View Full Version : Needing Help With Daisy

02-24-2007, 09:32 PM
I live out in the country and i dont keep my boxer inside, she has a lot more room outside in my yard which has a chain link fence around it. So i had a lot built just for her so that of the night and while the kids are playing we can put her up. the lot is 40 ft x 10 ft. My problem is that when i put her up today she was climbing out the so i put some fence over the top of it, so i went 4 wheeling with my brother in law and when i came home there she was out in the yard. I cant seem to find anyway to keep her up i bought a nylon rope made a runner for her and put a collar on her well i came in, i didnt watch her for a minute and what do u know she was out. im afraid to put the collar on to tight, how do i know when it its to tight, and does anyone know any ways to keep her up i have fit with her all day. Any advice on either way would really be appreciated. Also i have got it fixed so that she cant get out of the top and now she gets out the bottom and when i put the runner on she jerks the collar off and comes on under the fence.

02-24-2007, 09:37 PM
Hmm, a tired pup is a good pup - any way to get her more exercise during the times when you are home, so she doesn't have the energy to escape when you're at work? Is your little boy big enough to play fetch with her? (If she likes to play fetch - our Gracie never did "get" fetch.) I know he's probably too little to take her for long walks every day by himself ...

If she's a digger, you may end up having to fill along the fence with concrete or something else "undiggable" ...

Many boxer folk I know use a harness instead of a collar - much harder for them to slip out of.

How old is Daisy these days? Any new pictures?

02-25-2007, 11:28 PM
Why can't she play with the kids when they are in the yard? Remember, dogs are social animals. Keeping a dog separated from family is actually mentally cruel for the dog. How much interaction time does the dog get (one=on-one) with family members? BTW, I'm not trying to sound accuastory.

As for the nylon rope and collar, I'd recommend not using it. I've known so many dogs who hung themselves in ways their owners never dreamed could happen. Also, tying a dog out actually has been proven to increase aggressions in dogs. You'll need to figure out how she's getting out of the fenced area and fix that...not use a tie out.

You might consider videotaping her in her run to find out where she's escaping, and then stopping up the escape route. Once dogs learn how to escape, it will take a very creative human to keep them in!