes:

02-26-2007, 05:42 PM
All you can do is try - you cannot force knowledge on people. But maybe, just maybe, you have planted a seed of doubt, and they'll reconsider ...

Yes, I am an optimist. All we can do in this world is try, and do our best.