View Full Version : Nemo Question??

critter crazy
02-24-2007, 10:54 AM
Nemo thinking that he is a dog, constantly pushes his doggie sister nad broter out of the way, and steals their food. My only concern about this, is they get fed Cottage cheese with their food. Will this bother Nemo?? My mIL is great about getting him away, as soon as she catches him, but still he gets some. I know milk is bad for cats, and since cottage Cheese is made from milk, I would assume it is just as bad?? I just want to make sure he is not gonna get sick. Should she lockhim in a room during feeding time?? Thanks in advance for your help!

02-24-2007, 01:05 PM
Cottage cheese is fine for the kitty ... but I wouldn't advise giving to him regularly! It is often used to help with diarrhea ... so we wouldn't want to constipate him! ;)

02-24-2007, 06:25 PM
Actually Quite A Few Of The Found Cats Especially Scrappy 2 Love Cheese , So I Would Think A Bit Of Cottage Cheese Would Do Nemo No Harm At All.
I Think The Found Cats Would Like A Bit Of Cottage Cheese Too.

02-25-2007, 12:08 AM
A little bit of cottage cheese occasionally shouldn't hurt much, just keep an eye on the cat to make sure he doesn't get upset tummy from it.

It would probably be best in the long run to feed the cat in another room, as regular helpings of cottage cheese isn't good, and dog food is too low in protien for cats.

Animals getting into another animal's food bowl (even if they have the same thing in it) reminds me of my favorite saying around the house here...

If it's in someone else's bowl it MUST be better! (aka the grass is always greener theory). ROFL

smokey the elder
02-25-2007, 07:09 AM
My cats only like prescription food if it's in someone else's bowl! :p