View Full Version : Our truck's been STOLEN!

02-25-2007, 04:22 PM
:mad: How do Québecers live?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :mad:

We were in Quebec for ONE FLIPPIN' DAY!!!!! One day!!!!! And we get back to the truck.. and oh... sh*t, the truck's gone.

I swear, we're NEVER setting foot back to our 'homeplace' again, it isn't safe for cars!!! This is the second time we've been to quebec recentally, and BOTH times!!! BOTH TIMES!!!!!!!! :mad: The first time our dodge durango was stolen from the montreal airport, this time our 4X4 crew-cab truck from the ski hill !!!

Gah! more details when my family is in a better mood.

02-25-2007, 04:28 PM
Yikes! I'll be staying away from there. I'm sorry about your truck, I hope you get it back, in one piece, very quickly. :(

02-25-2007, 04:30 PM
Thats Awful News!!! :(

02-25-2007, 04:30 PM
Ouch, that's not good. :eek: I feel for ya Michelle!

02-25-2007, 04:38 PM
My dad's cell phone was left in it, we tried a trace on it, but looks like they ditched it, because it was broken.

okay... I'm really freaked out right now... I just found out my dad leaves his ownership papers in the truck... (which include our FULL ADDRESS) and, of course, the garage door opener. :eek:

02-25-2007, 04:51 PM
My dad's cell phone was left in it, we tried a trace on it, but looks like they ditched it, because it was broken.

okay... I'm really freaked out right now... I just found out my dad leaves his ownership papers in the truck... (which include our FULL ADDRESS) and, of course, the garage door opener. :eek:
Here we have a Division of MOtor vehicles that under your name has the serial number and all.. Do you all have the same there??/
Please Michy- your parents will figure this out!!! I know you feel bad, but your parents and police WILL figure this out..

02-25-2007, 05:20 PM
Here we have a Division of MOtor vehicles that under your name has the serial number and all.. Do you all have the same there??/

I've never heard of that... I'll ask about it. :)

02-25-2007, 06:20 PM
One of the first things the police here will tell you is to NEVER leave your registration papers in a vehicle! I really hope you Dad breaks the habit,

I am so very sorry to hear about this, it must be very scary for you and your family right now, not just the theft but the wondering if they will follow you home! :eek:

Hugs and Prayers.

Laura's Babies
02-25-2007, 06:51 PM
Not to keep the registeration in the cars there? :eek: If you get pulled over here in the USA, you BETTER have them and proff of insurance!

Hay GreyhoundGirl... Do one of you take out a ad in the newspaper and tell them you are coming or something? TWICE you go and TWCE they get your car? :eek: That would definatley discourage me from ever going back there again!

Daisy and Delilah
02-25-2007, 07:15 PM
WOW!!! That's terrible!! I hope this all turns out better for you soon.

In Florida, we have to have the registration in our cars too. You have to produce it if pulled over. It's usually kept in the glove box. I guess I could carry it in my purse but we may never see it again :eek: :rolleyes:

02-25-2007, 07:52 PM
Not to keep the registeration in the cars there? :eek: If you get pulled over here in the USA, you BETTER have them and proff of insurance!

Hay GreyhoundGirl... Do one of you take out a ad in the newspaper and tell them you are coming or something? TWICE you go and TWCE they get your car? :eek: That would definatley discourage me from ever going back there again!

I do I carry both in my purse and my husband has his in his wallet, I would never leave either in my vehicle!

02-25-2007, 07:53 PM
That freaking sucks a**!

Why don't people just buy there own darn car ... well I geuss if you don't have money ... BUT still Thow shall not STEAL lol!

I hope you find out what happened! =(

02-25-2007, 08:45 PM
Not once but TWICE?!?! :eek: Hopefully the police will be able to recover the truck in good working order and soon!

02-25-2007, 08:56 PM
Oh no! :( I hope that you get everything worked out!

02-25-2007, 09:06 PM
Not have your registration papers in your car? <EEK>. Title I can understand, but, registration? Stays with the car.

Good luck recovering the vehicle.

02-25-2007, 09:37 PM
Wow that really sucks. I couldn't imagine what I wouild do if my vehicle were stolen..I wouild go nuts and have a rampage and throw things lol. If they don't find the vehicle, I hope you can replace it without haveing to pay for a new one...does insurance cover stolen vehicles? I hope so. Please keep us updated, I really hope they catch this person.

02-26-2007, 08:40 AM
I'm so sorry. :( :( I hope they find it and catch the jerks.

02-26-2007, 09:33 AM
Keep your fingers crossed. Our 2000 Chevy Cav. was stolen in mid Dec in Ottawa 2006.. It was recovered ummmm 3 weeks ago (I think).. it was in pretty good shape... the engin sucks, but she still works.. they put nearly 30,000 km on it in the 2 months is was missing :eek: We have NO idea how on earth they managed that, but they ended up parking it in Ottawa somewhere & once the parking tickets reached 1900.00 the cops towed it & guess what? They discovered it was our stolen car :rolleyes:

A week or 2 ago (my mind is tired & over stressed so times are super blury right now) our Ford Explorer was stolen.. Luckly it was the police who had stolen it & they appoligized through the teeth & called our bosses to inform them they screwed up caused us not to be able to make it into work.

About your car papers, you need a copy in the car. If you forget to bring it with you its a HUGE fine & something no one wants to deal with. About the garage opener, just turn it off or dissconnect the chain so it cannot be opened by the remote in the truck. Then you have time to save up & garage door put on a different signal so the old remote cannot open the door.

02-26-2007, 11:48 AM
Oh no! That is horrible! Either it's bad Quebec luck, or someone has it for stealing your vehicles. I hope that you can recover your truck and find the idiot who stole it soon.

02-26-2007, 01:59 PM
About your car papers, you need a copy in the car. If you forget to bring it with you its a HUGE fine & something no one wants to deal with. About the garage opener, just turn it off or dissconnect the chain so it cannot be opened by the remote in the truck. Then you have time to save up & garage door put on a different signal so the old remote cannot open the door.

My dad couldn't change the garage door opener, so he's going to fix it ASAP. We need a new one now anyways. :rolleyes:

When he got home we found out he had driven all the way home in down hill ski boots anyone who's skied knows that's no easy task! :eek: Other than their shoes, all his firstaid kits (blankets, gauze, that sorta thing), his cell phone and all the memberships htat were in the glove box... we didn't lose much.

When the dodge durango was stolen we lost a truck-load (I mean... durango load) of CDs. At least this time they were all copies. We lost CDs the 7 other times ( :eek: ) our vehicle was stolen in quebec.

I found out that at the ski hill they were at... ***GET THIS*** one car is stolen every week!!! And they have police patrolling the parking lot during working hours, non-stop. :eek: Apperentally the crooks are so fast (they don't break the windows or anything) that the police rarely catch them.

The cops also told us that there was little point waiting for the vehicle to be found. :( Quebec (montreal in particular) is infamous for stealing cars and having them in pieces within 10 minutes. By the time my dad found the truck was gone, it was probably already in pieces. :(

The cop said that about 90 % of the stolen vehicles end up in pieces within the hour. Also... 98 % of vehicles stolen are 4X4s. Guess there's no need for two-wheel drive in northern Quebec...

02-26-2007, 02:03 PM
Luckily, however (I suppose I should have mentioined this before. :o ) but the vehicle was a lease and less than a year old, so insurance will give us enough for it. Also... it was a company car, so it'll mostly be dad's company paying for it.

Can you believe this? We've lost about 1 vehicle every year in quebec. 7 vehicles in 8 years. :mad: :eek:

Hey GreyhoundGirl... Do one of you take out a ad in the newspaper and tell them you are coming or something?

Maybe you're right!!!

02-26-2007, 02:06 PM
I am so very sorry to hear about this, it must be very scary for you and your family right now, not just the theft but the wondering if they will follow you home! :eek:

I'm not so worried, as an after thought. Because, it was stolen in northern Quebec, and our house is in ontario. I would be more scared if we lived there too, because they probably would have considered it an easy steal. But considering we're baout 3 1/2 hours away, I figure they probably wont come. :) *crosses fingers*

02-26-2007, 02:16 PM
I wonder if the insurance company will tell us to stay out of Québec...? :rolleyes:

02-26-2007, 02:19 PM
Aww, *hugs*. Good thing it didn't hurt you guys too bad-if my car was stolen, I'd be a wreck!

Maybe you need an alarm system? Or a club when you go there?

02-26-2007, 02:21 PM
Haha... I was thinking about getting every part and piece of the truck microchipped...

03-01-2007, 04:02 PM
the garage door unit was replaced yesterday. :)

03-01-2007, 05:57 PM
the garage door unit was replaced yesterday. :)
Thats great! We had someone up here that had the same frequency and we had to change ours too. It was like 1 am the the door opened. Scared me to death.

03-03-2007, 11:37 AM
the garage door unit was replaced yesterday. :)

Thats good to hear :D

Miss Z
03-03-2007, 12:47 PM
Oh no! Some people disgust me :mad:

03-05-2007, 03:33 PM
Uh-oh..thats not good :(