View Full Version : weight loss stories

02-24-2007, 11:14 PM
Does anyone have a weight loss story? even if ya lost 5 lbs. What did you do to lose the lbs?

I've been working out and watching what I eat the past 3-4 months. I've lost a total of 27 lbs.

Me about 5months ago.-

Me today-

02-24-2007, 11:16 PM
wow you look great! way to go!! :)

02-25-2007, 07:34 AM
You look great! I lost weight too- mostly from surgeries that corrected a problem. However- I just made an effort to watch my sugar intake, and kept an eye on fat.
With some things I did want, instead of opening a bag of pototoe chips, I put a handful on a paper towel. Those types of things can be addictive and mindless eating. Between the surgery, and this- I went from a size 10 to a size 6..

Toby's my baby
02-25-2007, 10:56 AM
Wow! :eek: You look great! I love to see the difference in people when they just eat right and work out, even though all those programs like WW are great, its good to see people doing it the old fashioned way! Keep up the good work!:)

02-25-2007, 11:34 AM
Congrats! You looks great. :D
I lost 35 lbs in 10 months back in 2005. I stayed on a 2,000 calorie a day diet. I was inspired by my doctor writing me a prescription for cholesterol pills. I never did take them, lost the weight and my cholesterol went down. ;) Although I am not thin, I'm much happier and feel better! I eat a lot more 'carefully' now. :D

Laura's Babies
02-25-2007, 03:40 PM
When my son was in the hospital for so long and we lived up there, I ate like a horse all day long but still lost 17 pounds in 7 weeks, just walking around from this place to that place at the hospital.

I have managed to keep it off but when I am working on the boat, I gain 5 to 10 pounds per 28 day trip and loose it the 28 days I am off and I keep working on trying to get a pound or two extra off until I get back to the weight I was 10 years ago.

I eat 3 meals a day on the boat but have cut out almost all the carbs and only eat meat once or twice a week. At home when I am off, I mainly only eat salads, fruits and now and then, meat.

02-25-2007, 04:29 PM
I've lost about fifty pounds...I am struggling to loose about fifteen more...its on and off...I can loose weight whenerver I need to, but sometimes I just want a burger...this month is going to be hardcore watch my weight month though because I have a big dance coming up and I want to look awsome for my boyfriend. :)

The first two are me from 20 pounds ago...digital pics werent around when I was 30 pounds heavier...but maybe I'll scan one later.

The third was at my skinniest...I am between 5 and ten pounds more than that depending on my weekly consumption..

And the last two are average me.

BTW, Congrats opn loosing weight!!! I know how hard it can be :-/. You look great!

02-25-2007, 07:44 PM
Everyone looks awsome,

I loose weight very fast,

In the summer - one week I was 100 then a month later I'm 98 lol.

02-25-2007, 08:55 PM
A lot of people say I've lost weight, and I've really been trying, but I can't see the results in myself. I'll post two pics. The first one is from a little over a year ago and the second one is from about a month ago.

02-26-2007, 10:25 AM
This was me at my heaviest. I'm on the left in the green shirt.

And me now after losing 50 lbs.

I love to see the difference in people when they just eat right and work out, even though all those programs like WW are great, its good to see people doing it the old fashioned way!

I lost weight by doing weight watchers. The thing that I think most people don't understand about it is that it isn't a "diet". It really is just losing weight the old fashioned way, the only difference is that you have a support group. By checking in once a week you are held accountable for making sure you eat right and exercise. There isn't nothing on the program that you can or can't eat, it isn't resctrictive like a diet, instead it teaches you how to eat the food you normally eat but eat them in right amounts. I loved meeting with a group once a week, I think that without them I couldn't have done it. It's been nearly two years and even though I haven't gone to a meeting in over a year and a half I've still kept all the weight off because of what I learned about nutrition.

02-26-2007, 12:42 PM
I found the only way for me to lose weight is to count calories.

I was a 5 foot 2, 98 pounder at high school graduation. I couldn't keep weight on no matter what i did. Two kids and 30 years later, I was up to 167. :eek:

Now I have 3 cups of coffee a day, one hardboiled egg for 10AM break and a Healthy Choice entree for lunch 5 days a week. That's about 450-500 calories. For dinner I can have about 700 calories. I started measuring portions at first; now I can judge pretty much by looking. I drink a lot more water than I used to and drink diet soft drinks. I especially like Wal-Mart's flavored waters--0 calories, some fizz and some taste!

Saturdays I go out to dinner and eat much more than I should. And eat a lot of things I won't eat during the week. I'm much more active on weekends, so I might even stop for a burger. :confused:

It took six months to get down to 138. I lost 2 pants sizes and 2 blouse sizes. My bras don't fit and I had to get all new underwear. I'm in a holding pattern right now due to some winter munchies, but I'm grabbing control again so I can drop another 10 to 15 pounds by summer.

I was happy being overweight, but I couldn't tie my shoes or walk up a fight of stairs without puffing. Now it's not a problem. :D

02-27-2007, 06:28 PM
Wow, everyone looks great! Congratulations! Now hopefully sometime soon I can post my weight loss story. ;)

02-27-2007, 06:35 PM
I went with the Nutrisystem plan.
Started with on Jan 29th at 208.7 pounds, I eat lots and am down to 186.7 as of this morning, so 22 pounds in a month :eek:

I really love the food, I am eating better lots more veggies, but it was hard getting used to eating 5 times a day! I had gotten in the habit of only eating dinner :o . Very bad for the metabolism.... So honestly the first week was a shocker for me LOL I was having a hard time eating all that food!

02-27-2007, 08:28 PM
Wow, what inspiring stories and great before / after pics! :eek:
When I married my hubby 14 years ago, I weighed 98 or 99 lbs. I am 5'1" and I was a bit underweight at the time, but I felt great. I hate to even admit that I am at 187 now. :eek: :rolleyes: :( No wonder I have developed Type II Diabetes in the past few years and high cholesterol, BP, etc.. etc... I have terrible eating habits. I will skip breakfast and lunch, eat a big dinner and then snack all night. HORRIBLE habits! Add to that the fact that I get zero exercise and it is no surprise that I am in the shape that I am. :rolleyes:

HOWEVER, this week I started a healthy lifestyle plan. I joined a website provided by my diabetes meter company, and now have a food and exercise plan for every day of the week. So far, I have done very well .... been on it for 3 days now. As much as I need to and want to lose about 60-65 pounds, my first goal is to just get healthier. I want to eat healthier, get more exercise, more energy and FEEL better! Please, anyone who could say a prayer for me, that I will really stick to it THIS time, I would really appreciate it!
