View Full Version : True story- my 5 year old and the teacher..

02-24-2007, 06:45 PM
My daughter was 5 and started kindergarden at the time. ( obviously few years ago.. lol.. ) Keep in mind- she had dogs her whole life from day one..
Anyway- The teacher was showing pictures of animals etc, and asking the children what they were. She came to a picture of a "dog". My daughter- raised her hand- the teacher asked her what the picture was and my daughter told her " Looks like a bitch to me"... The teacher got upset, and I got a call from the teacher to come to the school.. The principal was there, and the teacher- but I was rather mad they woke me up to come down to the school. I had a photo album of my dogs and a dog book in the car. They told me my daughter called the teacher a "bitch".
I walked into the office- and here is my poor little daughter, looking scared to death sitting there. We walked into the office and I opened the book. I said " Jesse- what is this? " She said " its a dog" ( it was a male), I turned the page and said " Jesse what is this??" ( it was a female) She said " its a bitch"... I looked at the teacher and said " CASE CLOSED..."...
GOT ANY funny kids and dog stories?

02-24-2007, 06:50 PM
haha well I caught my 3 yr old son eating out of the dog food dish before, he also picked up dog poo and thought they were rocks and showed me how cool they look and unique comepared to the other rocks he was collecting until I was like EWWW throw that down thats doggy poo and washed his hands, its not something really funny or anything but at the time it made me laugh... he says alot of funny things about our dogs that makes me laugh I just cant think of any right now.

02-24-2007, 06:53 PM
LOL, thats funny. :D

It's a pity people are too quick to use the proper term for a female dog as an insult on female human beings...especially as a lot of these female human beings would be a total insult on any real canine bitch. Non dog people seem to forget that the proper meaning for bitch is a female dog rather than an insult towards other people.

What did the teachers say once you had demonstrated that your daughter was referring to the gender of the dog rather than insulting the teacher? I want gory little details, lol. I love it when people have their bonfires peed on, haha.

02-24-2007, 07:02 PM
LOL, thats funny. :D

It's a pity people are too quick to use the proper term for a female dog as an insult on female human beings...especially as a lot of these female human beings would be a total insult on any real canine bitch. Non dog people seem to forget that the proper meaning for bitch is a female dog rather than an insult towards other people.

What did the teachers say once you had demonstrated that your daughter was referring to the gender of the dog rather than insulting the teacher? I want gory little details, lol. I love it when people have their bonfires peed on, haha.
I got a dumbfounded look from the teacher, and the principal started to smile then giggle.. lollllllll.. The teacher said " oh- I had no idea.." I said " well obviously- but she DOES have THE idea..." lol. And we both left- laughing both of us out to the car.. What can you say- she was right!

02-24-2007, 07:05 PM
Haha, I give you and your daugher a virtual High Five!:D

02-24-2007, 07:07 PM
Haha, I give you and your daugher a virtual High Five!:D
Later that month- Jesse was tested and she placed in uh second grade you idiot teacher. ( She started reading by 4 .. uhhhhhhhhhhh I guess so..)

02-24-2007, 07:10 PM
Later that month- Jesse was tested and she placed in uh second grade you idiot teacher. ( She started reading by 4 .. uhhhhhhhhhhh I guess so..)

Now that one deserves a high Ten!:D Your daughter sounds like a very bright one, you have done a great job raising your child:D You must be so proud of her. And she is so lucky to have Borzoi's in the house:p

02-24-2007, 07:13 PM
Now that one deserves a high Ten!:D Your daughter sounds like a very bright one, you have done a great job raising your child:D You must be so proud of her. And she is so lucky to have Borzoi's in the house:p
My daugher is now 21 .. has a papillion " dog", two chinchillas, and a large take of fish.. lol....

02-24-2007, 07:16 PM
My daugher is now 21 .. has a papillion " dog", two chinchillas, and a large take of fish.. lol....

Oh lol..I"m sorry. :o

02-24-2007, 07:26 PM
Oh lol..I"m sorry. :o
Oh she is fine.. lol...

02-24-2007, 07:45 PM
What??? No bitches in her life?...lol...

02-24-2007, 07:52 PM
What??? No bitches in her life?...lol...
ROFL.. Not yet.. lol..

02-24-2007, 08:40 PM
We were at a friends house once when my son was about four years old and he was playing with their intact male dachshund. The dog rolls over on its back and my son says, LOUDLY, of course ... "Mom! Do you see that! This dog still has his testicles! He's not neutered!!!" Perhaps a sign that you have drug your child to one too many shelters, rescues and adoption events, eh?

02-24-2007, 08:47 PM
We were at a friends house once when my son was about four years old and he was playing with their intact male dachshund. The dog rolls over on its back and my son says, LOUDLY, of course ... "Mom! Do you see that! This dog still has his testicles! He's not neutered!!!" Perhaps a sign that you have drug your child to one too many shelters, rescues and adoption events, eh?

Suki Wingy
02-24-2007, 11:11 PM
that's great! :D My sister is 4 but she's not that good. (She can read but gets bored of the dogs quickly) I did try and condition my other sister from a young age on the difference between a Jaguar, leopard, and cheetah. It didn't work, but my brother got it without any help! Cheetahs are his favorite wild animal. (We share our father, and my sisters share my mother, so that's probably why!)

02-25-2007, 02:54 PM
Lollllllll! :d

02-25-2007, 07:42 PM
anyone uh else.. uh applesmom.. etc..????

02-25-2007, 08:00 PM
Well there's this one which is a repeat from the bitch thread.

It's a good thing I didn't have anything in my mouth when I read that. It would be all over my keyboard by now.

One long ago Monday morning, my granddaughter took a huge purple and gold rosette to school with her for show and tell. None of her friends had ever brought anything quite like it. Bursting with excitement and eager to share the news, she blurted out; "My grandmas Bitch won Best of Breed yesterday"!

The room fell into a dead silence as all the little first graders tried to stifle their giggles behind their little red cheeks. The inventive teacher took advantage of the situation and turned it into a discussion on the proper terms for different sexes of various animals and their proper usage. If that happened today, the child would probably be marched to the principals office and suspended!

02-25-2007, 08:25 PM
Then there's this one. Obviously our involvement in dogs was a huge family thing. Just about every weekend we were at some kind of dog event. ;)

Another time the same granddaughter took it upon herself to give her now fascinated classmates a lesson in what goes on in the show ring. She made it fine through explaining the judge; the significance of the classes, checking in with the steward, getting the armbands, lining up outside the ring and protocol for entering the ring.

But when it came time to explain "the handler stacks the dog and the judge goes over it" she ran into lots of giggles and questions such as; "you mean the dogs are stacked on top of each other; don't they get mad; does it hurt them?" She finally gave up in disgust as couldn't make them understand.

After school a gaggle of little girls showed up at our house for a private demonstration on "stacking and going over". The next morning she insisted on taking a "stacked" photo to school to finish her lesson with those who hadn't followed her home the day before.

02-26-2007, 12:22 PM
We were at a friends house once when my son was about four years old and he was playing with their intact male dachshund. The dog rolls over on its back and my son says, LOUDLY, of course ... "Mom! Do you see that! This dog still has his testicles! He's not neutered!!!" Perhaps a sign that you have drug your child to one too many shelters, rescues and adoption events, eh?

LOL!! That's Great!!!

Suki Wingy
02-26-2007, 02:04 PM
Then there's this one. Obviously our involvement in dogs was a huge family thing. Just about every weekend we were at some kind of dog event. ;)

Another time the same granddaughter took it upon herself to give her now fascinated classmates a lesson in what goes on in the show ring. She made it fine through explaining the judge; the significance of the classes, checking in with the steward, getting the armbands, lining up outside the ring and protocol for entering the ring.

But when it came time to explain "the handler stacks the dog and the judge goes over it" she ran into lots of giggles and questions such as; "you mean the dogs are stacked on top of each other; don't they get mad; does it hurt them?" She finally gave up in disgust as couldn't make them understand.

After school a gaggle of little girls showed up at our house for a private demonstration on "stacking and going over". The next morning she insisted on taking a "stacked" photo to school to finish her lesson with those who hadn't followed her home the day before.
That's why I'm always beat out by 13 year olds in the junior judging copetition! :) Now, at 17, I'm just convincing my mom to create a list of questions to ask a breeder/handler about what is involved with signing on to co- own a dog for junior handling.

02-26-2007, 02:48 PM
The contract and agreement will depend on the owner and what is expected.

We co-owned a young dog with a Junior Handler (a friend of our daughter) and it worked out great for everyone concerned. We had no written contract, which could have been a mistake but it turned out just fine. The dog lived with us at first and when she and her parents went to out of town shows she took him with her. She showed him in both JH and the breed ring and she was the one that put most of his championship points on him.

By the time she'd outgrown JH and he was finished, they'd forged such a bond that we couldn't bear to take him away from her. As a result we gave him to her and they went on to make their mark in the obedience ring too. He spent the rest of his life with her even after she'd married and had kids.

She showed many other dogs for other people for a little while after that and did quite well. She didn't get into professional handling even though she could have. She chose to devote herself to becoming a special ed teacher instead.

02-26-2007, 02:53 PM
:D Gotta love her! :D ROFLMAO!!! everytime I hear that story (I've heard it about 10 times on gably :D )