View Full Version : We had our first little incident

02-25-2007, 11:53 AM
Well we had our first little incident last night.

it was our fault and luckily it wasn't too serious.

We had some bone-in chicken breasts (raw of course) for the dogs. We put one in each of their bowls. i didn't think to put them in seperate rooms for this special treat because usually they are fine with sharing everything and it just didn't cross my mind that this would be a coveted treat. Heck I have watched them chew on the same bone at the same time LOL. They always eat out of the same dish even though we try to keep them at their seperate bowls. So this was just silliness on our part. Neither one of them has any food agression for the most part (except for chicken breasts apparently lol)

Anyway they were bugging each other and next thing I know they are full out growling and barking and snarling at each other. It was easily broken up with a firm stomp on the ground and a loud HEY HEY HEY (I was near them) They immediately stopped and went to their seperate corners. I removed the chicken and put them in seperate rooms and let them finish their chicken there.

Belle had a very superficial scratch on her lip which we cleaned and it is fine. Teddy didn't have a scratch but he was the most "hurt" His feelings were VERY hurt.

So we kept on eye on the for the rest of the night but they seemed to be more upset by their spat than we were. About a half an hour of avoiding each other they finally approached one another slowly and started nuzzling and licking each others muzzles. After a while they started playing again and they would both lay down and roll over for the other (taking turns). After that they were inseperable. If one dog went to the "dog room" to sleep the other followed and they slept together for the rest of the day and night (they hardly ever sleep together). They have been very sucky and cuddly with each other since the incident.

Luckily, it was just a lot of yelling and show boating and no REAL fighting, no real biting or anything. of course we will keep an eye on them but I am just amazed at how sad they both were about it and how "apologetic" they seemed with each other. Later today I caught them eating the remnants of dog food out of the same bowl again.... with no issue. I guess it is just the special items they aren't willing to share. Very wierd but I will definately be watching them closer.

02-25-2007, 12:21 PM
Aw its so sweet to know that the doggies felt bad afterwords though, it means they really care for each other. I'm really glad they made up:D

02-25-2007, 12:30 PM
Aww, it sounds like it scared everyone involved. I'm glad they are all better now. They seem like they have already formed a close bond with each other. That is great!! :D

Ginger's Mom
02-25-2007, 03:15 PM
I am glad to hear that everything worked out in the end. And maybe sometimes we need to realize that they really are just dogs with more primal instincts when it comes to things like raw meat (although I can be that way if someone tries to take my mint chocolate chip ice cream ;) ). Sounds like all in all you have a nice set up there and everyone is pretty happy today. :) Extra scritches to Belle and Teddy from me.

02-25-2007, 03:36 PM
I am glad everything is okay now. :) my hound, Buster is very food aggressive and he has made Jenny that way.. Rocky and Ginger eat in my parent's room, they won't bug each other. so we have the dogs eat seperately even for treats as well. I would probably seperate Belle and Teddy when they eat. :)